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July 20

1983 - Wednesday.  65° at 6 AM - Cool - foggy - 6/10 inch of rain in gauge. Wes' tummy better.  Glad to see everything wet & rain barrels full. To Newtown to look at shop equipment to be auctioned tomorrow - too big for Wes. Stopped at McKenzie to order bandsaw - to bank & Marcus.
On our walk, dug Poly Pody and Moss from rock along road and planted them on Wood Knoll. 
Moved fern from lawn to under deck.

1984 - Friday - 58° at 6:30 AM - Beautiful morning & day. Wes went for a haircut - I prepared lunch and set table. To golf course at 9:40 to arrange carts & wait for Cornels - there at 10 - played 9 holes - very enjoyable - no pressure - a good time to start. At house for cocktail and lunch. They left for home at 3 pm. We napped - read papers - had sandwich supper
To Pleasantville, Maher Funeral Home, at 7 pm for wake of Al Kadila who died yesterday. Saw Pat Kadila, Max Causey and children. Home at 10.

1985 - Saturday. 70° at 6:30 - Cloudy - humid - became fair - hot and humid - sometimes a breeze.  Did a wash - Wes cleaned while I went to Louise McKeon's to arrange flowers for church - To Marcus following for milk. Wes finished cliff walk - now wide and even, with a stone wall at cliff side. I watered, deadheaded, cultivated - broomed Garden Room - Vargas here for a drink at 5:30.

1986 - Sunday - 66° at 6 AM - Cloudy - off and on sunny - no rain. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes drew up plan of new pond location. Gizella  drove us to Bartlett Arboretum where tour of Lynn Rosenstahl's Daylily Garden and Ruth Lurtan's garden started - learned some things about daylilies and admired the gardens - home at 2 pm. Dinner - nap - deadheaded - watered - to Mary Luke's at 6 pm for cocktails and snacks - took Billie home -  back here at 8:30 -

1987 - Monday - 70° at 6:45. Cloudy - humid. Good to sleep late.  To record Wrens have taken up residence in the Williamsburg Bottle - the male sings all day long. Warm and humid - rain at 11:30 about .20 - welcome. To Walpole to inquire about gates - admired vinyl clad fencing - Walpole estimators here at 2 pm to measure for gate. Did wash - ironed (very humid) Wes moved big stone at north end, using rollers. He took out two stumps in area above well. I transplanted some Solomon Seal to area near cliff - weeded below big rock on north slope.

July 21

1983 - Thursday - 64° at 6 AM - Clear - Sunny and hot until 5 pm when a thunderstorm came - We had returned home from a half hour walk just in time. To Mass. Put six wheelbarrow loads of chips on area near mailbox - last until rearrange stones - when Wes can work again. Deadheaded and cultivated. Lunch and long nap in heat of day - house is cool. Pinned Herb Wreath

1984 - Saturday - 64° at 6:30. Cloudy - light rain most of day - not wet under trees.
Discovered phone was out of order - reported it from Marcus enroute Brookfield Fireside where we ordered a glass cover for den fireplace. To Roberts in Scotts Corners - bought two ship prints for livingroom mirror - Wes hung them - admired the effect. Made coffee cakes and cookies. Called Eileen from Vargas at 6, had tried from pay phones during day - $1.80 in Conn. 40¢ from Scotts Corners.

1985 - Sunday - 62° at 6 AM. Beautiful morning. Warm humid day. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Cleared more of the cliff ledge off the deck in the morning. Wes cooked lamb chops and we ate dinner in the Garden Room on a card table set up there. Long nap. Wes balanced checkbook. I cleaned (washed) the car. To Billie Newell's at 5:15 for a cocktail party - lots of people there. Rain after dinner - a thunderstorm during night.

1986 - Monday.  70 at 7 AM - Hazy - Had breakfast on deck - delightful. Very humid day. Wes worked on rock pool area, digging the hole deeper - hit ledge in front so banged it off. I deadheaded, cut grass - watered. Made another batch of David's cookies. Cut flowers for Garden Club tomorrow.

1987 - Tuesday - 68° at 6 AM. Warm morning - not too bad humidity until later in afternoon when breeze stopped.
I worked at Ballard with Muriel Pedersen and Charlotte Crossley until 11:30 - we deadheaded - shopped Stop & Shop enroute home. Wes had taken out huge stone from area near well - odd shape - put it along entrance to that spot. I cut grass - deadheaded Hosta - did some watering - moved Solomon Seal from area Wes was working. Warm evening - put fan on but turned it off for night