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December 9

1978- Saturday- 42° at 6 am. Raining most of day. Turned to snow flurries at night. To 7:30 Mass. Wes took cutter to Tibor for exchange - bought corn at Agway and Christmas stamps. I glued felt Christmas banner and painted crib figures - didn't come out like ones Alex did. Wes worked in shop I hemmed napkins for Singletons - listened to Carmen. We wrote 20 more Christmas cards.

1979- Sunday- 24° at 7 AM. Clear, cold day. Afternoon dull. Overcast. Looked like snow. 
Tried 11:30 Mass - didn’t like it- too crowded and noisy.
After lunch outside to pick up loads of small branches - down in yesterdays wind - raked under willows. 
Picked up Gizela & Tibor at 5 pm - on to Ross for cocktail - neighbors there.

1980- Tuesday- 40° at 5:45. Mild morning. Becoming cloudy and damp. Rain in evening. 
To Mass. Made Swedish meatballs - had them for dinner. Wes said a success. To Evergreen Wreath workshop. 10/12:30 - to Ricky Harrison to finish the Christmas tree and complete entry cards for Flower Show. Home at 4 pm. Wes worked in shop - chased 3 geese - put chains on tractor. Put plants on ground at shed.

1981- Wednesday- 26° at 6:30. Snowing lightly all day - cold - no accumulation. Grandfather clock pendulum broken will have to call Mr. Corrie. Wrote a few more Christmas Cards. Helen Lambert wrote her husband & brother Jim died. Father Phil has bad heart. To Waterworks for another towel ring - not in stock - will order - picked up glass for Greenhouse table. Wes split wood - had shop hour. Cut off rug for runner at stairs. 

1982 - Thursday - 39° at 6:15. Dark but we watched beautiful sunrise. Cold, fair, windy. First winter day in weeks. To Mass. Made rum balls.
With Gizela left at 11 o'clock for Keeler Tavern luncheon - met Lucienne and Terry Keller there. Helen & Alex in NYC. House at 1:15. Wes had worked in shop. Started to put up lamp over plants in kitchen - will have to extend wire. 
We went to Bethel welding shop - Wes’ boiler not ready. To Stecks for small tree and branches - too cold and windy to look for big tree. I broke a back tooth at dinnertime.

December 10

1978- Sunday- 20° at 6 AM. Cold, windy day but lovely sunshine. Ponds, which had filled after rain, down again and refreezing. Ducks landing on ice and on bank. To 8 AM Mass in Lucienne and John Hartcorn’s home - Father Tighe - breakfast afterward. 
Hung Christmas banner over mantel. I broke St. Joseph when carrying crib figures to mantel - glued it together. 
Finished Singleton napkins and wrapped mats & napkins. Wes worked in shop. To MQ and Jule’s for dinner at 5 pm.

1979- Monday- 34° at 5:45 - a beautiful winter day. To 7:30 Mass.
I picked up Evelyn Leeman and went to Wreath Making workshop at Teen Center - left another sixpack of cucumber Tiny Tim at Greenhouse. Home at 10:30 with wreath & evergreen branches. After lunch to Meeker to buy plunger for stopped kitchen sink drain - deposited dividend checks. Wrote a few more Christmas cards.

1980 - Wednesday - 32° at 6 am. Electricity off two hours at 2:20 AM - glad it came back. Many mallards about 30 - the last white duck still around. Wes had shop hour. I prepared plants and pots for Flower Show. To Danbury at 11 o'clock - copies made of Entry Blanks for show - phoned Pat Caller - said going home tomorrow so visit next week. Home to find freezer not working - GE Service said can’t be repaired. Alice Castle took some food - stuffed one upright. Wrote 30 more Christmas cards.

1981 - Thursday - 26° at 6 AM. Fair, cold winter day, windy. To Mass. I shopped Bessels (no luck on Alo-Lipshield). Brunetti, Bedrent’s, Ballard Workshop on Christmas Decorations given by Bobbie Longmire - met Helen Terry and Lucienne for lunch at Keeler Tavern. Home at 2 pm. Joan Mannion finished papering our bath. Wes split wood - had time in shop.  President Reagan suggested people leave Libya.

1982- Friday- 12° at 6:30. Cloudy - 42° in solar. Closed door and put heater on. Sun 7:11-4:30. Cold cloudy day - light snow at night.

Wes picked up his steam boiler from the Bethel Welder. We left at 11 o'clock for Cornells in Pleasantville. Mary Farrington and Mary Sells there - pleasant afternoon - home at 4:30 - Chased two deer from  Vargas on return - hope to keep them away from here.