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August 29

1983 - Monday - 68° at 6:30 - Foggy - thunderstorm and .12 inches rain - very welcome - Muggy afternoon. 
Cleaned out old magazines - to Bethel Marked - Post Office - Dolan - no top soil or gravel - to Bethel Sand & Stone - ordered both there - lunch - nap - transplanted little Heather into new pot found in Bethel - and dug up Rosemary - cut off some roots and potted it in plastic pot - also put one Chrysanthemum into W77 pot and one to replace Rosemary in ground.  Early dinner as Wes went to 7:30 PM Mass

1984 - Wednesday - 70° at 6:30 - Cloudy - mostly cloudy all day - looked like rain several times but only three drops - you could count them!  So disappointing.
Moved Leucothoe from former Compost path to new spot below retaining wall Wes is making on South Garden Room.  I moved the Tiarella back to big Rhododendron in same area.  Moved Viburnum near big Laurel on North Knoll back on the Knoll, moving a small Laurel to do so.  Watered everything well.  Tired.  Stayed up to eleven to watch missed episode of "To Serve Them All My Days".

1985 - Thursday - Forgot to put temperature down but it was a sunning morning and cloudy afternoon.  
To Mass.  Transplanted the two dwarf laurel to the future pool (?) area base of big rock house/shed path = the two small leaf rhododendron from West Slope to sides of bench to replace laurel - moved the dwarf Pieris from one side of Garden Room to the other - moved the remaining blueberry bushes to cliff side front of Crab - brought down the Emerald Juniper rooted cuttings & planted them on West Slope.  Cut grass.

1986 - Friday - 44° at 7 AM - Beautiful.  Warm sun, but needed sweaters to work in shade.
Wes finished grading - rolling - seeding patch in lawn above mailbox.  Then he stripped moss sod from around tree wall at front of driveway.  Got a haircut.  I mended skirt - raised paisley skirt - potted Ricky's begonias - 4 plants had rooted.  Sprayed Rudbeckias for aphids.  Put peat, fertilizer & lime on former juniper bed and dug them in.  Cut grass.

1987 - Saturday - 56° at 7 AM - Misting - another 4/10 inch in gauge.  Cleared by afternoon.  Lazy morning - trying crossword - too hard - Out after lunch - Wes finished putting in last 3 fence posts - last one was difficult - big stone in way - made fence space a foot shorter.  I deadheaded - the phlox down in rain - transplanted Hydrastis canadensis to well area from Bog Garden - Moles have dug up both lawns.

August 30

1983 - Tuesday - 62° at 6 AM - Foggy - Partly cloudy and sunny day - muggy.  To Mass.  I worked at Ballard for two hours - no one came so I returned home before noon - Stopped at Hartcorns to pick up church key - in charge of flower arranging September.  Wes continued work on cliff path behind compost pile.  Scraped grass from triangle at north end wall - the sunny spot - will make flower garden there.  Discovered spotted Wintergreen on path to gas can - transplanted it to join others on rock top at edge of path.  Cut south grass.

1984 - Thursday - 70° at 6 AM - Dark - cloudy and hot and humid day.  To Mass.  Wes dropped me at Waldbaum's to shop while he went to Dolan's for salt hay - shopped at Marcus enroute home.
Wes spread the hay on the North Slope seeded area - had to use the remainder of the old bale stored at the holding bed.  We dug up the "Royal" fern from the Allen Well brook and put it in our Bog - also took the moss rocks from the drainage ditch along Bogus and set them in Bog watercourse - looks good to us.

1985 - Friday - 60° at 7 AM - Cloudy - thunder and rain at 4 pm - light at first - heavier at dinner time - 1/2 inch.
Did wash - Wes went to Wickes for drain pipe for the well/shed walk - installed that.  I dug two pails of soil from deer trail - will use to transplant baby primula.  I transplanted Hemerocallis Gizella gave us last year from under wall at South side (ruined by birds & squirrels) to roadside in front of big stump.  We shifted one big stone near chestnut tree - rain prevented moving the second.

1986 - Saturday - 44° at 7 AM.  Beautiful day - sunny - cool.  Wes continued work on tree well at driveway entrance - brought down soil to raise the level - stripped sod from lawn from that area back toward shade garden.  I watered new grass area above mailbox - watered some plants in perennial garden (amazing to realize water is needed again after all our rain)  To Nancy Carroll Draper's birthday party at 6 pm - good time - home at 10:30.

1987 - Sunday - 52° at 6:30 - Fair beautiful day.  To 8 o'clock Mass.
Transplanted the 5 blueberry bushes to road side of fence - south side - mixing peat and compost to do so.  Realined the perennial bed - curving it out into lawn - will dig in peat etc this week.  Cut grass - loads of mole runs.  Wes tried various angles of fencing north side - decided on arrangement of boards.