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October 8
Otesaga Hotel

1983 - Saturday - in Cooperstown with family!  Fair beautiful day - good breakfast.  To Fenimore Museum and Farmers - to lakeside for boat trip but over-subscribed - twice.  Had lunch on lakefront restaurant - walked Main Street - back to hotel for nap - to 5:30 Mass at St.Mary's Church - Area very crowded for Foliage Weekend.  Kelly had returned to Fayettville for a shower of friend but came back in evening bringing Barbara.  Cocktails and dinner.

1984 - Monday in Williamsville at Joan & Hookers.  Cloudy, misty day.  Leisurely breakfast.  Hooker & Wes made a visit to Hooker's former shop.  Then we drove to Canadian Horticultural School garden - admired gardens.  Lunch at Whirlpool Golf Club Restaurant.  Home for dinner - Kelly had gone home after breakfast.  Boo avoiding cats, but they are getting along ok.

1985 - Tuesday - Beautiful day - mild.  Joan & Hooker with us - Bit leaving Eileen's today for home.
Wes took Hooker to Fine Tool Shop - I took Joan to town, bought gas, left bulbs at Greenhouse for Muriel Pedersen - talked to Bollie Hoffman and Nancy McDaniel who were working in Garden.  Home to go with Hooker & Wes to Stamford Town Center - lunch there - admired shops - bought articles at Pottery Barn - to Whitney Museum in Champion Building - Haberle (John Haberle) show (Illusions) saw Bonsai Exhibit in Greenhouse - home for steak dinner cooked by Wes on grill.  Watched Blue Jay-Toronto Baseball.

1986 - Wednesday - 40° at 7:45 - Slept late!  Beautiful morning - our 48th Wedding Anniversary - lovely day.  Washed blue electric blanket - recovered frog pond - the raccoon keeps throwing in the flowerpot hold downs - to Hammond Museum at 12 to meet Eileen and Mary - realized sign along road had been stolen - Eileen drove to Brewster before turning back - we waited along road for her - Good lunch - walk through Stroll Garden - home at 5:30 for nap - raked leaves on front walk.

1987 - Thursday - at Lock Haven.  Our 49th Anniversary.  Partly cloudy - cold.
Left at 9 AM for home - some sun on trip so color was beautiful.  Picnic lunch enroute.  Reached Tarrytown at 2:30 - home at 3:30.
No angel had cleaned up the tree mess!  However roads were better as crews working on tree limbs, throwing them at sides of roads.  Unpacked - nap - dinner- good to have heat on & lights.

October 9

1983 - Sunday - in Cooperstown with family - Overcast cooler.  Had long breakfast - talked in hotel parlor. Hooker took pictures on porch in rocking chairs - beautiful.  Begonia hanging baskets.  Left for home, with picnic lunch, via Route 28 to Thruway to Route 84 - stopped at Marcus for NY Times for Eileen and milk - home at 3:30 - Eileen discovered had locked keys in car - she and I went to Tarrytown for extra key - she left at 5:40 again with Boo.
Some mist during day - therefore color not as bright but beautiful.

1984 - Tuesday - Left Joan & Hooker's at 8 AM for home - using Route 90 to Albany and Taconic Parkway to Route 84 and home.  Color was beautiful, especially along Parkway.  Reached home about 4:30 after a stop for gasoline and milk at Marcus. 
Eileen left for home.  Bit was to leave Williamsville after we did.  Unpacked.  Lots of leaves down and no rain here.

1985 - Wednesday - 56° at 6:30 - Joan & Hooker left after breakfast.  We straightened up house - did wash. 
I shopped Sylvia Barry for a dress, no luck - Wes left film at Sturdevants. After lunch Wes cut grass while I went to Talbots and found a dress there - stopped at Stop & Shop. 
We covered the pool again with plastic - threw away the big Boston Fern and transplanted the one Eileen gave us into a bigger pot for the living room.  Put out suet for first time this season - found some at Stop & Shop. Tried to catch up on papers.

1986 Thursday - 60° at 6 AM - Dark - cleared - no rain as forecast.  Became warm up to 70‡ in afternoon.  Took Ficus Pumila to Muriel Pedersen - Pinchbeck for daffodil bulbs for Castles - papers to recycling - Youngs for bird food and fertilizer (will put that on grass around Thanksgiving) bananas at Stop & Shop - sent card to Mary Luke in Memorial - to Dr. Yanity - both had cleaning only - home for lunch and nap - Wes finished electric ditch for Piping Boy.  I cut South grass - pulled out impatiens - put Dahlia bulbs in crawlspace and one Fuchsia.  Called Holmdens for their anniversary.

1987 - Friday - 38° at 7 AM - Clear. 
To Mass.  To bank - wanted to see storm damage along George Washington Hwy. - not bad there. 
We worked on clearing storm debris - Wes used saw on north grass - I cleaned perennial bed - many plants broken by snow - cut grass (except under downed tree on South lawn of course)  Wes worked in bog.  Called Wright again - reached answering service only - called Michaels for brush pickup - will be couple weeks.  Wes very sore and stiff at days end.