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December 3

1983 - Saturday - 28° at 7 AM - Slept late - About 2" of snow overnight - sun came up - A beautiful sight.  Shoveled front walk - filled bird feeders - have a good assortment of birds - cardinals- Grosbeaks - etc.
Alex and Helen took us to The Red Lion for lunch - a delayed celebration of our anniversary - to Danbury to show location of Quality Kitchen food market and fish store.  Had a nap. Vargas picked us up at six - to Castles for dinner.
Saw pictures of their European trip - Home at Midnight.

1984 - Monday.  32° at 7AM.  Slept late. A shower overnight. Sun 7:03-4:28 - we are not to see it today.
After house chores to Bloomingdale's White Plains had soup - bought flannel nightie and Isotoner gloves for Mary - the only available Microwave Oven Cookbook for Eileen - Christmas cards and wraps. Drove home in a terrific downpour - not bad here - only 65/100 in rain gauge - maybe a little more after that. Made fire and had a drink - dinner. Rain, in all, 75/100. Took in gauge for season.

1985 - Tuesday - 32° at 6AM -
Cold - clear - very windy day. To Mass.
Left at 9:30 for my appointment with Dr. Howanitz in Scarsdale - had precancerous spots on face frozen off with liquid Nitrogen. To Le Jockey Club in White Plains for lunch - friends of Al Tempanelli owners - very good. To Bloomingdales for sheets for Mary's Christmas and for me. Home at 4pm - nap - read papers - knitted

1986 - Wednesday - 50° at 7AM - Misty. Electricity off for about 4 hours after 11 pm last night - We're lucky it came on again. Reports of flooding in Westchester - our rain gauge is in so we don't know what we had. To Danbury Fair Mall - G. Fox - bought Blouses for Mary and Bit - umbrella for Mary - sweater for Wes - gloves for me - nice store - crowded aisles - nice help - lunch at Pepperidge Farm store - home for nap - I went for a haircut - bought fruit at Grand Union. Wes emptied rain barrel - put it under deck. I picked up leaves.

1987 - Thursday - 29° at 7AM - Freddy Pond is frozen with leaves caught. Did crossword - vacuumed - Wes got TR ready.
To Ridgefield - bank - couple bananas at Gran Central - to Keeler Tavern for 12 noon luncheon setting - Rosses - Mary Luke - Millicent Sattler - Punkie Scott - pleasant time - home for a nap.
Wes helped Alex put plow on his Jeep. I covered Mugo pine at entrance with Ross netting. Noticed deer tracks - darn.

December 4

1983 - Sunday - 29° at 6:30. Dark. Sleet and rain - heavy at times - all day. To 8 o'clock Mass - no trouble on road. Eileen was to come for dinner - we wondered whether she'd drive up, but she came at noon as naturally it was only rain in Tarrytown. Had pleasant time - she brought poinsettia - we called girls - except for colds, all well. Bit concerned about Gus' job. Eileen to a show in Pound Ridge at 3pm - we did dishes - had nap - to Longmire's & Ruggles' party in Community House at 5:30

1984 - Tuesday - 30° at 6AM - Fair beautiful winter day - sunny and a high wind. To Mass.
I went to Edith Meffley's at 9:15 (picking up the church key at McKeon's to check the flowers for the weekend). Edith drove to Bartlett Arboretum - had an appointment with Ted Lockwood, Director, who gave us ideas for remaking the Memorial Garden. Back to Ridgefield to look over the garden and "gell" our ideas. Home for lunch. Wes & I went to Agway for birdseed - cards from Booklet - found a Microwave book for Eileen - stamps - calendar - Waldbaums - home at 5 pm.

1985 - Wednesday - 22° at 7AM - Clear - Wes had a restless night - therefore so did I. My face spots are brown and swollen but don't hurt any more. Wes in shop. I picked up Helen and went to Ballard Carriage House to hear Ruth Clausen talk on "Gardens in Winter" - good slides. Came home with idea of planting berried Viburnum under or near bird feeders on cliff. Lunch and nap. We reversed the Sarouk in the den and moved the Jade Plant into the livingroom - turned off heater in Solar. Cold day but not windy - cloudy in afternoon - out only to fill feeders.

1986 - Thursday - 36° at 6AM. Bright star in East. Good day - bright - cold wind - sunny. To Mass. Worked in morning on deer fencing - put it around rhododendron garden and some of plants along dell path. Ran out of stakes, so went to Agway Bethel after lunch for more - also bought wrapping paper and calendar at Mullaney's

1987 - Friday - 36° at 6:45 - Raining - turned to snow before we left for Mass - Snow flurries all day - very little accumulation but cold and damp. Out only to fill feeders. I didn't go to the Ballard Carriage house for a Christmas wreath program.
Wes opened space behind master bath tub in the linen closet - didn't find any valve - called Warner the Plumber who will come Monday - has to turn off all house water. I opened zipper of pleated brown skirt to widen waistline - had to remove belt also - won't gain much room as seams narrow.