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June 18

1983 - Saturday - 62° at 6 AM and Foggy - cleared later in morning and off and on hazy - 50% chance of thunderstorms never hit here.  I spent most of day preparing for dinner guests - Wes finished topping cliff wall - now needs dirt behind it.  [[?Hartcards]] and Kellers here 6 pm - Wes cooked steak - had good talk - luckily no bugs bothered us outdoors - ate inside.  They left 10:30 - we cleaned up dishes - to bed at midnight

1984 - Monday - 62° at 6 AM.  Cloudy - foggy - Misty rain at noon - only .05 - disappointing - not wet under trees but couldn't cut grass.
Continued getting place in shape for Visiting Gardens Group tomorrow - Wes raked leaves from house side of North Woods.  I watered and cultivated - cut deadheads from Wall Garden.  To bank, Marcus and Waldbaums.
Raccoon coming earlier each evening to eat bird food from holder on tree off deck.

1985 - Tuesday - 64° at 6:30 - Light rain - "D" Day Zone II meeting - 18/100 rain at 7:30 AM.  Left at 8 o'clock to work on Passing Committee - lots of entries.  Home at 12:45.  Tony Ongaro had finished flagging "Garden Room" - Wes had edged - swept front walk - terrace - we looked neat.  We made beds for guests - Wes took car to be washed - I returned to Congregational Church to pick up Mrs. Anne Elliman and Mrs Caroline Rohrbach - they had a gin and scotch - looked at garden - changed clothes - We went to dinner at Silver Spring C.C. - home at 11 - bed.

1986 - (Wednesday) England - our weather continues glorious - left Stratford on 10:11 train - one change at Leamington Spa - Wes rode in cab of first train - Met two sisters from Quebec on train - Paddington Station at 12:45 - taxi to Strand Palace Hotel - room not ready - walked to St Clement Danes Church - the RAF Chapel - lunch at the Savoy Grill at 2 pm - into room at Strand Palace - nap = Walked to Trafalgar Square to locate location of tomorrow's bus tour - back to Strand - bus to Apollo theatre - "Starlight Express" - about trains - actors on roller skates - loud but good.

1987 - Thursday - 58° at 7 AM.  Beautiful day - sunny - breezy - warm.
Wes put leaf mulch on rhododendron garden and along bog path.  Eileen came up at 10 o'clock - we went to Keeler Tavern to see Garden Club Show & had lunch there - met Carol Schneider who had come down from Lyme - Ricky Harrison left for the Vineyard - Eileen drove me home - Walked about with Wes admiring his work - returned to Tavern to pick up entries and table.  Gave Lemon Geranium to Ricky.  Related in evening.

June 19

1983 - Sunday - 66° at 6 AM.  Foggy - mostly hazy day - not much sun for which we were glad.  So dry.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Watered Wood Knoll.  Left for Eileen's at 10:30 - took Routes 116 - 100 and Taconic to Hawthorne Circle - a good route.  Mary came to Tarrytown - brought us Rosary Beads blessed by the Pope on her trip to Italy - dinner - walked thru condominiums - home at 5:30 - watered & deadheaded wall garden.

1984 - Tuesday - 65° at 6 AM - Cloudy - thunderstorm in night - got up to close sky lights - .85 INCH
Everything refreshed.  To Mass.  I worked at Ballard 8:30-11:30 - Visiting Gardens will visit there also today.  Home for lunch.  Wes had wound up hose - edged paths - everything looked good.  Ladies came with Anne Tracy about 1:45 - only stayed until 2:35 but were very complimentary.  Wes had gone to shop - filled up with gasoline.  We took a nap - cut grass - admired place.  Beautiful evening

1985 - Wednesday - Beautiful day.  Cool - sunny breezy - Zone II guests with us for breakfast - Left at 8:30 for Congregational Church - Conservation and Horticulture Meetings - had lunch with Helen at Keeler Tavern - Wes had left over bacon and scrambled eggs for his lunch.  Wes cleaned pool - put water in - turned on Jet and we had a drink admiring the new "Garden Room".  I cultivated veg and flower gardens - cut lawn.  Wes dug around stone off wood Knoll path - couldn't get it up.

1986 - Thursday - at Strand Palace Hotel - London - Breakfast - Bus tour to Leeds Castle - beautiful setting surrounded by water - lovely gardens - black swans - geese - ducks - lunch there - on to Sissinghurst Garden - very beautiful - white garden especially - statuary - not enough time there - on to Chartwell, Churchill's Home - beautiful rhododendrons in garden as well as across road - the Golden Roses not out - England had cold wet spring so everything late - bus back to London - a quick bite before show at Whitehall theatre "When We Are Married" very good.

1987 - Friday - 60° at 6 AM.  H-H-H
To Mass - to town for groceries - cheese shop - liquor - to Muriel Pedersen's to pick up snapdragons - Cosmos - Bachelor Buttons and variegated geranium Ricky Harrison had given us.  Cut grass before lunch.  Watered some sections - trimmed - planted Ricky's plants - added leaf mulch.  Enjoyed garden room at cocktail time.