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August 23 

1983 - Tuesday. 64° at 6AM. Sun 6:16 - 7:44.
Beautiful day if you like it dry.  To Mass
Watered - made sandwiches - fixed vegetables and flower basket of Goldenrod and Heliopsis for Garden Club Meeting at Ballard - won second for vegetables - nothing for basket.
Wes searched out path location from bottom of lake to north side - not as beautiful as south side.  When I came home we clipped and cut more of trees along cliff path.
Dr [[Puchner?]] phoned in evening - Wes to take 3 Probanthine instead of 2 stop Geocillin when runs out Sat.

1984 - Thursday - 65° at 6:30 - Dark - light rain.
Mr Long's 80th Birthday - cleared about noon - only 3/10 inch of rain - beautiful afternoon.  Wrote letters - Wes balanced check book - to bank to transfer $5,000 from money market to cover upcoming big bills - shopped at Caldors - Liquor - Talbots for Potpourri for Nancy Carroll Draper's birthday - Shop & Shop.  Home for lunch - put peat, lime and compost on new flower bed - dug them in.  Boo had teeth cleaned and was still unconscious late afternoon - gradually coming out.

1985 - Friday - 53° at 7 AM - Clear, beautiful day if you don't mind it very dry.  Wes brought up chipper to the glade and chipped small branches and leaves of tree and brush he cut down yesterday.  The belt broke and he later went to town for a replacement - finished the chipping 
I had shopped in morning - Cheese Shop - Shop & Shop.  Squash's for poster board to use at RGC meeting next Tuesday.  In afternoon I watered transplants and back rhododendron which was wilting.  Cut south grass - North grass is burning out except under trees near wall garden.

1986 - Saturday - 56° at 7 AM - Cloudy - evidently yesterday was our only good day - it became mostly sunny, not a bad day at all - rain in late evening.
Wes moved dirt to new wall behind shade garden - raising level.  I cultivated Asclepias bed adding peat moss - edged - trimmed.  Studied Dutch Bulb catalog in morning.

1987- Sunday - 62° at 6 AM - Fair - Wes had coughing spell in night.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Cool day - nice breeze.  Wes balanced check book - paid bills.  I made banana muffins for tomorrow's Ballard Garden work.  We cut off more sod from south front area - filled up the ungrassed space back of mailbox on north grass area.  Watered newly transplanted azaleas and other plants new area at well.  Picked quite a few tomatoes.

August 24

1983 - Wednesday - 55° at 7AM.  Slept late.  Beautiful again - no report of rain.  Nuthatch and Titmouse finally found the birdseed on the tree over cliff - we were surprised the Chickadee wasn't first.  We left at 9 AM for the bank and White Plains - shopped for vase stands - bath brush - panties - met Mary at Bloomingdale's for lunch.  Stopped at Handleman's - bought wooden suet holder - no flowerpot - found a 13" plastic at Pound Ridge- no small one for heather -none at Yellow Monkey - home at 3 PM. Watered after a nap.

1984 - Friday - 59° at 6:15 - Fair - Off and on cloudy - very variable and it changed quickly from one to the other.  Wes dropped me at Waldbaum's - Chock-full of Nuts coffee on coupon at $1.89 - corn 6 for $1.00 - and he went to Agway for fertilizer and grass seed for North area and cow manure & superphosphate for new garden bed which I put out.  Wes finished grading at North side and brought excess soil to the South.  I cut grass - brought up ferns from deer trail - Wes saw deer tracks across here grading North lawn.  Boo recovered from anesthesia.

1985 - Saturday - 52° at 6:45 - Sleeping late these mornings.  Sunny, breezy day.
Cleaned house - set table - got dinner ready.  
Out in afternoon to deadhead - clean garden, room water.  Wes started moving two huge stones on slope from Wood Knoll to shed walk - to get them into a better position for better landscaping.
Castles and Vargas here at 5:30.  Castles house not on the market any more.  Vargas had a visit from son & daughter in law Joanne and their puppy.

1986 - Sunday - 60° at 6 AM.  Clear - .2/10 of rain from last night's shower.  Beautiful, clear and very windy day - lots of twigs down.  To 8 o'clock Mass.   Prepared for Eileen's visit - here at noon with Boo - pleasant afternoon - left about 4:15.  We took a nap - read papers - relaxing day.  Eileen brought us Woodruff.

1987 - Monday - 49° at 6:30.  Beautiful morning.  Cold.  Wes had a bad night with his coughing.
I worked at Ballard Garden in the morning (meeting tomorrow).  Ladies were cleaning up the Greenhouse - shopped for groceries following.  Wes started work on last path of North slope.  After lunch we finished stripping sod from South fence area - watered evergreens on South side - Garden room - the plants on North Slope.  Was amazed at how dry ground was.