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October 22

1983 - Saturday. at Vista Hotel - NYC - slept late
Beautiful sunny day - Windows on World not open for breakfast on weekends, so ate in Greenhouse of Vista.
Took walking tour north of Wall Street area - into St Paul's Chapel - Woolworth Building - Trinity Church - City Hall Park - Hall not open - admired various styles of architecture, sandwich in World Trade Bldg. Walked halfway over Brooklyn Bridge - subway to 59th St - shopped Tiffany's for Brooklyn Bridge souvenirs - 5:10 Mass at St Christophers Chapel - dinner at the Market - World Trade - late to bed.

1984 - Monday - 62° at 6 AM - cloudy - shower in morning - not measurable. Thunderstorm after dinner. Heavy! To record have seen Wood Ducks & Mallards on pond lately. 
Cleaning up chores after party - washed tablecloth. 
Wes had shop hour. I went to Hawsie Nash's and helped divide the bulbs for Preview of Spring Show. Came back with $51.10 worth of pots & bulbs - double each entry.
After lunch Wes continued using leaf shredder - got rid of all leaves near shed - I cut grass and raked.

1985 - Tuesday - 36° at 6:30 - Dark - Became a very beautiful day - some morning fog. To Mass - 
I left at 8:20 in Gizella's car - picked up Christmas cactus from Louise McKeon - picked up Helen Ross - on to St. Marks New Canaan for meeting of garden club and demonstration and talk by Libby Oliver of Williamsburg. Very good. Home at 1pm - Wes had started up the leaf chipper and one pile of leaves was gone - continued after lunch and nap. I cut grass to get rid of leaves there - raked leaves on Wood Knoll down to Wes & chipper. Loads to go.

1986 - Wednesday - 46° at 7:30 - Fair beautiful mild day - didn't need sweaters in afternoon. House chores for me. Wes cut down saplings around birch tree at new well. Early lunch and nap as Wes had 1:45 appt with Dr. Neligan - ok - come back in 3 months - to bank, Brunetti - Bissels is going out of business so bought lip salve there - left clay pots at Greenhouse for Muriel - West looked at trellis and espaliered bush in Memorial Garden - home to cook chicken for Sunday - I cut grass - Wes raked leaves.

1987 - Thursday - 38° at 4 am - Fair - lots of leaves down. Beautiful cool day. 
Went to White Plains to meet Mary at Sassafras - She was taking us to brunch for our anniversary. We shopped at Nabels enroute - bought 10 Paperwhites and Safer spray. Home at 3:30 for a long nap.
Market fell 75 points, after two days of rise.
Petey Cerf (Mrs. Ballard's daughter) phoned from Kansas - wants to donate new trees for Ballard Garden. I will give offer to John Pinchbeck & Paul Roche.

October 23

1983 - Sunday - at Vista Hotel NYC - Breakfast in Greenhouse - walked to Battery Park - light rain started. Checked out at 10:15 - to Bronx Zoo Bird House - beautiful Visited Eileen  - learned over 100 Marines killed in Beirut - home at 3:30 - heavy frost had killed everything in garden except strawberries - nap - caught up on papers - light supper after all our heavy eating last few day. Gizella said everything went well at the wedding on Saturday. (Rained all afternoon)

1984 - Tuesday - 57° at 6:30 - Dark - Sun rises 7:16 - 1 1/2 weeks in rain gauge at 7AM. Cleared during day.
To Mass. I prepared Sinningia Jewel Box and strawberries for Garden Club meeting (won first and second) Meeting was at Hawsie Nash's - I took Helen - returned at 5 pm and Wes was still shedding leaves on South side - got rid of almost all the big pile when the gasoline ran out. We now have two huge piles of shredded leaves.

1985 - Wednesday - 38° at 7AM - Foggy - became another beautiful fall day - warm sun - sweaters only needed in afternoon. Did work wash. Left at 9:30 for Altman's - having their 25% off sale on one item - I bought Burberry raincoat - ordered slippers for Mary's Christmas - bought socks for Wes - ate lunch there - home at 2 pm - raked leaves - Wes blew south side - cut off rest of Hostas- Bud Wright came at five to go offer tree work Hopes to come in next week.
Juncos are back.

1986 - Thursday - 53° at 6:15 - Dark - clear morning. Clouded up - Thunderstorm at 3pm - not much rain - it is quite dry. To Mass. Left at 10 for Altmmans - they were having 25% off, but except for coats, furniture and jewelry, it turned out to be only on sale merchandise. Bought a wool jacket for me and had lunch there. To Pottery Barn in Stamford for 13 oz highball glasses and salad spinner. Home for nap. Worked with plants - lots of black bugs Tried crossword puzzle - too hard. Watched some of Red Sox/Mets game - 5th of World Series - Mets losing when went to bed at 11pm.

1987 - Friday - 43° at 6:30. Dark - never cleared to the sunny day predicted but better at evening. 
To Mass. I took Leek & Potato soup to Punkie Scott - on to bank - bought bananas - picked up Wes’ prints of our storm damage - Wes had worked on holders for planks of upper gate. We tried the new shade of stain on the bell post - liked it - tried it on section of fence already painted - covered well - painted upper fence and what we could of first section until paint gave out - cut grass - blew leaves - Wes picked up leaves - good to see green grass again.