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November 27

1983 - Sunday - 38° at 6:30 - Sunny beautiful day
To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes in shop. I washed my hair and dried it reading Mary Luke's "Catherine the Queen". We left at 11:30 for Waccabuc - we were guests of Mark & Millicent for brunch - Rosses and John Scott there - Punkie was ill. Home at 3:30 for nap. Wes set up fire, had soup for supper. Watched second episode of "Citadel". Joan phoned - they were home safely from Michegan.

1984 - Tuesday - 22° at 6 AM - Lovely morning. Re 1982 - Judson's Christmas tree has been lit since Friday.
To Mass. I made sandwiches for Garden Club meeting - dug last lettuce from box in Solar and picked Leucothoe branch - also cut branch from Jade plant in bloom - to take to meeting. Early lunch & nap - to Helen Ross' at 1 PM - worked as Assistant Hostess - home at 5:45. Eileen had brought up Boo at 5 pm - she may be sequestered with Jury tomorrow. Wes cold is still troubling him - tight chest.

1985 - Wednesday - 34° at 7 AM - Slept late - awakened by alarm for Wes' eyedrop! Cloudy morning - 7/10 inch in gauge from melting snow and rain.
I went to Brunetti for the turkey - bought cheese and fruit - Home to cook for tomorrow's dinner. Wes cleaned livingroom - vacuuming kitchen - powder room. Rain again in afternoon. I made pies - Wes had some time in shop. Texaco stock now at 30 1/4.

1986 - Thanksgiving Day - up at 6 AM to put turkey in oven. Beautiful - sunny - 46°. There was 4 1/2 inches in rain gauge, included last week's snow & rain. Prepared for Eileen, dogs and Mary here at 11:30 - had a happy holiday. Dogs get along beautifully. They left at 4 pm - We cleaned up - read papers - did crossword - early to bed.

1987 - Friday - 36° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - very cold and windy. To Mass.
Wes put grill in garage - cleaned lawnboy and put it in shed - I washed tablecloth & napkins - ironed. We worked on crossword - finished it. Wes moved tube bird feeder a foot further from trees to foil the squirrel's leap. Have suet on long chain as he was using that to jump. I renovated Best & Co skirt - took down hem and widened waistline!

November 28

1983 - Monday - 33° at 6:30 - Light rain - the rain gauge is in so we don't know how much - it rained most of day.
I worked at Ballard in the morning - Wes was in his shop - he feels better. Outdoors only to fill bird feeders and suet.

1984 - Wednesday - 48° at 6:30. Fog. Walked Boo before breakfast. Mild - sunny morning - cloudy and a few sprinkles in afternoon.
To Pharmacy for Wes' eye preparations - cleaner etc - piece of glass for upstairs bathroom shelf - to Da Silva Upholstery to order drapery for dinette door - to the Y to pick up tickets for dedication on Saturday - brought card table back from Rosses' - lunch - nap - read papers - walked Boo - to Community Center at 6 pm to see Christmas trees - to Inn at 7:30 - took Madeline & Bill Morrison & Ada Franken to dinner.

1985 - Thanksgiving Day - 35° at 7 AM. Raining continued all day - too bad for travelers - bad weather all over country is the report. Wes cleaned livingroom - I prepared turkey - put it in oven 8:30 - Made fruit cup. Eileen here at 10 with Boo - first time we've seen her since her illness - shaved in places but acts OK. Vargas here at noon - Mary & John Millar came at 12:30 - good afternoon - compliments on dinner - Eileen brought pie from Alters. They left at 4 pm - Mary had left lights on car. Tibor used his jump cables to get it started.

1986 - Friday - 28° at 6:45 - Sun came over hill at 7:25. Good winter day - not too cold.
To Safe Deposit, Union Trust, Danbury - to put in Conn. Bond Nuveen - couldn't find place open to copy IRS letter on my 1984 Return - to Pharmacy for Wes' eye lotion - Waldbaum for Bananas - wanted to shop at G Fox but parking lot jammed so bought milk at Marcus and came home for lunch. Put stakes on Wood Knoll for deer fence - this year will surround entire area.
Ordered 2 trays for kitchen light stand in morning at Sheet Metal Works.

1987 - Saturday - 33° at 7 AM - Pretty sky but soon overcast - turned out to be rather a nice day - some sun -
Wes used the leaf chipper - still working on the huge pile near shed. I raked leaves in that area so when Wes cleared the shed pile - there was another load ready for him. I planted Muscari and Tete-a-tete bulbs obtained at last Garden Club meeting - soaked the Anemone. Washed car.
Judsons put lights on their outdoor tree.