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August 1

1983 - Monday - 70° at 6 AM.  Foggy - hazy - hot very humid - about 4 pm had thunderstorm
Wes had a haircut - we shopped Waldbaums for a few things - and went to bank.
Watered - Moved Patridge Berry from cliff over deck to Wood Knoll - transplanted Hosta Venusta to spot in front of rock near path - watered big Hemlocks & Rhododendrons on South Side.  Joe Keller stopped by to look at our front walk - he is going to put one in for a customer.

1984 - Wednesday - 64° at 6:15 AM - Sun came up RED [[strikethrough]] ready [[/strikethrough]] - Going to be hot & humid - not too bad - 
Deadheaded and picked beans early - Wes drove me to Purdy's for the 10:20 train to NYC - a new car & air conditioned - had lunch at Oyster Bar - walked about saw Mr Long 1 PM - caught 2:48 train - Wes at Purdys.  He had cut grass - worked in Bog Watercourse - thunderstorm at 5 pm - almost 1/2 inch of rain - glad of it.
Another thunderstorm at 10:30 pm - heavy rain for short while

1985 - Thursday - 60° at 6 AM - Cloudy - cleared to a beautiful day.  2 inches of rain last night!  Wonderful
To Mass.  Made copy of my drug form (never received a refund) Waldbaum's - bank - Marcus.  Wes started digging up small hemlock along dell path - the smaller of the two to be moved - and brought it to hole near shed - big job finished at six o'clock.  I had deadheaded, swept Garden Room - uncovered ledge rocks near shed.

1986 - Friday - 64° at 6:30 AM - Cloudy - some periods of sunshine during day - good to see it.
Wes cleaned den, shop - vacuumed kitchen & Solar.  I made lamb & rice casserole - then to bank and Stop & Shop for fruit and vegetables.  Cut South grass after lunch - deadheaded - cultivated the vegetable boxes - put planks Wes was using to sheelbarrow stones over wall into Garden room back behind wood pile.  To Billie Newell's at 5:45 for a drink - home at 7:30.

1987 - Saturday.  54° at 6:30 - Fair - perfectly beautiful day - warm sun.  Wes put together (bolted) one side of [[strikethrough]] fence [[/strikethrough]] gate - has to wait for hardware and cement to harden to hang.  We talked about fence for either side.  He ordered lumber from Gregory for diagonals.  I deadheaded - edged - trimmed.  Prepared for Hemlock Hills meeting and picnic - there at 6:15, to learn real estate taxes had jumped from $59.00 to over $1200 - appraised as 4.5 acre building lot - only 5 families at meeting - most not prepared for picnic - we came home to eat our supper.   [[?]] writing letter to town on Assessment.

August 2

1983 - Tuesday - 65° at 6 AM - Fair - nice to see ground wet although we only had 2/10 inch rain.  To Mass.  Sunny warm day.
I worked at Ballard in the morning.  Wes read papers and rested.  After lunch I transplanted Creeping Fig ring and the deck garden.  Went over cliff and lifted trees there.  Believe I found wild azalea on side cliff.  Wood Knoll dry again so put on sprinkler.

1984 - Thursday - 68° at 6 AM. - Sun appeared red over the hill at 6:28 - rises officially at 6:05 - Another half inch of rain from last night's storm.  Hazy hot & humid
To Pharmcy - Bank - Marcus in terrible condition account new road construction - Waldbaum's.  Did work wash.  Staked dahlias beaten down in last night's storm.  Wes worked on Bog Watercourse.  I picked lots of beans - some strawberries, zucchini - put fertilizer on Northeast garden - Gizella came to see what plants to water while we are on vacation.  A shower at 8 pm.

1985 - Friday - 56° at 7 AM - Really slept late.  Beautiful day.  House and garden chores early.  Left at 10 o'clock on trip to Tarrytown to pick up bread - stopped first at Flower Time - no small round pool - bought sandwiches at Deli - ate at Eileen's with Boo - picked up bread - shopped at Rosedale, bought big stakes no small ones, looked over evergreens for our West Bank - maybe Black Pine.  Home for nap.  Cut grass.  Wes graded shed/well walk as he has to improve drainage.  I washed cliff rocks.

1986 - Saturday - 62° at 7 AM - Cloudy - Rain and thunderstorm 5 PM - continuing into night - 6/10 inch.
Made lentil and bean salad.  To W77 for Rock Garden plant sale - bought 10 rock & wood plants - 2 Connecticut Yankee lilies and 2 Pink Balloon Azaleas from W77.  Home for lunch - nap - Deadheaded - peaked flowers.  To 5 o'clock Mass - Set up rental tables in den and Kitchen - brought in rental chairs - cloths - napkins - wine glasses.

1987 - Sunday.  61° at 6 AM - Cloudy, sprinkles in late afternoon - rain at night.
To 8 o'clock Mass.  We carried gate to driveway entrance and planned gate and fence - decided to cut down gate one board - Wes did that - will order boards from Gregory tomorrow for fence sides - I deadheaded - prepared box of soil for Cardinal Flowers propagation as flowers are almost blooming.  To McKeon's at 5:30 pm for cocktail party in honor of Billie Newell's 90th Birthday on August 17th.  Home for soup at 7:30.  Wes had cooked steak at noon.