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June 8

1983 - Wednesday - Home from Notre Dame trip
58° at 6 AM - Cloudy- became beautiful day about 10 AM - Wes had shop hour.  I did a wash - watered and checked plants - Wes put hook over kitchen fan outlet for asparagus fern - cultivated veg garden - killed lots of slugs - now eating lettuce - cucumbers look bad - rhododendron putting out new leaves - new Hemlocks look good - cultivated perennial and shade gardens - walked up to see Grouse House - not much progress.

1984 - Frida y- 78° at 6:30 - Sunny warm humid day - 93° - a little better in evening.  We took Bit to Route 84- Connecticut No.1 Entrance - she left at 8:30 - phoned in evening she reached home at 1:30.  Eileen and Boo left soon after.  We played golf.  Warm but enjoyable.  Home for lunch - nap - Wes continued work on Bog Wall - I did various gardening chores - watered.  Ate dinner on deck.

1985 - Saturday - overnight at Weston - Mass.  Breakfast by Jane Webb of Webb-Bigelow House - Packed - left for Garden in the Woods - walked a short time on trails before sale began at 10 o'clock - what a mob - with Wes' and Eileen's help bought 21 wildflower plants - (cloudy morning) walked again in garden - saw Showy Lady Slippers - left about 11:30 for Routes 90 etc - picnic lunch along Route 90 - rain there - continued all the way home - only .15 here - Eileen left about 3:15 to pick up Boo who was fine - Turtle on pile of gravel in driveway

1986 - Sunday - 62° at 6:15 - Drizzling - .34 more in gauge at 7 AM.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Wes copied addresses for trip - made out checks for Federal Tax payment.  I returned travel books to Louise McKeon and Paige Dickey (North Salem)  Spread leaf chip mulch on shade garden and Hosta/Fern garden, South side.  Thunderstorm at 4:30 just as we finished - another half inch.

1987 - Monday - Warm - muggy day.  There was .15 in rain gauge from early morning rain.  Without breakfast went to lab at Danbury Hospital for 2 blood tests - Dr. Jacobs requested as I have slightly elevated blood sugar.  Shopped Waldbaum's and Marcus following - Home for breakfast.  Transplanted Hosta Elegans (gray leaves) for one off garden room.  We edged path on Wood Knoll and spread leaf mulch.  I cleaned garden room - deadheaded Foam Flower - put miniature rose in 5" pot - repotted one Myrtle standard into 6" pot - dug up Tradescantia from shade garden & put pieces in perennial garden

June 9

1983 - Thursday - 46° at 6 AM - Sun up - beautiful day - sunny and cool
I worked at Ballard Garden 9-12 - shopped Grand Central and Brunetti afterward.  Wes worked in shop - took down birdfeeder wire - cut limb from small beech over road at big stone entrance area - filled in well hole.  I transplanted 5 ferns - two from road - three from deer trail woods.  Saw young oriole and perhaps Pine Grosbeak - bird songs are beautiful

1984 - Saturday.  72° at 6:30 - Hot and humid - 94° in the shade.  Electrification of Brewster - North W.P. inaugurated.
Did house chores - Wes continued work on bog wall.  I watered - tucked in rest of impatiens and verbena in shady spots.  John Pinchbeck phoned re Viburnum Carlesii which didn't live.  Quit early to get to Ruth Sharp's at 4:30 to watch the Belmont Race.  Home at 6:30 - sat on deck in cool.  Put big fan on for the night.

1985 - Sunday - 56° at 6:30 - Very foggy - partial clearing in day - few drops in afternoon - looked like a storm - none here.
Left about 8 o'clock for New Rochelle - Routes 123 & 95 - Wes honed in on the College perfectly - Had brunch in dining hall - finally recognized some girls - after 50 years.  Not an easy task.  Mass in Chapel at 11 - good singing.  Home via Hutchinson Parkway - left it as jammed account construction - to Nobels for peat - Home for nap - Wes lowering the grade in Garden Room - I put bag mulch on triangle bed -

1986 - Monday - 55° at 6 AM - Beautiful day.
Preparations for trip - laid out clothes - Wes went to bank.  Copied itinerary into travel book - washed - ironed.  Groundkeepers picked up brush from upper road.  Wes finished clearing up new well area.  I cut north grass and high grass over septic system - Wes raked that.  Put Sluggit on Hostas - we have a lot of them now 
Cultivated veg bins

1987 - Tuesday - 68° at 6 AM - Fair day - Cool - someplace had the reported thunderstorm as the humidity dropped and a wind came - no rain here.  
Loaded car - Wes drove - dropped me off at Ballard Garden to work - he went for gasoline - cleaners - liquor Stop & Shop - Hardware - Photo shop with camera to ask what was wrong with loading - he joined us at garden for a little work - Home for lunch - nap - Wes spread gravel on main Wood Knoll path - I trimmed azaleas around Garden Room - Moved Ebony Spleenwort from big rock to Step Garden.  To Mass & Rosary for Fred Esser at 7:30