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September 20

1983 - Tuesday - 64° at 6:30 - Sky was red with sun coming up - going to be another hot, humid day. - it was record had 93°.  To Mass.  Kept out of the sun - so humid felt the heat.  Polished brass and silver.  I picked up Helen - met Karen Nagle at Ballard Hall to discuss arrangements next Tuesday's G.C. meeting - Shopped Brunetti. Home to cook chicken - pick beans - zucchini - strawberries.  Watered wood knoll - Wes had watered rhododendron. Pinchbeck delivered peat & birdseed.

1984 - Thursday - 52° at 6:30.  Fair - warm dry wind - a beautiful day - if you want it dry - up to 80°. 
To Mass - new black top at church looked good - Did house chores - Arranged living room furniture for tomorrow's party.  Wes raked hay from North grass.  To North Salem Herb Fair at 11:45 - had lunch under huge oak tree - bought Camysperkus [[Chamaecyparis]] pisifera.  Back home for nap.  Wes finished raking from North Slope grass.  I watered it and other transplants.  Cut south grass - Watered bog moss.

1985 - Friday - 56° at 7 AM - Enjoyed sleeping late - Fair warm day - over 80.  Terrible toll from Mexican earthquake 
Quiet day for us.  Wes cut trees at holding bed area.  I washed, ironed, threw on compost some Cleome - watered all transplants on south side - in fact all season's transplants.  Dug up Cyclamen from top holding bed.  
Saw Big Heron land on pond.

1986 - Saturday - 50° at 7 AM.  Foggy - Partly cloudy & sunny day.  
Wes cleaned rocks from North Slope and brought topsoil to fill the holes.  I transplanted (split) Ruth Sharp's Begonia and took half each to Mary Luke and Punkie Scott.  Watered all azaleas and bushes on wood knoll.  Also rhododendrons and plants around garden room.  Dug up Camassia and planted the bulbs around Hosta in triangle bed. Shower at 6 pm.

1989 - Sunday - 56° at 6:30 - Dark - gloomy damp day - colder in afternoon - but not the heavy rain predicted.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Prepared diner for Eileen (here at 12) Carolyn & Pete Bleakwell, Kelly and Barbara (here at 1:30) The latter group had been house hunting in Ridgefield - pleasant visit - they left to put Barbara on 4:39 train from Stamford - Eileen helped us clean up & then left.  We had a short nap & then went to Rosses where the Bowie's (Lucy & Bob) were packing up articles for Garden Club meeting Tuesday - had a drink - home at 4 pm. 

September 21

1983 - Wednesday - 68° at 6:30 - Cloudy - high wind all day - rain at dinnertime.  
To Pharmacy - gasoline - bank and Marcus.  I then went for haircut - (Marcia - Terry having baby) to Stop & Shop. After lunch and nap transplanted Figularia (yellow Rockets) into Bog garden - cleaned off rocks along road - Wes found a stepping stone - moved one Aruncus and separated Hostas around Ash tree - put 3 into Figularia hole.  Glad when rain started.

1984 - Friday - 55° at 6:30 - Beautiful, breezy fall day - dry. 
Except for watering north slope grass and transplants spent day preparing for cocktail party.
Ruth Sharp brought Eve Whitehouse - Nancy - Carroll Draper - the Rosses Tracys Sattlers - Mary Luke - here 5:30/8 pm - Good time

1985 - Saturday - 60° at 6:45 - Fair warm day.  Made plum cake and cookies in morning - Wes in shop.  Early lunch.  To Stop & Shop - Liquor - Ridgefield Hardware for 24" clear white Fluorescent lights for new plant stand - Pinchbeck for another bag of Aluminum Sulphate - to Lockwood - Mathews Mansion, Norwalk, for Darien Flower Show, Admired entires - Won Third for Spiral - Honorable for Mother Fern - home at four - nap - read papers

1986 - Sunday - 63° at 6:30 - Dark - .42 in rain gauge - surprised us - we thought only a shower.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Wes finished step off shade garden - emptied roller & put it away.  I transplanted more perennials from rhododendron garden to driveway side - cut grass.  Phoned Joan & Hooker - they have made an offer for a house in Youngstown.  Mr & Mrs Gust came at 6 pm to look at pools - will bring new Piping Boy this week and & adjust flow of frog.

1987 - Monday - 54° at 7 AM - Sun! - first in days.  Cloudy mid-morning - cleared again late afternoon.  Did more transplanting of perennials - threw on compost annuals in triangle bed and dug manure, soil & fertilizer in there.  Wes checked deer fence for "entrance" places - measured section over cliff near shed - will put wire there as signs of deer coming up.  Man from fence company never keeps his appointment.  I cut grass - long and lawn loaded with mole runs.