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November 15
1978 - Wednesday - 41° at 6AM - Watched ducks land at breakfast time and had to chase whities later! Put den mattress out in sun. Wes continued work on new woodshed - dug hole for johnny - took down old outhouse and started dismantling old shed. 
I prepared dinner for MQ and Jule, here at 5PM. Also raked leaves around pinoak and put them on blueberries. Pruned old blueberry bushes - painted pump tank green.

1979 - Thursday 22° at 6AM - Clear - Saw sun for first time in over a week. Cold and windy. Wes checked on car antifreeze - all set at factory.
Took ivy from window box - planted it & took it to cellar table. Also put asparagus Meyeri there. Split spider plant - will take one half to Greenhouse tomorrow. Met Carol Coggeshall at Satchawan and walked to their property - house framed and roofed. Con Edison charging truck  for service - Saw three Bluebirds.

1980 - Saturday - 32° at 6AM. Cloudy - some sun in morning - cold.
Prepared for visit at 10 AM by Freemans and [[??]] Susan - here an hour looking over the house and grounds - liked the place and want to buy.
Rest of day indoor work - in shop and I sewed pockets. Pat Coller had another stroke.

1981 - Sunday - 44° at 6AM - Cloudy - light rain (1/4 inch) To 8 o'clock Mass. Prepared for house blessing. Cooked - cleaned - set tables - Wes spread rest of gravel. Split wood - Set up fires.
Father Tighe came at 4:45. Rosses - Lucienne, Mannions and Vargas at 5. Father blessed house and guests. We had cocktails and dinner. Successful evening. To bed at 11:30. Vargas brought album house pictures.

1982 - Monday - 38° at 6:30. Cloudy - only .06 in rain gauge. Cleared to fair  winter day. Cold wind not outdoor day.
I left at 8:45 for Ridgefield bank. Shopped Bedrents for more Hollytone - no luck at Squash's for notepaper or 83 calendar sheets. To Hawsie Nash's for Horticulture meeting on Sept. flower show - home at 12:00 for lunch - nap. We shopped Basics. Wes had haircut - did a wash. Microwaved apples - fire for dinner.

November 16

1978 - Thursday - 37° at 7 AM - Had light rain overnight - cleared to a beautiful sunny day. Pat here to clean. Wes continued dismantling the old shed - finished it. Left old woodshed standing for time being. I polished brass - shopped for groceries - Caldors for muffin tin and contact for freezer - covered door.
To Mary Luke's at 5:30 for a drink - picked up Ruth Sharp.

1979 - Friday - 40° at 6 AM - Rain during night. White ducks on bank - Must spend night now. Lots of Mallards. To 7:30 Mass.
I picked up Gizella & Evelyn Leeman & went to Team Center. Jean Safford gave demonstration of Thanksgiving fruit & flower arrangements. Gizella & Alice Castle visited Alice's mother in hospital. Wes & I to Bethel for corn - stationery - groceries - jeans for Wes. Too cold and windy for outdoor work. Jule returned from Canada - MQ in Presbyterian Hospital.

1980 - Sunday. 32° at 6 AM. Fair beautiful day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Relaxed in morning - papers - Wes drawing house plans. Ross'es here at 12:30. Hartcorns after one o'clock. Drink and drove to The Arch for luncheon - pleasant afternoon. Showed Alex and Helen the Bogus property - too dark to see much. Saw 4th episode of Pride & Prejudice.

1981 - Monday - 48° at 6:30 - Slept late - Cloudy. Some very light rain. Relaxing day after house blessing. Wes dug trench for walk lights wire - finished first loop. Split wood. I filled holes in woodwork - painted spots with white paint. Washed napkins - tablecloth. With Gizella went to Henry Dick for talk on Oriental rugs. Ed Kurelski started laying tiles in Greenhouse. Bit phoned re Thanksgiving - Kelly had called Sunday.

1982 - Tuesday - 26° at 6:15 - Clear - 50° in Solar with kitchen door open. To Mass. Sunny cold day.
I went to GCA Headquarters 598 Madison Ave with Garden Club - by bus - 9:30 - 5 pm - had 1 1/2 hours window shopping - Tiffany's - Bonwits - Nelson Rockefeller Collection - Kouros Gallery.
Wes had snow tires put on - car door squeak fixed. bought new wooden knob for laundry door - split wood. Worked in shop - put away hose in crawl space.
Columbia Shuttle's Fifth Flight landed safely.