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September 6

1983 - Tuesday - 70° at 6AM - Hazy, hot and very humid - terrible weather so dry.  Report calls for 30% chance of thunderstorms - none here.  To Mass.
I went to Ballard to see if anyone came to work - nobody - so I shopped for groceries - paid Ciucolli for kitchen speakers - enjoying them - bought Velcro at Caldor to secure turnoff switch to MacIntosh - lunch - long nap. Watered - went to Nancy Carroll's birthday party at five - home at eight thirty - buffet and beautiful birthday cake.

1984 - Thursday - 44° at 6:15 - Fair.  No Mass as as I worked at Ballard - left here 7:40 - returned at 12 - only one there but Greenhouse is open again.  Wes continued making steps to Wood Knoll - looks good.  We moved the Tall Anemone back so he could realign the walk.  I brought up two Christmas ferns from the woods - put them in place of Heuchera along Shed Path - put Heuchera in Sun Garden.  Pinchbeck delivered chips & peat - that is - mulch for Garden Room. M ike came to look at Equipment Shed - will erect on weekend.

1985 - Friday - 72° at 6:30.  Not as hot last night for sleeping but the day was worse than yesterday - hot and humid.  I went for a haircut, bought peat and Balls mix at Pinchbeck - 3 way light socket to repair den lamp - groceries at Stop & Shop.  Wes had worked on drain at pump area.  I watered - transplanted Mother Fern and dug up indoor Maidenhair - cut it back to fit in a pot.  Wes spent afternoon trying to repair den lamp - no luck - it wasn't the switch/socket or the plug.  Warm evening - dinner on deck.

1986 - Saturday - 64° at 7AM - Clearing - a beautiful day - only a trace in rain gauge.
Took small blue rug back to Ziegler for redo of dirty end. 
Wes lowered grade below new pool - we tried all sorts of angles - moved ferns from corners - searched for stones to seal corners - replanted one fern - put others in garden across path.  I watered new grass above mailbox using house water as well water is cut off.  Refilled ditch along front walk, i.e. - raked back gravel.

1987 - Sunday. 55° at 6AM - Cloudy - Some rain sprinkles - not wet under trees and didn't prevent outdoor work. Went to 8 o'clock Mass.  Wes balanced checkbook, paid bills.  I made prune/pecan cookies in case work tomorrow at Ballard.  Wes cooked lamb chops for noon dinner.  After nap he refilled big hole at well area - refilled hole at bog step where had taken out Hosta - moved all but one huge stone from well area to stone pile - moved stone back of wall garden to spot along path to north grass - future "spill-over" rock for procumbens nana.

September 7

1983 - Wednesday - 72° at 6:30.  Clear. Hot night.  Kept big fan on but slept well.  Sun 6:30 - 7:20
To Mr. Gust - Fabricator of garden ornaments - Route 6 Danbury - nice shop - looked at fountain and statues.  To Stony Hill Motel for lunch after ordering crystal goblets for Varga Wedding at Read's.  To Lexington Gardens for 10 flower pot to transplant Chrysanthemums.  Home for nap - then watered Wood Knoll - had done Rhododendron & Azaleas in morning.  Hot - no rain - cooled at night.

1984 - Friday - 40° at 7AM - Fog over pond as sun came over the hill - Beautiful day - Sunny & cool.  Wes went for a haircut.  Stopped at bank & Marcus.
We drove down Bogus for a three foot hemlock - Wes planted it in front of compost bins.  He transferred compost to open bin - spread the pine bark mulch on Garden Room.  I transplanted myrtle to side of new stone steps to Wood Knoll - taking the plants in front of north chimney - brought down gravel to even out that path.  Watered North Slope - grass appearing behind pine trees.

1985 - Saturday - 68‪° at 6:30 - Had light shower during night.  Cloudy - cleared partly - humid but not as hot.
I made cookies - new ones in Cuisinart. (wheat germ oatmeal chocolate chip) and Tavern Bars in the cool of the morning.  Wes repaired den lamp - found it was a burned out bulb but we now have a lamp with new parts.  We watered all this year's transplants on South side.  Put aluminum sulfate on cliff path, front of deck - need more to finish it.  Quit early - read papers.

1986 - Sunday - 50° at 6 AM.  Beautiful sunrise but lots of clouds - off and on clouds and sunshine - cleared in evening with no expected rain.  To 8 o'clock Mass. 
I went with Louise McKeon to pick up raspberries at Ryder Farm - between North Salem and Brewster - 3 pints.  Wes continued refilling ditch to bury electric line to new pump. 
To Sobol's at 6 pm - took them a box of raspberries - for dinner after stopping at Rosses at 5 pm to say hello to young couples who attend 8 o'clock Sunday Mass.

1987 - Monday - 65° at 7AM.  Light rain off and on during day.  9/10 from overnight rain.  Glad to have it.  Lazy day - Wes changed battery in smoke alarm.  I listed our CD's and made out form for CD Club - we get 3 CD's for $1.00 to start.
Did crossword and also Sunday's crossword - almost finished that.  Started for a movie but turned back as too late to make it