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February 17

1983 - Thursday - 36º at  6AM. Light rain all day high about 40 degrees - glad it wasn't snow.
To Mass - Rectory room was full for Lent. Quiet day - few house chores - wrote to Bit & Joan 
Wes in shop. Starting sewing on light blue dress and made a coffeecake.

1984 - Friday - 39º at 7 AM - Cloudy - gloomy day - high 42º. A bad stretch of weather but at least not too cold. I went to Greenhouse - bought potting soil - Bank - Brunetti - Grand Central - [[?Bedeents]] to inquire for plant ceiling tracks - will have them next week. Home for lunch - nap - took walk and hurt knee when started to run - too bad - stiffened up - rested it during evening. Wes in shop split wood - took (dug) stones from woodpile path.

1985 - Sunday - 27º at 6:30 - Cloudy - Sun 6:47-5:33
Wes chased lone deer in bog garden before breakfast. First class mail goes to 22¢ - postcards 14¢.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Partly sunny & cloudy day - not as warm as yesterday - no lunch in Solar.
Put Wes' locomotive on shelf in den - Moved Duck Decoys to bedroom. Wes made holders for duck tray on wall. I worked with plants & bulbs - keep moving them in sunshine - daffodils and tulip forming buds. Wrote up W77 order.

1986 - Monday - 28º at 7 AM.  Presidents Day Holiday.
Another inch of snow overnight - Cloudy - miserable day icy rain about 10 AM - turned to rain in evening - high was just 32º. Shoveled and raked snow before icy rain started - at least 1 1/2 inches. Balance of day indoors - Wes in shop - I started the seed orders.
Phoned Joan in morning - Hooker's heart beat a trifle irregular - being monitored - Eileen phoned her in evening and he was OK and off the monitor.

1987 - Tuesday - 12º at 6:30 - Fair.  Sun 6:48-5:32
Good winter day - warm sun - Solar was 72º at noon - had our sandwich there. Did wash - ironed. Ran vacuum. To Village Bank to inquire about 1099 form using wrong number of CD - no satisfaction - to Union Trust for cash & deposit - Brunetti now under new management - looks clean and neat - Youngs for bird food - Stop & Shop - home for lunch. Took our mile walk - takes 20 minutes, worked on stock records.

February 18

1983 - Friday - 36º at 6:30 - clear - Sun 6:48-5:36
Beautiful day - at lunch time in Solar it was 82º. Did wash - house chores. To Bethel - Booklet for birthday card for Gizela - Finast for groceries - home for lunch.
Wes split wood - I dug snow from front walk to widen it - snow all melted from south side of house roof.

1984 - Saturday - 39º at 6:30. Very foggy - Sun 6:47-5:33
Some mist in morning - Mostly a cloudy damp day - colder than past few days. Wes did most of chores - I rested my leg - he made me a stick/cane which helped hobbling around. To movie 'Broadway Danny Rose' - Woody Allen - good - N.Y. of the 50's - night club acts. Stopped at Pepperidge enroute home to buy Herbs for Gizella's Birthday.

1985 - Monday - President's Day Holiday.  Sun 6:46-5:34
Beautiful winter day - bright sun, temperature over freezing - still have snow on North roof, but melting. After house chores drove to Mt. Kisco and Bedford - down Route 117 - big commercial developments - stopped at Bedford Barn but nothing for Gizella's birthday - found flavored Oil at Yellow Monkey, Cross River - bought groceries & home for lunch - nap - walked to Sunley's on Ned Mountain - Wes split wood - I picked up sticks at North End - deer signs but no damage. Forced daffodils showing.

1986 - Tuesday - 33º at 6 AM - ice on deck - Sun 6:47-5:33. Didn't go to Mass as everything icy - sand trucks came through about 9 but temperature stayed at 32 until late in afternoon and ice stayed on trees and walks.
Wes in shop. I made out seed and plant orders - signed up for two Wild Flower Society programs - Sally sent me writing paper for my birthday and I wrote to her. To Rosses at 6 pm for a delayed birthday dinner - Billie - Mary Luke and Sattlers were there - home at 9:45.

1987 - Wednesday - 22º at 6 AM - Dark - became a beautiful winter day. To Mass. To bank, Marcus - Danbury Fair Mall - lunch at Pepperidge - bought Donvier Ice Cream Maker for Gizella's birthday and one for us - towels - at G Fex - to Sears, no 30" light for plant stand but bought birthday paper - home for nap - took a walk - made soup.
Heard from Village Bank we were covered on interest. Finished tax records for Krawchick.