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November 25

1983 - Friday - 45° at 6:15 - Raining 1.05 at 8 AM. Rain turned to snow mid-morning - covered grass - didn't stick on roads but looked like winter.
Wes had gone to bank, Meekers - drugstore - Finast. I did a wash - ironed napkins - had a very quiet day reading Mary Luke's "Catherine The Queen". Wes in shop - luckily had enough wood to make a fire. Birds ate a lot of seed.

1984 - Sunday - 28° at 6:30 - Fair - beautiful day milder - 50° in afternoon. Wes had a bad night coughing. To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers for awhile - then I went out to clean up leaves under deck and at cliff edge - used Lawnboy - filled it and put it in shed for the winter. After lunch covered the small Rhododendron and Azaleas with wire and netting. Put the pump on and used the sprinkler on Wood Knoll to run down the well. We went down the cliff path, raking leaves as we went. Need to return there to clear the lower part of the path jammed with wood.

1985 - Monday - 32° at 7AM - Clear - cold & cloudy early morning - sunny about 11 and still cold. To Ballard Garden - Wes and I cut down the remaining perennials - snapdragons etc. Left variegated geranium and ivy geranium in Greenhouse. Filled up with gasoline - a few groceries from Stop & Shop - home for lunch - nap - I transplanted primulas into larger pots - put them under kitchen lights - put out another bird feeder - Wes split wood for Thanksgiving - tried to buy hardboard for garage worktable but no luck yet.

1986 - Tuesday. 32° at 6AM - clear - beautiful day - sunny and cool. Wes cut up more trees and brush from storm - have a big pile along upper road for pickup. Phoned Wright Tree to get on their list. I made cranberry relish and turnip/potatoes for Thanksgiving. We worked outdoors picking up sticks - raking leaves - sweeping Garden Room. Wes put fertilizer on grass. Place looked very neat.

1987 - Wednesday. 40° at 6AM - Dark - mostly cloudy day - sun couldn't break through. I prepared for tomorrow's dinner - Wes used the leaf chipper. After lunch we went for gasoline for the car - bird food - spark plug for the chipper - pretty vegetables for the Thanksgiving table. Wes chipped leaves for an hour - I reversed the tube and globe birdfeeders as the squirrel was jumping from the tree to the tube.

November 26

1983 - Saturday - 34° at 6AM - Beautiful sky on east ridge - at same time lots of light from moon. It was a beautiful day - clear - sunny - bit of a north wind.  
Did house chores. Took a walk to Ned Mountain. Wes rested as his cold seems to be returning. 
Helen & Alex came by with their replacement new car. This time a Thunderbird. Picked leaves from wall garden. Cleared big rock off road at North - Wes continued grubbing out Wood Knoll top. He gathered wood for fire.

1984 - Monday.  32° at 6:45 - Fog made a beautiful effect - cleared to a beautiful day - milder - wonderful weather. 
Did house chores. I gathered china, silver and supplies and took them to Helen Ross for garden club meeting tomorrow. Wes helped Alex getting 18 chares [[chairs]] from church. After lunch we took Holmdens package to UPS - shopped Shoprite - to Da Silva Upholstery with blue fabric (from WJ Sloane years ago) ordered drapery for bedroom windows. Brought home sample books for dinette drapery. Wes brought in wood - I trimmed wild blueberry and filled birdfeeders.

1985 - Tuesday - 33° at 6:30 - Light snow overnight. Light rain all day - Miserable weather - Temperature at 34°. To Mass. 
Indoors for me - Wes out only for mail - luckily birdfeeders didn't need refilling - Noticed house finches again so seed will go fast now. Chores with plants - cleaned up some garden club files - made pie dough - knitted - did crossword. Wes in shop all day.

1986 - Wednesday - 32° at 6:30 - Light rain - all day - heavy at times in evening.  
Wrote Joan - To Brunetti to pick up turkey - left papers at Reclamation - home to cook for tomorrow - made stuffing, onions - fixed fruit - celery - carrots - made corn bread. Wes finished putting chair rail board in shop lavatory. He cleaned up shop & den. Stayed up until midnight to see episode of "Paradise Postponed" missed on Sunday.

1987 - Thanksgiving Day - 40° at 7AM.  Cloudy not good weather - some very light rain, but at least not cold. Prepared house and food for Mary, Eileen and Boo and Snow here just before 12 - a very pleasant afternoon - they left at 4:15. We cleaned up and relaxed. Wes kept a good fire going in living room.  
TWA - Icahn - bought Holmes-a-Court's Texaco stock - now holds 12.3% - wonder what will happen - Stock rose 2 points to 30