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November 11 

1983 - Friday - 49˚ at 6:30 - Dreary - 1.75 inches rain at 9AM - more rain ending at 2 PM - another quarter inch.
Made more cookies for church sale in morning - Wes in shop.  The ties for edging the south sidewalk and perennial garden top - were delivered.
Took our walk after lunch - Wes raked south lawn.  I did the paths.  Found my small cultivating fork behind woodpile!  High wind - most leaves down.

1984 - Sunday - 48˚ at 6AM - Rainy day - Out only to go to 8 O'clock Mass.
I put the second coat on back of front door - used up the paint on den johnny and on the side wall of the "Change room".  Did a work wash.  Read paper.  Wes in shop.
We left for the Timpanelli's party at 6 pm and realized on Scodon that the back tire was flat.  Put car back in garage - phoned McKeons who gave us a lift there - 26 people - nice party - missed "Barchester Chronicles".

1985 - Monday - Veterans Day - 52° at 7 AM.  Cloudy
Sun 6:58 - 4:41 - Rain forecast for later in day - only very light - about .15 inch.  Definitely not a day for working outdoors.  Wes in shop.  I knitted - cleaned up a couple of magazines - copied notes on Plant Care - spraying etc - into garden calendar.  We took a walk to  Allen's Corner at noon.

1986 - Tuesday - 33° at 6 AM - Cloudy.  Caught a mouse in kitchen drawer - second one - caught two more before night - same drawer.  To 7:30 Mass. 
Wes went for gas for car - he continued work in Hayloft as it started to sleet at 8:30 - turned to rain.  I shopped at Stop & Shop - then went to Muriel Pedersen's for Horticulture Meeting.  Home at 1 pm - lunch & nap.  Wes back to Hayloft.  I made oatmeal cookies and chocolate chip bars.  Wes saw Morning Grosbeaks.

1987 - Wednesday.  35° at 6:15. Cloudy - about an inch of snow covered by sleet - continued all day - definitely an indoor day.  Didn't go to Mass.
Did miscellaneous house chores - made lists for Friday's dinner - threw out catalogs - painted one side of fence wooden bar closures.  Wes worked on cleaning up shop.
Had a martini at noon and a long nap. 
Out only to fill birdfeeders - snow at 4pm over the sleet.

November 12

1983 - Saturday - 36° at 6:30.  Partly cloudy all day and very windy and cold.  Not good outdoor working weather.  House chores.  Shopped Waldbaums and Marcus.  Took our mile walk after nap.  Delivered cookies to church at 4:30 for the sale tomorrow.  Nice fire in den in evening. 
Brought most plants into kitchen and put electric heater on in solar.

1984 - Monday - Veterans Day Holiday - 48° at 6:45.  Slept late - cloudy.  1.45 inches in gauge at 7 AM.  Sun 6:40 - 4:40.  Studied Honda Instruction Book on how to change a tire - spare in good shape luckily.  Wes changed flat tire - went to Kovacs - they couldn't find anything wrong with tire - strange.  I went for a hair cut - left paperwhites at Timpanelli's - lunch - nap - out to cut more saplings at North slope - drained Roses as temperature to drop.  Cloudy cool day.

1985.  Tuesday - 38° at 7AM - Fog - mist - No Mass as Father in Washington.  Rain off and on - heavy at times.  I went to bank - mouse traps at Ridgefield Hardware.  Worked at Greenhouse 9:30/12 - shopped at Stop & Shop.  Wes in shop.  Caught 4 mice during the day & evening in kitchen drawers.  We had taken all cutlery etc out of drawers & washed them in morning.  Late lunch - nap - did crossword - cleaned up more magazines.  Wes returned to shop.

1986 - Wednesday - 34° at 6:45.  Foggy - Caught #5 mouse in same kitchen drawer.  Rain gauge .65.  Few house chores - left at 10:45 for Purdy's Station - caught 11:23 train (fare $4.00 each one way) had clam chowder at Oyster Bar - subway to 77th street - walked to Dr. Wiedel at 903 Park Avenue - 2 pm appointment - good report - caught 2:48 train - Purdy's at 4:10 - home about 4:30.  Beautiful weather - home in daylight - to bed as missed our nap.

1987 - Thursday. 30° at 7AM - Partly cloudy - about 5 inches of snow.  Sun out mid-morning but cold wind.  After raking driveway - shoveling front walk, to town - gasoline - picked up butterflied lamb at Brunetti - ordered Thanksgiving turkey - to Reclamation - Cheese Shop - Birdfood - liquor - Stop & Shop - home for lunch. 
Wes pulled snow and ice from Solar roof - shoveled deck.  I made Ratatouille - marinated the lamb. 
About 1 1/2 inches in rain gauge from melted snow. 
Judge Kennedy nominated for Supreme Court.