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October 2

1983 - Sunday 60° at 6 AM - Light mist - some clearing - light rain in evening.  Another .30 in gauge from last night.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Read papers, did work wash.  Wes in shop.  Long nap.  Took sod from section front of Hosta - Euonymous - Cimicifuga on South. 
To McKeon's at 5:15 for party - tent - lots of people - saw their tape of Paris and Yorktown troop - Rothambeaus Anniversary. 

1984 - Tuesday - 46° at 6:30. Dark - there was 1/2 inch rain at 8 AM - so we had a quarter inch more.  Glad of it - discovered later when planting Daystemon Tulip on Wood Knoll it was very dry a shovel length down. 
To Mass - no work at Ballard account weather although it cleared in afternoon.  Wes in shop - split wood in afternoon.  I divided Spiderplant from upstairs bath - hung a part in kitchen.  Stripped peppers from plants - froze them - composted plants & put compost on vegetable garden -  we walked down cliff path.  

1985 - Wednesday - 60° at 6:50 - Cloudy - some very light rain at times.  Shop hours for Wes.  I finished wrapping birthday and Christmas presents.  To bank.  Sturdevants to pick up photos -  Hollandia bought Viburnum Tomentosum - home for lunch & nap.  Too much rain to work outdoors - cleaned up a few old magazines - Wes back in shop.  To Ruth Sharp's at 5 pm for a drink - Anne Winston, Scotts & Rosses there. 

1986 - Thursday - 60° at 6:30 - Light rain - had rain during night.  To Mass - prayed for Mary Luke who has malincany in duodenum and will have operation Monday.  I went to bank - gasoline fillup - few things at Brunetti - picked up table at Tinker shop.  We made up Eileen's bed and cleaned the bedroom and bath.  Eileen came up about 3 pm - walked about - showed her the Frog and Piping Boy.  Wes cooked steaks - Eileen brought Carrot Cake from Plaza Sweets - We had a "retirement" dinner for her. 

1987 - Friday - 44° at 6 AM - Fog over pond - became dry windy, sunny day.  To Mass.  
To look at house on #1 Washington Avenue which Carolyn & Peter may buy - off Copp's Hill Road - shopped for liquor & groceries - looked for my lost glasses at Medical Building & McKeon's - no luck - Wes dug 3 more post holes to continue wood fence - Gregory delivered lumber.  I went for haircut at the Mall - to bank & Marcus.  Home to plant tulip bulbs in Rhododendrum Garden - split Coreopsis Goldfruit & weed it to edge yellow border.  To Stoddards at 7 for dinner - Katz there.

October 3

1983 - Monday - 57° at 6:45.  Slept late - Foggy.  Only .1 in gauge from last evening but welcome.
Karel Nagel cancelled coming to try Bernina - daughter ill - so went to Reclamation - bank - Wes bought paint brushes - to Stop & Shop - Caldor for ironing board cover - Home for lunch - nap - cut grass - transplanted Hostas from Wood Knoll to South side - Wes finished grading over septic tank - raised grade 4" - seeded it - he discovered 3rd Dolls Eye in Bog Area - studying how to bring in equipment to make a Stone rip raps there.

1984 - Wednesday - 40° at 6:30 - Clear - Re above stone rip-raps in bog - Wes did it by hand this summer bringing in stone in the wheelbarrow.  Cool beautiful day.  At 9:45 drove to Purdy's - no room in parking lot so left car along Route 116 in car pool area - took 10:20 train to Grand Central - subway to Dr Espey's - Wes had a good report on eyes - come back January 9th - lunch at Mortimer's - Lexington and 75th - walked to Bloomingdale's bought gloves for me - subway to Grand Central - bought nail clippers at Stoffritz - 2:48 train to Purdys, home 4:30 - to Ruth Sharpe's at 5:30.

1985 - Thursday - 51° at 6 AM.  Raining - lightly most of day - .45 in gauge at 6 PM.  Wes dropped me at Stoddarts, he went to Mass.  Carol drove to NY Botanical Garden - picking up Helen Henshaw at Cross River, for Symposium on Perennials, four speakers.  Very good - Box lunch there - home at five.  Wes had polished fireplace tools and balance - worked in shop.

1986 - Friday - Cloudy morning - rain on trip in afternoon - Eileen and Boo with us.  We left about 9 AM for Rome, N.Y. - 84 to Taconic Parkway - that was beautiful and no trucks - not too much tree color but some - Thruway to Rome - Quality Inn - took at short nap - Bit arrived before 3:30 (we arrived at 3).  Joan & Hooker before 5 - they had sold their house & were both apprehensive and excited about moving to the new one in Youngstown.  Eileen took us to dinner at the Inn - Boo stayed in car - she is very good & quiet.

1987 - Saturday - 56° at 7:45 - Cloudy - It was good to sleep late.
Wes finished digging post holes to continue fence on North - put posts in - all but gate posts as needs 6x6 for those.
I cut grass - Worked around neatening up place.