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June 12

1983 - Sunday - 55° at 6 AM.  Sunny and warm.  
To 8 o'clock Mass.  Louise McKeon gave us Ageratum.  Prepared for Eileen's visit - here at noon with Boo - the air conditioning in her car failed enroute here - hottest day!  We sat and ate indoors account heat.  Took a walk down Bogus and up to see Grouse House.  She left at 5. 
We watered Wood Knoll  plants - azaleas wilting.

1984 - Tuesday - 59° at 6 AM.  First cool night in a week.  Beautiful morning - heat to return this afternoon - not too bad a day - high 84°.  To Mass.  I worked at Ballard Garden in morning - lunch followed given by Madeline Morrison and me - home at 4 pm.  Wes had brought down the lumpy top soil from well area - wheel-barrowing it to new wall at Bog Path.  I watered and pulled weeds.  Anne Tracy confirmed we would have our garden "toured" next Tuesday - lots of work ahead - Hope we have rain.

1985 - Wednesday - 59° at 6 AM - Some sprinkles on our clean Solar roof.  There is an 80% chance of rain - had 15/100 in morning.  Tony Ongaro came - by day end had stone cut around pool - Wes spread gravel on driveway.  I did a wash - ironed - went to luncheon at Chris Clark's - she and Wendy Moulter gave it for Garden Mart workers.  Enroute home put gasoline in car $1.37 for Super Unleaded - bank - Stop & Shop.
Deadheaded wall garden - pricked out plants from Gravel in driveway so Wes could spread gravel.

1986 - Thursday - in London - Walked to Paddington Station - 9:05 train to Bath - beautiful country enroute - Wonderful train ride - walked about city before taking the 12:30 bus tour - good guide - admired Priory high on hill - now a school Crescent House - Gardens - Old Roman Bath - lovely tea in Pump Room - string quartet played
Returned to London on the 4:17 train - about 1 1/2 hour ride - dinner at Cumberland - bed.

1987 - Friday - 62° at 6 AM - Cloudy - light rain from 10:30/3:00 - .25 inch.  Cool - damp.
To town - gasoline for the car - bank - Brunetti - Hardware for light bulbs - reclamation - Youngs to inquire about posts for deer fencing - Stop & Shop - Home.  Decided to switch to Standard Oil of Conn. from Hoffman - salesman called in evening to confirm - polished silver and brass in rain after lunch - then out for a couple hours - Wes moved sand from under deck to storage area - I deadheaded wall garden.

June 13

1983 - Monday - 60° at 6 AM.  Sunny and hot - high near 90°.
Moved two white azalea from dry spot top of Wood Knoll to bog garden path - watered rhododendrons and azaleas on South side.  Watered wall garden.  Wes started finishing wall off deck - used all stones thrown there over last year - needs more topping stones.  I cultivated Wood Knoll - put Chrysanthemums for Sept. show back into 6" pots.

1984 - Wednesday - 64° at 6 AM - Sunny and pleasant in morning - muggy and hot in afternoon and thunderstorm at 6 pm
Played golf 8-10 - enjoyable game.  Continued getting place in shape for visit next Tuesday of Conn. Valley Garden Club.  Wes finishing grading behind Bog wall - used up "so-called" topsoil.  Moved Salt Ray to top holding bed - I used peat from Barrel in dry garden soil (peat was very wet)  Edged off deck - cultivated vegetable gardens.

1985 - Thursday - 52° at 6 AM - Light rain - stopped.
Tony Ongaro here at 7:15 - finished steps to Garden Room at 3:30.  No Mass as I left for Ballard Garden early - last day to get it ready for Zone II meeting - lots of helpers and two boys to spread 80 bags of chips - looked wonderful.  Wes lowered soil around pool - Tony will lay flagging.  Wes took out rest of big stump there and couple big stones.  I cut grass - planted more of Gard-in-Woods wildflowers

1986 - in London.  Took #16 bus to Victoria Station from Park Lane [[strikethrough]] outside [[/strikethrough]] block from Cumberland Hotel 
Took 9.36 train to Hever, expected to hire car at station but not a thing there - told most people walked - a mile.  Garden opened at 11 - beautiful Italian statues - rock garden - water falls - pools - roses - rhododendron - Azaleas - had lunch in cafeteria - toured Castle - beautiful furniture - rugs - paintings - Aster family had restored - Walked shortcut thru fields to station - talked to Australian couple - bus to Cumberland - Dinner at the "Greenery" - Churchill Hotel in Marble Arch area.

1987 - Saturday - 68° at 6 AM.  Cloudy.  Very humid and warm.
Took Rosses to 9:23 train from Purdy's - returned home via "Cotswolds" - condominium in North Salem.
Wes weeded cliff walkway - lots of weeds.
I took the white wild yarrow from notch in rock above the piper - moved it to roadside near forsythia.  Put gravel on spots in wall garden.  Went to Keeler Tavern Vintage Gown Show at 4:30 - beautiful costumes - went to "Room with a View" at Ridgefield Cinema - wonderful