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March 26

1983 - Saturday.  21° at 6 AM.  Sun coming up - it is supposed to be milder today - hope so.  Sunny and a bit warmer, but still a strong cold wind.
Cleaning day; did livingroom also.  I went to 'Water Awareness Day' - took bottle for water testing (Louise McKeon took back in afternoon).  Shopped Cheese Shop & fruits & vegetables at Stop & Shop.  After lunch Wes did more cleaning up at Wood pile as he split wood.  I made casserole for tomorrow.  To Penitential Service & Mass at 5:30.

1984 - Monday - 30° at 6:30 - Fair cool and beautiful day.  Only about 44° but almost 90° in Solar
Wrote letters - Sent another order to W77 for perennials - Country Store for denim skirt - phoned Dr Puchner for appointment - learned Dr. Regan had retired and Dr. Espy takes over practice - to Marcus for paper - to Safe Deposit in Union Trust - they couldn't get box open - return Tuesday
Home for lunch.  Took out stump and big stone in cliff path
To Ruth Sharp's for cocktail - Fr. Tighe there - Nancy Carroll & her mother disagreed on everything.

1985 - Tuesday.  21° at 6 AM.  Boo had me up early as we went to bed at 9 pm last evening.  Sun coming up.  Fair cold windy day.
Wes finished duck box and put it up at water edge in the afternoon.  I bathed Boo - brushed her dry.  to Garden Club meeting at Christine Lodewick's with 'Garden Party' tulips and Freesias - first for both.  Had flat tire & Ann Tracy drove home to pick up Wes - he put on sapre - the snow tire was ruined.
Eileen phoned after six - she is ill with bad cold & infection.  Bet also has cold but not as sick - Cold and rainy on their trip in Italy.

1986 - Wednesday - 45° at 6 AM.  Clear.  Supposed to go to 70's today - did - beautiful day - breezy.
We dashed to Walbaum and Marcus to shop.  Wright here to spray evergreens.  I went with Gizella to Bartlett Arboretum to hear ruth Levitan talk about her garden & show slides - home at 12:30 for a quick lunch & change.  Wes dropped me at Anne Tracy's for RGC meeting - he went to Reclamation and to Dr Neligans - blood pressure 124/74.  Received medicine for cough - He came to Anne's to help load the car with bulbs - card table - china - silver - left over cookies.
Ice melted in big pond.

1987 - Thursday - 45° at 6 AM - Cloudy - No Mass this morning - final Mission Service & Mass this evening.
To Ballard Greenhouse to hear Penny McLaren talk on planting containers - bought gasoline.
Wes chipped leaves on North Slope.  Lunch - nap.  Wes did more leaves.  I cooked chicken - made Tavern Bars - out to pick up sticks - rake lower South grass and flower beds there.  Deer tracks but no damage - only one Leucothoe burned, but at least not eaten!  To 8 o'clock Mass - end of Mission.

March 27

1983 - Sunday - 28° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Luncheon Party Day.  Prepared for guests - here at 12:30 - Sattlers - Sobels - Jessups, Mary Luke and Billie.  Anne Franceschini here 12-4 - Served and helped.  Guests left at 3:30.
We took a nap - put away everything - relaxed.  Watched one hour of "Thor Birds' and 2 hours of 'Drake'
Rain started at 3:30 - hard at times - very high winds - drove rain thru top of kitchen slider.

1984 - Tuesday.  25° at 6 AM - Fair - Sun 5:47 - 6:16
Good day - sunny and cool.  To Mass.  To Union Trust Bank at 9 - Locksmith opened our safe deposit box so they didn't have to give us a new one - put in the telephone stocks.  Wes drove me to Ballard Coach House for 12 noon Garden Club meeting - Wes did errands in town and brought home the Cyclamen Ricky Harrison had been mending.  Jena Timpanelli gave me ride home.  Wes took out small stump near Wood chips - cleared place to move forsythia along road.

1985 - Wednesday - 27° at 6:30.  Fair.  Boo got me up at 2 AM - good for the enclosure!  Walked her before breakfast.  Beautiful day - sunny and much warmer.  Wes went to Kovacs - had tires changed - then we went to Pharmacy to fill prescription for me (vaginal infection)  Shopped Waldbaums - Mrs Nightingale of Pickwith House Bethel came at 1:30 - said would take sofa & chairs in ten days - nap - Walked boo - transplanted crocus.  Wes secured Duck Box.  Eileen went to doctor - infection only in head - eyes - throat - has antibiotics - Boo may go home Friday

1986 - Thursday - 50° at 7 AM - Cloudy - had a shower overnight apparently.  Saw a Robin.  Light showers in afternoon - thunder at night - no storm here.
Picked up evergreen boughs covering some woodland plants, pulled up stake from around dwarf pine at entranceway, pruned dead twigs from that.  To Needles to buy circular needle to do neck of mohair sweater - groceries from Stop & Shop.  
Early dinner as Wes went to 7 pm class at Sturdevants - second one on Camera - home at 9:15

1987 - Friday - 38° at 6 AM - Fair, few clouds early afternoon but a good day.  To Mass.  Tony Ongaro came to go over paths to Garden Room.
Wes mulched leaves on North Slope - almost finished when gasoline ran out.  I worked with indoor plants - outdoors too pick leaves from wall garden (opening deer fence) cleaned up Leucothoe bed - fed buds - phoned Joan - test results showed nothing wrong but she is feeling fine.