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October 20

1978 - Friday - 40° at 7 AM - clear - white domestics got me again! To Mass. Did wash. To Jule's at 10 am for coffee. Took daylilies to Ghee’s - walked back for church sale - I bought back the coffeecake - transplanted astilbe near laurel across big bridge - raked some leaves - to bank - Stop & Shop - liquor store - to Walpole re wood shed - Wes to Marcus for ice cream

1979 - Saturday - 56° at 6 AM - Fair - Indian Summer day after early cloudiness. To Mass Planted Crocus - M[[?]]care - Golanthus at Rectory. Joe [[?]]aller worked 5 hours - cleaned back [[?]] raked leaves and pine needles. Wes [[?]]red Jacob[[?]] and cut grass. I fertilized garden below wall - transplanted Gizele's bleeding heart - then raked leaves - Picked up Pr[[?]] Spring schedule from Joan Minor - Made copies - picked  up cleaning - shopped groceries.

1980 - Monday - 34° at 6 AM - Fair and cool - breezy. Shop hour. Called Bed[[?]] - No ac[[?]] - Phoned Crehan - OK to go ahead but need survey - Fred Grouse brought additional maps. Did a wash - Checked linen and polished silver for luncheon Sunday. To Ridgebury Garden Club program on Christmas Decorations 1 - 3  Ricky here to see artificial Christmas Tree and told about decorations. Put terrace pots in cellar

1981 - Tuesday - 34° at 6 AM - Warmer in sun - breezy and cool P.M. To 8 o'clock Mass. Mike painted door - finish outside - first coat inside
Wes picked up wallpaper sample and fabrics from Country Design for [[?]] - Chagall print from Frame Shop - left Bet's pictures for showing - and George Sottring's - Home for lunch - Two men (Jack Masterson) working on greenhouse - Picked up hoses - Started on phase of wall garden 

1982 - Wednesday - 42° at 6 AM - Fair, warm day
I went with Gizela to Bloomingdale's Stamford. Bought undershirts for Wes - socks for me - night light for Powder Room - We had lunch there. Wes went to Basie's and Marcus and finished the vegetable beds - brought down soil to grade around - looks great. I watered hemlocks and leucothoe on south side & plants in shade garden - transplanted two Hostas from Wood Knoll to the garden - WFF delivered lilac.
Cardinals won World Series

October 21 

1978 - Saturday - 30° at 7 AM - Clear beautiful morning. White ducks came in over fence - Wes chased them. To Woodcock for 8 bags (50 lbs) Sunflower seed. 1/50 and 1/25 lb wildbird seed and 12 lbs thistle seed - 50 lbs Sunflower and 25 seed are for Roses - We made two trips - Stopping in Ridgefield to shop - After lunch Wes cleaned terrace and I prepared dinner (beef filet - scalloped potatoes - carrot salad - squash and peapods) for Varga and Castles here at 6 pm. Vargas going to Bermuda Weds. - we showed our Bermuda slides. 

1979 - Sunday - 62° at 6:30 - After morning cloudiness, a very warm (78°) fair day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Prepared dinner. Wes in shop. Lunch on terrace.
Wes tried to adjust Jacobson - more mower low - no luck. I dug hole in perennial for lilies expected this fall. Trimmed and cultivated there. Picked strawberries and lettuce. Ross's here at 5:30 - Alex agreed with our salesman for dining room chairs. He returns to Rochester tomorrow.

1980 - Tuesday - 43° at 6 AM - Off and on cloudy - a few sprinkles not measurable - clear at night - To Mass
Wes dropped me at Ballard Greenhouse for Cone Wreath Workshop then he went to Dr Yanity for plate repairs - will get permanent denture with 3 teeth - he took Bogas Road maps given by Freddy Grouse to Crehan - will save the survey or fees - bought wine for Sunday's lunch - card for Mark Sattler who is in hospital - Indoor work in afternoon - polished brass - cleaned refrigerator. Phillies won World Series.

1981 - Wednesday - 44° at 6 AM - Fair warm and beautiful day - color is lovely. Went to Tarry town to help Eileen move furniture around - She gave us lunch
Left at 2:45 for [[?]] [[?]] Hospital - saw Breck Cornell who had hip ball replacement. After shop at Marcies home at 4:55 - in time to give Greenhouse [[?]]ballers the third payment - they worked until 7 o'clock - Saw "Two Days at Weasel Creek" on TV - cute.

1982 - Thursday - 57° at 6:30 - Dark - Shower during night - only 11 but welcome - need much more. Became a beautiful day. Wes dropped me at Greenhouse (Ballard) to work until 12; he went to see George Washburn's shop and engines in Weldon - returning for me at noon. Lunch & nap. Planted lilac at front driveway - Cut South grass. Wes brought sod from lilac hole to grade off vegetable boxes. Walked up to see test holes at Fred Grouse's property.