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January 10

1983 - Monday 28° at 6:30 Sun 7:22-4:50. Light dusting of snow overnight. Misty rain in morning - cloudy PM. - temperature rose to 48° at night and there was a thunderstorm. 
House chores - hobbies 
To Roberto to pick up "Badminton" engraving - look over furniture again 
First of "Nicholas Nickelby" on TV

1984 - Tuesday. 32° at 6:30. Overslept. Sun 7:20-4:47 To Mass. Cloudy dreary - rain in afternoon turned to snow 
To Motor Vehicle Bureau to renew Wes' drivers license - Nice picture! Split wood - Put salt hay on dwarf rhododendrons. Lunch - nap - made bran English muffins - not good. To Danbury to pick up typewriter  - bought brass planter for mantel greens - it leaks so put pottery one inside and it looks good. To bank.

1985 - Thursday - 12° at 6 AM - Clear very early. Then cloudy after Mass. Sun 7:20-4:48. Cloudy cold day but wind not as bad as yesterday. I worked at the Greenhouse in the morning, shopping Brunetti afterwards - Home for lunch - made soup. Went to Sylvia Barry's sale - bought a blouse. Wes in shop - finished screwing the beading to the top of the tender - has to clean off the solder. Saw first installment of "Preying Mantis", a creepy mystery

1986 - Friday - 30° at 7 AM - Cloudy. Sun 7:22-4:45 not to be as cold but damp and dreary. I went to Sylvia Barry's sale - bought blouse and shirt-waist dress. Home to walk with Wes up Ned Mountain Road - early lunch & nap. I went for haircut - looked at wallpaper at Colby's for our bathroom - bought meat at Brunetti - sweater vests at Talbots - 
Wes had worked on pocket door - no luck - split wood - set up fire - Put remaining band on luggage rack - worked on crossword.

1987 - Saturday. 32° at 7 AM. Snowing - darn. Sun 7:20-4:47. Left for Tarrytown at 9:30 - not too bad a trip - lot of snow in places - rainy in Tarrytown - To Alters for bread - to Eileen's - Vera drove to Metropolitan Opera - there at 11:30 before doors opened - lunch in Grand Tier Restaurant - Rigoletto -  Mariella Devia, Soprano Sherrill Milnes - enjoyed it - to Opera News in List Hall - Reached Eileen's at 6:10 - mist - phoned Rosses to inquire about weather - left for home - came through rain upper 684 & fog on McKeon's Hill, but home at 7:20 - glad to be in after an enjoyable day despite the weather.

January 11

1983 Tuesday - 54° at 6:15 - Sun 7:21-4:51. To Mass. Beautiful day - mild. Evidently heavy rain last night - we didn't hear it - no damage here but some washouts along road. Wes in shop - split wood. I went with Alice, Gizella, &  Nan Morris to Hummel Museum in Tarrytown - lunch at Tappan Hill. home at 3:30.

1984 - Wednesday. 19° at 6:30. About 6" of snow - storm is over, report says - but very cold. Sun 7:20-4:48. 
After breakfast - raked and shoveled front walk and driveway - Mike came and made three passes - so we were opened to plowed road. Pushed snow off solar roof. 
After early lunch, Wes took me to Joan Manion's - we drove to Greenhouse - Louise drove from there with Jerry Keeler to St. Marks - New Canaan, talk by Sandra Henson of National Cathedral - Mrs. McPherson showed us Sacristy & Church. Home at 5:30.

1985 - Friday - 16° at 6 AM. Cloudy. light snow about 11 o'clock for a couple of hours - Just a dusting. Cloudy cold afternoon. 
I started reading the Garden Club minutes, researching the Memorial Garden. Wes sanded the solder from his tender. Alex and Helen picked us up at noon and we took them to Capresso's above Brewster, Route 22, for a delayed birthday luncheon for Helen - very good - home for nap - finished cooking soup - Wes made a fire - read - watched "King John" on channel 13.

1986 - Saturday - 23° at 7 AM. Clear - Suet all gone from bark holder so went out before breakfast to refill it. Sun 7:21-4:46 - change in the morning! 
To church to water poinsettias - pick off dead leaves - beautiful baskets from a funeral - Took our walk up to Sunley's (2 miles round trip) Lunch - nap - checked for deer, nothing luckily. Filled bird feeders. Wes in shop and he brought up wood for fire. Watched "Italian Girl in Algiers" with Marilyn Horne. Ate lunch in solar - first time in ages.

1987 - Sunday - 36° at 6 AM. Snow showers all day - not weather for taking a walk - Wes filled the feeders - To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers - Wes wrote letters - repaired den lamp three-way switch. I worked with plants - wrote to L L Bean for gloves for Wes' birthday Long nap - Caught up on sleep lost yesterday.