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May 29

1983 - Sunday - 52° at 6 AM - misting - rain off and on all day - to 8 o'clock Mass.
Dug ferns for Eileen - one for us. I pricked out baby Poppy plants from Wall Garden - put six in a six-pack - moved rest to back of wall top. We left at 11:30 for Eileen's - dinner - she wanted our advice on stone steps and path - Home at 6 pm
I had planted green beans in the morning

1984 - Tuesday - 56° at 7 AM - Light rain.  2.3 inches in rain gauge at 8 AM. Fantastic! No Mass as left at 8:30 for Atchley - appointments with Dr. Leppert and Dr Jacobs - last with Dr. Leppert - will transfer to Dr. Eelyne Margulis. Wes was able to see Dr. Savitsky on his ears. Lunch at La Campagna - formerly Ichabod at 2 pm - home at 4 - a nice nap - heavier rain parts of evening. Work at Ballard rained out.

1984 - Wednesday - 54° at 6 AM - 9/10 inch rain - best in a long time - Beautiful day - cool morning - warm in pm. I went to Pinchbeck for Kelthane to put on New Guinea Impatiens which have red spider mite - also bought pink geraniums and pink Impatiens for terrace pots & strawberry jar - planted them. Wes edged upper shrub border.
To Litchfield Inn at 10:30 to meet Bill Kalnay for lunch & check it out for Texaco Retirees luncheon. Home at 3 pm. Wes napped - he has a sore throat. I planted Vinca Bright Eyes in triangle bed - took out Monarda - it was fading as sat on big rock.

1986 - Thursday - 54° at 6 AM. Clear - very warm day - everything wilted. Wes went to Mass - I prepared for Ballard work - Peg Kurz brought 2 evergreen azalea for us to plant in memory of Mrs. Bedini - we expected  Exbury's! Home at one. Wes had worked at church cuttin candles on pines until 11 o'clock. He called Dr puchner who told him to renew pill prescription. After lunch & nap, I watered - Wes worked on deck/cliff path leveling it - we moved sedum to stone wall edge - I planted Lamium brought from Ballard Mart donations

1987 - Friday - 65° at 6 AM - going to be hazy, hot & humid - it was - 90° in afternoon. To Mass. 
Rushed around with vacuum as Eileen here at 10 - Kelly about eleven - drove them to town - Main Street - Ballard Garden - lunch at The Inn - air-conditioning was good - ditto the lunch. Home at 3:30 - talked - they left at 4:30 for home. Wes had put gravel around veg bed - cut grass on cliff - watered transplants - mulched Heuchera - thunderstorm at 5:30 - a whopper but 4/10 inch rain - heavy.

May 30

1983 - Monday - Memorial Day - Raining - What a holiday weekend! 5/10 inch rain in gauge at 8 AM. Off and on rain - light - all day. heavy at times in afternoon
Made out orders for Burpee bulbs and Wayside perennials. Buried gardenia outside between showers Put out rain catchers under chimney
To Ruth Sharp's at 5 for a drink.

1984 - Wednesday - 60° at 7 AM - Slept late - Still raining - floods reported - roads closed - 2.55 inches in gauge at 7:15!
To bank - Marcus - Waldbaums - gasoline - mailed Mary Luke's book to Joan - flood in G. W. Highway, so returned via Shadow Lake Road - Rain let up mid afternoon - we walked down Bogus to see roaring water under road drains - Rain again - saw eclipse only on T.V.

1985 - Thursday - 48° at 6 AM - clear - beautiful day- cool in morning - warm later. To Mass. Wes and I worked in Ballard Garden in the morning - it looks better every week Home at 1 pm for lunch and nap - Wes found stones for Tony to use on wall when he comes in - he edged the Leucothoe bank - need to move plants to more forward position. I planted beans - cucumber - squash - lettuce Move Impatiens from Rhododendron garden into more shady places. Cut grass

1986 - Friday - 64° at 6:15 - Hot day - 90° here in afternoon - cooler at night. Wes to O&J to inquire about blue stone for cliff walk - pharmacy - Army & Navy for pants & socks - bought stain for replacement windows delivered yesterday by Stevenson Lumber - checked Danbury Block - their price for flagging was $2.10 SI instead of $2.50 - so ordered it for delivery Monday. I shopped at Stop & Shop - jammed - watered trees awaiting planting at Ballard 
After lunch & nap Wes continued grading cliff walk - I cultivated - watered - staked - covered plants against sun.

1987 - Saturday - 68° at 7 AM - Sunny. H-H-H. The Callahans came to take picture of the garden - brought us a geranium lancastriense. 
We worked around place - keeping in the shade as much as possible. Cut the grass out of new bed at entrance to Garden Room - Wes brought up a bag of pine chip mulch and dressed the area. Sprayed the hanging begonia for fungus. Dug up Iris cristata and Bleeding Heart for Sally who will stop by tomorrow. Very warm day.