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December 17

1978 - Sunday - 37° at 7 AM  - Clear - lots of ducks for corn - flew away when Wes put some out - We watched marvelous displays of flying - came in later. High winds all day - many small branches blown down. Wes polished brass on another door of secretary
I finished wrapping Christmas presents and the holiday mats for Jule's birthday. Brought up table from cellar to start replacing plants for Christmas tree. 

1979 - Monday - 27° at 6 AM  - High wind 
Sun 7:14 - 4:29 - Temperature fell all day - 18° at dinner time - high winds made it very uncomfortable. After house and hobby chores, to Bethel for corn - post office for Jule's packages - we stopped by and left her birthday present after Mass - Wes picked up material from Tibos - bought big wreath from Covered Bridge - More angles for greenhouse cover - decorated & hung wreath at front entrance - Nurnberg was to pick up diningroom chair seats but never came. 

1980 - Wednesday - 16° at 6 AM. Sun 7:17 - 4:31 Hobbies and house chores early - then to Ridgefield - Copies of medical payment notices made at Library - then mailed - took ships bell clock to Horologist - Minute hand caught by striker - immediate repair - sold Wes' gold denture for $48 - Bought cut glass perfume bottle - picked up slippers for Mary's Christmas - home for lunch - 9 duck flew in at 3 pm for corn. 

1981 - Thursday -  25° at 6:30. Clear - No Mass as Father taking boys choir to Ryetown Hilton to sing
Clouded up before noon - light snow until dark. Howard and Jimmy put up lamps in front of garage - look good. Wes split wood. Put another string of lights on Christmas tree. To Marcus for milk and Wickes for clear electric bulbs for garage lights. I made more cookies. Wes had short time in shop. 

1982 - Friday - 32° at 7 AM  - Cloudy. Good to sleep late. Sun 7:16 - 4:32. Became sunny later - Cold but clear day.
I went to bank and Basics. Wes split wood. I cut off a few small trees behind wood pile. Put salt hay on couple plants at top of wall garden - picked up leaves
To Mary Luke's at 6 pm - Met Ruth Sunley & husband of Ned's Mtn. Road. 

December 18 

1978 - Monday - 24° at 5:45 - Wind continued high all day - Very cold - out only to feed birds - pick up sticks To Mass. Wes finished polishing brass of secretary. I polished the two key rosettes that cant be removed. Made two Christmas wreaths. Apex returned screen door (side terrace) UPS delivered collect the splash guard for Kitchenaid. Wes ordered two metal trays for plant tables - he went to drugstore - 

1979 - Tuesday - 16° at 6:15 - Fair Raccoon took all the doughnuts - popcorn and the peanut butter stuffed orange from the Bird Tree - we thought it was too cold for him to come out! First morning ducks didn't fly in - came at noon - about 6. I cleared living room for Christmas tree - Wes had shop hour and worked on "greenhouse" cover. Out only to fill feeders. Mr Nurnberg finally came to take dining room seats, Threw out old vacation booklets 

1980 - Thursday - 7° at 6 AM  - Dark and cold at breakfast time - beautiful winter day later - To Mass. Hobby hour - some Christmas decorating - put roping on lamp - too cold to do window. Part of house cleaned. To Bethel for Barqello purse finished for Mrs Singleton. Mailed it to her. Groceries at Basics - Aquavit for meatballs from liquor store there - Bought birdfood at Agway

1981 - Friday - 32° at 6:30 - Dark - cloudy cold day - no sun at all. Jimmy disconnected fan from light switch in Powder Room and installed switch in ceiling fan.
To Meekers - Drugstore - left Wes green jacket at Tailor to renew lining - shopped Basics - bananas 37¢ - bought gasoline. 
To Battery[[?]] at 5[[?]] pm - picked up Billie - Christmas Party 
Home at 7:30.

1982 - Saturday - 15° at 7 AM - Fair cold day - 25° all day even at night.
Fixed evergreen centerpiece for table. Wes made wood holder for little Christmas tree - stood it in pot in sand - put on lights and some ornaments
House cleaning and washing day.
To Penitential Service at 4 pm - Not many people there