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February 11

1983 - Friday - 11º 7 AM.  cloudy.  Sun 5:57-5:27 Didn't see any sun today - cold and damp.
Wes to Meekers and Agway for birdseed - Army and Navy for work shirts - horrified to pay 12.00 and not even top grade. I bought a blue cashmere sweater at Sylvia Barry for my birthday present. I lined more kitchen shelves and drawers. We checked tax contributions against the checkbook. Snow started at 5 o'clock. Big storm in Washington. Sharon resigned as Israel Defense Minister

1984 - Saturday - 36º at 6:45  Foggy - misty - cloudy damp - not too cold but no sun - 6:56 - 5:25
House chores. Mike brought people to see the house. Gizella gave me a Recipe Box and visited to wish me a happy Birthday. I took a walk along Bogus with her. Wes worked in shop. I worked on tax records - made a copy for Krawchick.  
To Billie's at 5:30 for a cocktail - very foggy
Set up plant light during the day.

1985 - Monday - 20º at 6 AM - Fair sunny day - Bulbs went into the Solar and we had our sandwich there. House chores. Wes took car to Paul Kovacs to have tire repaired -  couldn't find much wrong except a leak so didn't have to buy a new one. I sewed - ironed - to Edith Miffley's after lunch to talk about landscaping the Ballard Memorial Gardens - a GCA project - Wes split wood -  set up a fire.

1986 - Thursday - 25º at 6 AM - Snowing - continued into afternoon but not much accumulation in the afternoon. We went to church and picked up the Poinsettias before 7:30 Mass - completing our care of the Christmas altar flowers. Snowing heavily on return from Mass. Indoors until 11:30 when we shoveled paths and driveway. Pancakes for Shrove Tuesday - nap - did crossword.. Wes in shop - I recopied tax records. Joan called in evening - Hooker in hospital - will have By-Pass Surgery Thursday or Friday Will be laid up for 8 weeks - cancelled their trip.

1987. Wednesday - 20º at 6 AM - Dark - Star Venus bright in southeast sky. To Mass. The Rectory cat, Jeremiah, played under the altar during Mass!!
A beautiful winter day, cold but sunny. Bulb pan went into Solar. There is a bud on one Iris plant. To Stryker Stationer for large envelopes, hanging files, and rack to hang files. I went to Prudential Bache, paid for Franklin Tax Free Trust and discussed investment of more funds. Phoned Lou Krawcheck re tax on Ameritek partial share.

February 12

1983 - Saturday - 17º at 7 AM - Snowing - at least a foot and drifting - biggest storm in 40 years, weatherman says. It was 18" officially - looked more like 3 feet to me. Wes started shoveling driveway - I broke a path to the birdfeeders - pushed snow from Solar roof. Tibor used his snow blower on the rest of our driveway after he did his own - they joined me in the Solar for a drink and sandwich - Gizella gave me note paper - Eileen - Bit Joan & Kelly called with birthday greetings - Ceil Ruggle called off party tomorrow

1984 - Sunday - 34º at 6:30. Fog. Sun 6:55-5:26 Dense morning fog - could barely see going to Mass. Cleared at 10 o'clock for a beautiful, mild day. I took a walk at 11 o'clock - Wes worked in shop. Chased a herd of deer at North side! Went down to lake. Met Eileen and Mary at Le Chateau for birthday luncheon. Pleasant afternoon. Wes gave me gold Heart on chain. Eileen brought pots of Hyacinth and Daffodil - pot handles and rolls. Home at 4:30 for a nap. Temperature 40º at bedtime 

1985 - Tuesday - 33º at 6 AM - rain starting at noon - heavy at times and terrible winds. To Mass. Left at 8:30 for Darien - returned fabric samples to Christmans and ordered love seat and returned to Ridgefield.  picked up Wes' pictures at Photo Shop (some very good) had brunch at Café Naturel - home - Horst [[?]] delivered vanity for shop lavatory (couldn't fit it in car) Flowers delivered as gift of Bit - Wes gave me Steuben olive dish - Joan & Hooker a Wildflower book - To Rosses at five saw "Harry & Tonto" movie on their VCR - had steak dinner - good.

1986 - Ash Wednesday - 14º at 6:30 - Clear.  Wes gave me a beautiful Limoges box from Gump's for my birthday and we played Wynton Marsalis record from the Holmden's at breakfast (disc of course) To bank to transfer money from money market to checking to pay Moseley for Conn. bond only to find it closed for holiday & mailed Moseley check. To Mass at noon - on to Scrimshaw for birthday luncheon - bought a calculator at Caldor, as small one not working right!  Home for nap - practiced on calculator - pretty complicated. Phoned Joan - Hooker will have by-pass operation tomorrow.

1987 - Thursday - 22º at 6:30 - Partly cloudy light snow all afternoon - very fine only  about 1" - House chores - Billie Newell delivered book for my birthday. To The Elms for luncheon - delicious filet of sole - Wes drove Alex to Purdy's Station to show him routine for his trip to NYC next week. Ironed - had done wash in morning - we did the crossword. Joan, Bit and Eileen phoned birthday greetings.