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July 26

1983 - Tuesday - 59° at 6 AM - Sun hits breakfast table about 6:20.  Sunny warm day - cool evening.
To Danbury to refill Heprex pills for Wes - enough to take him to Aug 5th - Finast for bananas and peaches - Marcus.  I cut half of grass - then went to Anne Tracy's for lunch - on to Garden Club meeting at Billie's - Mrs Raleigh talked on judging flower show.  Wes walking on Sophia when I returned - we drove to the lake, parked car and did more walking along Old Mill.  Watered Wood Knoll, azaleas wilting.

1984 - Thursday - 53° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful day.  Walked Boo before Mass and following.
Put Hollytone on the acid loving plants as rain predicted for tomorrow.  Also fertilized the Astilbes.
To Walpole to inquire about equipment shed.  Shopped Stop & Shop following.  Mess up in telephone lines in area - our phone out again for short period - telephone man here.  Kelly helping Carolyn move from Va. to New Haven - said might stop overnight but didn't come.

1985 - Friday - 70° at 6:30 and raining - the remnants of Hurricane Bob going through.  After lunch, when rain stopped - had .95 in gauge.
I went to Waldbaums and Marcus in morning - entrance to Marcus very muddy with new road construction.
I picked flowers for church - Calendula, Blackeyed Susans from road - bought daisies.  Wes transplanted one of Azalea Bakeri to top of back steps.  We picked up lots of downed branches & leaves.  Rain again after dinner.

1986 - Saturday - 74° at 6:30 - Hazy - warm - humid - thunderstorms forecast - I cut north grass early - deadheaded - put second set of grass seedlings (2 kinds) to join others along cliff path - Sores on Wes' forehead bothering him - he rested most of day.  Lunch - nap - made rum cake - David's oatmeal cookies - nut cake - defrosted refrigerator - put sprinkler on Wood Knoll when storm came - some heavy rain at times - used umbrella to walk to Vargas at 6 PM for dinner - Pleasant evening

1987 - Sunday - 71° at 6 AM - Thunderstorm at 1 AM - loud - got up to shut skylights & [[?]] - there was .37 inches - another .20 about 11 AM - glad to have it.  We went to 8 o'clock Mass.
Cleaned up dishes from last night's party - put table leaf away, etc.  I transplanted couple alpine plants from wall to step garden - put [[?]]  chickens along steps there.  Wes edged back of wall garden and shade garden - deadheaded - cultivated.

July 27

1983 - Wednesday - 51° at 6:30 - Fair - warm and beautiful day - we wish it would rain of course.
Watered Wood Knoll plants - wall garden - vegetables and rhododendrons.  Lots of green tomatoes - using the cocktail size of which we have plenty.  Picked beans, zucchini, cucumbers and strawberries.  I went to Ballard - Mr Capua of Rosedale was to come there after his appointment with Dolly Wittman, but he had stopped there earlier.  We walked in Hemlock Hills - to Rosses for tonic at 5:30.

1984 - Friday - 63° at 6 AM - Raining.  At 10 AM there was 8/10th - only mist after that - not a golf day.
To Bethel to look at equipment sheds at Rings End and Agway - only Ring's End had one.  Shopped at Emily's and the Market.  Home for lunch - good nap.  Long walk with Boo.  To Ruth Sharp's at 5 for a drink - Sattlers - Scotts and Mary Luke there.

1985 - Saturday - 68° at 6:30 - Sun coming through cloud - Another 1/2 inch in gauge.  Beautiful day.  I arranged flowers for church at Louise McKeon's - when delivered to church, found flowers for wedding installed!  To Georgetown to look at wooden lighted plant stand at Mrs Norris' home - Mother of maker - will need adjustment to fit our kitchen location.  Home for lunch.  Cut grass - deadheaded - staked.  Wes transplanted Mahonias from shed area up hill near well.

1986 - Sunday - 72° at 6 AM.  Dark - overcast - big fan went all night - 6/10th inch rain in gauge at 7 AM.  Mist in morning - cloudy, humid and warm in P.M.
To 8 o'clock Mass.  I deadheaded, we staked up the Dahlia knocked over in storm - lots of Marigolds to cut off.  To church at 2:45 to hear concert of "Little Singers of Paris" boys choir - very good.  To McKeon's following for cocktail and supper - home at 8:30 to catch up on papers.

1987 - Monday - 61° at 6:45 - Fair - The weather we have been waiting for - a beautiful day.
Wes went to Gregory Lumber Yard - ordered material for gate - to be delivered Wednesday - he stopped at Reclamation enroute - I made a blueberry cake for tomorrow's luncheon and Tavern Bars.
Deadheaded - cut all grass - watered perennial - despite showers Sunday the ground is dry account very warm sun.