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October 30

1983 - Sunday - 29° at 6:15 - Standard time again nice to have it light at breakfast - trees so yellow in sun to 8 o'clock mass.  Relaxed - read papers -  Called Eileen.  Mary.  Wes balanced checkbook - paid bills.  After lunch and nap, cut south grass to blow leaves - blew them away from wall garden - brought down chips to lilac/Ilex bed. Left at 5:30 for Father Tighe’s in Stamford. He gave a birthday party for Alex - Hartcorns & McKeons there 
Home at midnight.  

1984.  Tuesday. 43° at 6AM - Fog over pond moved to north at breakfast time - clear sky - a pretty effect. Beautiful day - high near 70 didn't need sweaters when working.  To Mass.  I worked at Ballard Garden in the morning.  Wes in shop and then blew leaves.  After lunch we continued that work - clearing big rock on north side - gardens on south side and Wes blew leaves from "Garden Room" - will have to pick them up tomorrow.

1985 - Wednesday - 32° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Cold.  Hurricane Juan wreaking havoc in Louisiana. 
Wes took car to Honda for 65,000 mile service, stopped for gasoline for car and can enroute home - using a lot now for the leaf blower.  I did ironing - planted more outside bulbs - transplanted the two zone II Gavel rhododendrons into 6" pots - one is bad.  After lunch we raked and blew leaves from front - still a lot around.  Put strawberry jars in upstairs bath - impatiens had frozen.

1986 - Thursday - 48° at 7AM - Fair.  Breakfast after Mass - we don't like the change in schedule.  Wes started the leaf chipper - worked all day at the huge pile of leaves near the shed.  I planted the wild Tulips near the Piper Pool - to Youngs for birdseed - bank - looked for a button for Wes' blue jacket - no luck - met Muriel Pedersen, Ricky Harrison and  Carol Schneider at Coq Hardi for lunch in honor of Carol who is moving Nov 13th - to Mary Luke's to plant Monarda from her Wayside order which was sitting around almost a month

1987 - Friday - 36° at 6AM.  Fair - some clouds in afternoon - few drops of rain - didn't stop raking.
Howard Castle came & he & Wes bought electrical conduit for the fence (to hang the arm) Wes had picked up 150 feet of black vinyl wire earlier - I shopped Stop & Shop - met Torrey Cooke at Greenhouse and gave her "Plants That Merit Attention - Trees" on trees for back of Ballard Garden.  Home for lunch.  Then we blew leaves and raked - Wes had done south side earlier - we cleared at well area. 

October 31

1983 - Monday - 29° at 7 AM - Beautiful fall day Sunny - not too cold - in 50's. 
To Pinchbeck to pick up bulbs for Preview of Spring show in March - tulips missing - Muscari not right bulbs - gasoline - shopped Shop & Stop - very crowded - returned ironing board cover to Caldors - home for lunch.  Grouse road blacktopped - Wes stretched out hoses to drain them - Marcus for milk & eggs - to 7:30 Mass for All Saints Day - Packaged bulbs for forcing - no Halloween callers

1984 - Wednesday - 49° at 6:30 - Cloudy.  Prime Minister Indira Ghandi assassinated.  All Saints Day Eve Wright Tree men (Bud & Jeff) here - cut down big beech - small beech along front walk - mirror tree on South side - hung mirror on birch in same location - dead limb on oak over cliff - good job - broke one of small Rhododendron only tragedy - Jennings Heat man Neal here all afternoon on den convectors - We left him here when we went to Mass at 7:30 one unit not working - only one Halloween caller - unknown to us.

1985 - Thursday - 42° at 6:30 - Cloudy - cleared in afternoon - a beautiful night - bright moon & stars.  No morning Mass - did wash - ironed - Wes in shop - Made list of Rock garden Plants for Ballard greenhouse to grow - Wes chopped leaves in the afternoon - I watered Wood Knoll transplants until water gave out - cut down most of plants in shade garden - we're getting lots of compost.  Early dinner as went to 7:30 Mass for All Saints Eve.  Met Grouse children at driveway - the only Halloween callers we had.

1986 - Friday - 32° at 6:30 - Fair - cold - Beautiful day.
Wes continued using the leaf chipper.  I washed - watered transplants at Mary Luke's - transplanted Iris for N.Y. Show next March into 8" pots - planted all remaining Narcissus from Dutch Bulb order on North Slope  - Had Halloween callers (2 Sets) six children with Fathers in masks or decorated faces.

1987 - Saturday - 42° at 6:30 - Fair - beautiful fall day - heavy frost but warmed up - breezy. 
Wes went for paint supplies to cover the electrical conduits which are to be used on the fence.  Spent the day painting them.  I did a wash - raked and raked - drained down two hoses - cut down the perennials in the triangle bed. 
Eight Halloween callers - Grouses came at 3:45 - other little children in groups of three with their fathers 
(Put forcing bulbs in the upstairs Attic Room #1.)