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September 12

1978 - Tuesday - 68° at 7 AM. Mostly cloudy morning Rain at 3:15 pm - .75/100
Wes adjusted height of Jacobsen mowers - couple of trials before correct - mowed lawn - was raking big lawn when rain started. I cleaned house - telephone transferred from Livingroom to bedroom - new red phone in [[?]] - Apex (Mr. Parone measured [[?]] guestroom and two bedroom windows for combination storm / screen

1979 - Wednesday - 40° at 6:15 - Clear & Beautiful day Wes had hour in shop. I planted Miniature Cyclamen seeds and Aquilegia. Went to 10 o'clock Garden Board meeting at Joan Minat's  - bought corn ([[?]] out not to be cracked, but ducks ate it) groceries & liquor. Home to cut side terrace - outside fence - behind veg garden. Murray delivered load of fill - Wes started packing some over white birch [[?]]ps roots that had upended

1980 - Friday - 50° at 6:30 - Cloudy - cleared in afternoon - no hope for showers.. Met Barry Finch at 9 o'clock and walked the 14 acres along Canterbury Lane. Not very good land. Played golf 11:30 - 1:30. After lunch and nap shopped for duck corn - groceries at Basics - gasohol in Bethel $1.35 a gal - bank. Barry Finch here at 5:30 to look at our place - left books on solar home.

1981 - Saturday - 56° at 7AM - Cloudy - cleared to warm sunny day. 80°. Thunderstorms in evening short but welcome as had put grass seed on [[?]] 
To Brunette for meat & few vegetables. papers to reclamation. Brookfield Lamp Shop to pick up Hook & Ladder and Railway Lamps. Unpacked beeds and Delph. Did a wash. Cut grass - then put on seed Painted mailbox Nuthatches followed birdfeeder - good to see them.

1982 - Sunday - 56° @ 7AM Clear Warm day. Wes at home with Miss Boo. To 8AM Mass. Watered all plants and garden. Need rain. Guy & Eileen landed Shannon 8:15AM local time - at Dublin about 10 - Met by Mike.  CIE representative - to Berkley Court Hotel - nap - then walked around area - St. Mary's Church Haddington Road for 6 PM Mass. Did more walking admiring house doors and flowers. Irish Whiskey in lobby lounge.

September 13

1978 - Wednesday - 50° at 7AM - Partly Cloudy. Mallards flew when I put out corn - came back later
Wes worked on north side of garage - sanding - under [[?]]burg.
Played golf 11 - 1 - enjoyed it - beautiful on the course. Mowed back and side - lawnboy broke down - no oil.

1979 - Thursday - 50° at 5:45. Up early because Pat is coming to clean. Very foggy - sun out after 9 o'clock - a beautiful day. Wes had a shop hour. I wrote letters, made blueberry muffins and date - nut bread for Kelly tomorrow. Wes spread fill over birch [[?]]ps at [[?]] and put stone on water in front of there - crushed his finger. I dug potatoes - a lot of good looking ones. Wes cut front lawn. Helen & Alex brought Alex' youngest brother Ken and wife Helen for a drink at five o'clock.

1980 - Saturday - 56° at 6:30 - Cloudy - Green Heron around pond. Wes fed little family - growing big but they don't fly - one did fly from bridge later in day. Joe Toller worked in morning - spread wood chips on blueberries - filled home made by big limbs falling. Wes picked blueberries from old bushes. He took paint from garage door frames. I primed them - also sanded frames. Picked vegetables. To Brody's 45th Wedding Anniversary Dinner at Purchase Country Club at 7pm. Home 12:15

1981 - Sunday - 54° at 6:30.  Fair and warm - breezy. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Wes worked on accounts - has all [[?]] in budget books. I prepared for Eileen's visit here at noon. Moved furniture - arranged pictures, sconces, etc. She took our's and Ross's order for bulbs to send to Dutch Gardens. 

1982 Monday - 62° at 7A Foggy - cleared at noon. Took me (Wes) 'till 11 AM to do house work and water plants. Worked in shop 'till noon. After nap finished north wall off deck with backfill. Sunny humid afternoon. Watered gardens Cooking still a tim [[strikethrough]] m [[/strikethrough]] ing mystery.
B in Dublin - tour of St Patrick's Cathedral - Trinity College - National Gallery - lunch there - walked around St. Stephens Park - O'Connell St - Abbey Theatre for Shaw's Arms & Man.