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November 29

1983 - Tuesday - 42° at 6 AM - Mostly cloudy - damp - not too cold.
Big news - the Red Bellied Woodpecker came back to the suet. I took Helen, Billie, Anne, Louise & Jeanne [[Timparelli?]] to lunch at the Inn - then on to Garden Club meeting at Hawsie Nash's - home at 4:45. Wes took Alex and Al to La Fortuna for lunch - Alex took them in his car.
Mary phoned in evening that Harry Hart died

1984 - Thursday - 50° at 6 AM - Dark - too dark to see to walk Boo down the road - walked her around house only before Breakfast. Rain in the night - 1/2 inch - glad of it.
Cleared by afternoon. To Mass.
Quiet day - caught up on small chores - read papers.
Walked Boo. Eileen phoned she was finished with Court case - came up at 3 pm and took Boo home.

1985 - Friday - 34° at 7 AM. Drizzling - Sun, if we could see it, 6:50-4:29. Drizzled all day - took in rain gauge as ice in bottom, but believe there wasn't much accumulation. House chores - Wes in shop. I washed and ironed tablecloth and napkins.
Ornamental grass seeds coming up - they are in upstairs bathroom - took them out of plastic - left them on heat tray. To Waccabuc Country Club at 6:30 - guests of Mark & Millicent Sattler - Mary Luke & Scotts there - good dinner - Mary & Punkie argued about Ireland - Bed at 10:30.

1986 - Saturday - 32° at 7 AM - Fair - beautiful day.
To Youngs for more fence posts - only had 1 bundle of small size left - and bird food - had copies made of IRS letter and sent it to Lou Krawchick - home to put in posts - put wire around wall garden - glad to have good weather so hands don't freeze.
To Billie Newell's at 5:15 for cocktail - her son Mickey and grandsons Johnny and Mickey there - Home at 7:15, saw last of "Brat Farrar" mystery on Channel 13 at 9 pm.

1987 - Sunday - First Sunday of Advent - 38° at 6 AM - Cold - dreary day - sprinkles only until night - we need rain for the evergreens.
To 8 o'clock Mass. To see Carolyn & Pete in their new home on Washington Street - went thru their house - saw grounds - had muffin & coffee. Home for lunch - long nap - Wes balanced check book & I lowered hem of Best & Co skirt - read papers.

November 30

1983 - Wednesday - 33° at 6 AM - Sunny lovely day. I shopped at Waldbaums. Saw Evening Grosbeaks, about six, at and under feeders.
Left at 9:45 for White Plains, bought heather blue slacks for Wes at Saks - ordered blinds for bedrooms and bath at Bloomingdales - bought slippers and a tuner for Mary, and napkins for Joan & Hooker - Lunch at Bloomingdales.
Home at 3 - nap - Wes split wood - I separated African Violets.

1984 - Friday - 32° at 6:30. Clear - beautiful winter day. Wes had shop hour. I did house chores - brought in hose to garage (last one) filled feeders - picked leaves from wall garden. To Stop & Shop - Liquor - Reclamation - Cheese Shop - Brunetti - home for lunch. John Hartcorn borrowed a drill.
We cut brush in afternoon - Wes took down tree near big rock on North - I worked along upper road clearing the rock ledge of small trees. To Waccabuc as guests of Sattlers for dinner - Tracys and Rosses there - home at 10:15.

1985 - Saturday - 34° at 7 AM - Cloudy - some mist. House chores - washed - cleaned. To Danbury - picked up resoled brown Vincent & Edgar shoes ($12.00 for soles) Waldbaums for bananas - Marcus for milk.
Worked on crossword puzzle - something wrong so couldn't finish it. Wes in shop - I worked with plants and knitted. To Tracy's at 5 for a cocktail party - lots of people there - good food - Home at 7:15 - dinner - last episode of mystery "Death of an Expert Witness". Joan phoned - they spent holiday in Michigan.

1986 - Sunday - 30° at 6:30 - Fair - turning cold in late afternoon - had to come in at 4:30 - too cold to continue fence against deer work.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers for a while then out to continue the deer fence - used up all the chicken wire we had on Wood Knoll. Fenced in ilex separately.  
Put burlap around dwarf pine at entrance and on South West side of Leatherleaf Viburnum. Enjoyed "Paradise Postponed" episode in evening

1987 - Monday - 54° at 7 AM - Raining - 1.4 in gauge - cleared in afternoon.
Wes had a haircut - I looked for Oldfashioned oatmeal at Waldbaums - no big packages. We went to Macy's - nice store - but only bought a sweater for Wes - Lunch - nap - out to put wood chips under fence above mailbox where disturbed soil was staining fence - did a little leaf raking - Wes brought in firewood