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November 13

1983 - Sunday.  28° at 6:15 - clear.  Solar was 40° not bad.  Thermometer on box of fencing bulb read 36° in upstairs showroom with door to eaves open.  Beautiful day - sunny and cold but no wind.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Read papers - took walk before lunch - raked and blew leaves - put tires in crawlspace.
To Mary Luke's at 6 pm for cocktails & quiche - home at 10 - lots of people there.

1984 - Tuesday - 36° at 6 AM.  Cloudy - snow showers in morning.  To Mass.  Indoor chores.  I went to Helen Ross' for meeting on Nov.27 Garden Club meeting there - Hope Swenson - Margie Kelly - Mary Luke and me assistant hostesses.  Home at lunch time.  Wes put hoses in Crawlspace - took out fence posts to put around from front dwarf fence to protect from winter winds - emptied rain barrels on azaleas after feeding them.  Stayed up to midnight to watch "Barchester Chronicles" missed Sunday - well worth it.

1985 - Wednesday - 50° at 7 AM - Clouds - mist - milder.  Took 8:47 train from Purdy's - used the 75¢ Parking Permit - worked very well not to have to park along the road.  To Metropolitan Museum for the Lichtenstein Art show - fabulous golden carriage and paintings and sculpture.  Lunch there - crowded.  Walked to Park Avenue, appointment with Dr. Wiedel - good - come back May 14 - home on 2:48 train - here at 4:30.  There was .85 in gauge from last couple days.  Very tired - early to bed.

1986 - Thursday. 34° at 6 AM - Heavy frost - Fair beautiful day - cold and windy.  To Mass. 
I went to Muriel Pedersen's to work on Horticulture Schedule for next June's show - home to type rules and mail them to Muriel from the great convenient Danbury Post Office enroute Marcus to buy milk.  Wes had taken pumps from pools, drained down hoses and pump lines.  After lunch we went to Mary Luke's to put her plant stand together - need to buy lights for it.

1987 - Friday - 36° at 6 AM - Fair - milder - above 50° in afternoon.  To Mass.
Spent day preparing for dinner party. Sobols - Timpanelli's here at six.  Kellers forgot date but came at 6:45. Wes cooked butterflied lamb on gas grill - very good.  Rest of meal worked out well - pleasent evening - guests left at 10:15.  We cleaned up silver & glasses.  Left dishes in dishwasher
To bed at 11:30

November 14

1983 - Monday - 29° at 7 AM. Slept late - it was good.  Cloudy - cold.
Wes went to bank and Meekers.  Left at 9:30 for Macys to check on 3 blends ordered Sept 28th - No received - will have to start over again.  To Alter's Bakery for bread.  Eileen's for lunch - to NYBG for Chrysanthemum Show. Shop in garden for plant labels & spices for Holmden's Christmas = left Eileen at Tarrytown, home at 4 o'clock.

1984 - Wednesday - 32° at 7 AM - Slept an hour later on account of staying up last evening - clear - high wind & cold.
To Tracy's to pick up pine needles for Wood Knoll wildflowers and laurel - to Kellers for day lilies - ones we had given them years ago - planted a clump off vegetable bed near cliff - I went to bank and Waldbaum - Wes in shop.
After lunch I cut off ten inches from black evening dress to make cocktail length for Saturday's dinner.  Took Myrtle and geraniums from Solar to South window upstairs.

1985 - Thursday - 44° at 6:15 - Beautiful sunrise but mostly cloudy day with rain in afternoon.  3/10 inch
To Mass.  Took Creeping Fig - Small Joy - 2 Geraniums to Greenhouse, picking up Louise McKeon enroute.  On to Muriel Pedersen's for Horticulture meeting - home at 12:15.  Wes had worked in shop.  We went to Waldbaums after lunch & nap - Wes had a haircut - bank - picked up renewal of Wes' blood pressure prescription - home to do some knitting - have a mistake will have to go to Needles to correct.  
Boo continues to improve.

1986 - Friday - 20° at 6:45 - Fair - beautiful cold day.  Picked up florescent tubes for Mary Luke's plant stand - to bank - Brunetti to order turkey for Thanksgiving and chicken for this Sunday - Stop & Shop - put lights in stand at Mary Luke's - needs two more not in stock - home for lunch & nap - out to pick up leaves from all garden - Wes moved the chipper to Dell Path and started chipping the huge pile of leaves there.  Birds eating a lot of food.  Pools frozen with leaves in them.

1987 - Saturday - 38° at 7 AM - Fair beautiful day.  Leisurely breakfast after last night's dinner party.  Ran the dishwasher - put things away.
Left at 10:30 for Bank & to Eileen's - Admired the work she was doing painting the upstairs - her new windows - she gave us lunch.  Home at 2:45 with a big bread order - discovered no pepernickel.  Nap - read papers.