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June 10

1983 - Friday - 42° at 6:30 - Sun breaking thru fog.  Beautiful day!
I went to Pinchbeck for Balls Mix and fertilizer and to bank and Brunetti - to Teen Center for talk on canning (at request of Muriel Petersen to help clean up)
Wes in shop - sanded out planting tray - wire brushed ready for repainting.  After lunch, he graded at well site - moved stones and planted fern at big rock - future waterfall - gave Alpine Poppy to Gizella - she gave us Heuchera 

1984 - Sunday - 72° at 6:15 - Sun hot already - Fan did a good job keeping house cool in night.  Very hot and humid day - high 94°.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Visited the Benscos on Benson Road but not home.  Walked around place - Wes finished one section of Bog Wall - started cleanup behind Rhododendrons to get fill for the wall.  I watered gardens - cut grass - put sprinkler on grass and gardens south side.
Ate dinner on deck - nice breeze came up

1985 - Monday - 64° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - became a beautiful day.  Transplanted new plants Eileen had brought us - new Spathiphyllum - and a miniature - 
To Ballard - stained frame for Espalier - clipped weeded deadheaded two beds - with Hawsie moved pine bark mulch to stone wall - Wes took gravel from garden room - lowered area around pool - a big job.  After lunch I cut grass - planted wax begonias - all the ginger brought at Garden in the Woods - the Cardinal Flowers (2) deadheaded - watered hanging plants - We were tired at night.

1986 - Tuesday - 50° at 6 AM - beautiful.
Packed and fixed up house for leaving.  Eileen came up early afternoon and drove us to Tarrytown.  Re's Service picked us up there and drove us to JFK - British Airlines - we had a snack - checked in to Flight 176 - BA had a party at 7 pm - Bagpipers - champagne - left on time 9 pm - good flight - lots of people (410) supper (dinner with a menu) 
Move (terrible Down & Out in Beverly Hills) breakfast - napped.

1987 - Wednesday - 53° at 6 AM - Beautiful morning and day - warmer in afternoon - cool breeze at night.
To Mass.  House chores, then I went to Pinchbeck for clay pots to enter Myrtle and lemon geranium in Show next week - bank - to Tarrey Cooke's for luncheon - she was having outgoing & incoming boards - home after shopping for groceries.  Wes had cut grass under hemlock on south side - was working on west path on Wood Knoll.
Rosses came to look at Azaleas (Bakerii) at 4:30 and stayed for a drink.

June 11

1983 - Saturday - 55° at 6:30.  Fair - warm sunny.
House cleaning.  Made lamb-apricot-raisin stew. 
12 yards of wood chips delivered by Darryl Knapp $100.00.
Wes cut down maple tree in front of big rock North side.  We chipped it up.  Edged and cultivated at cliff edge.
Wes graded at big rock.  Cut grass.

1984 - Monday - 74° at 6 AM.  Sunny hot humid conditions continuing - high 94°.
Played golf 8-10.  Few chores - early lunch - to town - I had a haircut - Wes went to Town Hall to look at map re ownership of pond - half belongs to Hemlock Hills Association - Agnay for stakes - left film, shopped Grand Central - Cheese Shop - Stop & Shop & Liquor.  Home to water - cultivate - Wes worked on grading south side - path to bog garden.  Heard thunder - nothing here too bad.

1985 - Tuesday - 52° at 6 AM.  Part sun and clouds - Quite warm.  To Mass.  Watered Wood Knoll.  Vee Grenier  & helper here at 9:15 to clean windows.  Left them here at 10:15 to go to bank and on to Essex-Griswold House, where Texaco Retirees had luncheon - Bought cachepot and glass for bathroom at Queen's Museum.
Home at 4:45 - nap.  Put the screens and draperies back in our bedroom & bathroom.

1986 - Wednesday - Landed at Heathrow, London, at 8:40 AM - Raining - Met by Bill Hawkins, Texaco chauffeur, drove to Cumberland Hotel - a delay checking in as lots of people who also won the trip - small room, double bed - took at nap - sun came out - walked Oxford Street to Regent Street and finally found Tourist Office close to Piccadilly - got information on train - trips - etc. - but back to Cumberland Hotel - dinner - bed.

1987 - Thursday - 48° at 6:15 - Beautiful day, just about perfect - sunny - cool - breezy.  Made cookies.
Standard Oil of Conn. salesman here to audit oil burner - good proposal on oil delivery
Cut grass - Wes put wood chips around hemlock on south side - finished west path on wood knoll.
Vee Grenier came at 4 o'clock - an hour late - to clean windows - left about 5:45.  We had moved Amaryllis to holding bed.  I planted some Snapdragons and White Salvia in spots in perennial garden.  Watered