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December 13

1983 - Tuesday - 49° at 6 AM - Raining -all day - heavy at times - flood reports in N.J & Westchester roads.  To Mass.
Indoors, except to dash to mailbox and to fill feeders.  Wes worked in his shop. 
Put cones on big wreath to hang on hayloft door when weather improves.  Planted one pot of Freezias Kelly gave us for Christmas.

1984 - Thursday - 42° at 6:15.  Dark - Was sleeping soundly at 6 - so rushed to have breakfast before Mass.  
Became a beautiful day - mild.  We worked at deer fencing and netting on wood knoll - Wes measured to get more fencing.  To Le Coq Hardi at 11:30 where met Bill Kalnay and Jean Hufnagel for lunch - good monkfish- Jean gave Bill information for next years Texaco Retirees luncheons - We went to bank to deposit - bought card for Colin Mannion's first Penance - to Ridgefield Supply for fencing and board for bedroom drapery,

1985 - Friday - 30° at 7 AM - Cloudy - Wes' eyedrop alarm woke us up at 7 - last is good sleeping.  Snow/sleet flurries most of day - rain going to bed.
To Danbury - bank to take Texaco Certificate for 1777 shares to Moseley - had sold it Wednesday - Waldbaum's - Sturdevants to buy zoom lens for Wes Christmas present - to Covered Bridge for Christmas tree - greens and supplies - Home for lunch - nap - Wes in shop - I did wash - wrapped Courvoisier for Father Tighe on Sunday.

1986 - Saturday - 24° at 7 AM - Had another inch of snow overnight - clear - Wes shoveled the walks - I broomed and cleared off Solar roof.  Wes took mail to Danbury Post Office - great to have it near - to Wickes for wider molding for the shop lavatory - he put it on.
We put chicken wire on Juniper at entrance way and covered the laurel on North Slope and near sheds with netting.  Phoned White Flower Farm to send gift certificate to Holmden's when Rock Garden book didn't come in mail.  Increasingly colder toward evening.

1987 - Sunday - 36° at 6 AM - Part sunny - Part cloudy day - cold.
To 8 o'clock Mass.  Finished writing Christmas cards.  Took our mile walk - the first one of the winter season - before lunch - Finished decorating tree.  The Pinus Flexilis trimmings look great on the base.  Set up crib.  To Kellers at 6:30 for dinner.

December 14

1983 - Wednesday - 45° at 7 AM - Drizzling - stopped - cloudy all day - a little clearing late PM.
Wes moved stones upturned in the clearing he had made above Wood Knoll - took them to bog wall.  He split wood.  I went to bank - shopped Waldbaum's - bought Blue wool dress and red cashmere sweater at Sylvia Barry's - home for lunch - nap - we hung wreath below hayloft door - swept front walk - lots of debris from heavy rain - planted rest of freezias - made Whisky Balls.

1984 - Friday - 40° at 7 AM - Slept late - felt good
Cloudy - Sun 7:13-4:29 - Damp - cold - cloudy all day very light mist at times.  Wes in shop.
I worked at Ballard Greenhouse in the morning - clipped some Ilex from there for decorating.
After lunch & nap we went to bank (money goes fast) bought more greens for base of tree - Waldbaums
Christmas wreath from Bit delivered and hung that over front door - pecans came from Kelly - apples and pears from Rosses.

1985 - Saturday - 34‡ at 7 AM - Going to clear.  Did - increasingly colder - windy - but mostly sunny.
Left at 9 AM for Bloomingdales - tried to find a dress for me - no luck - on to Dr. Howanitz - face spots healing well - to Eileen's - she gave us lunch and had bought 10 loaves of wholewheat bread - home at 3 - nap - wrapped bread for freezer - dinner - Were watching the first of two episodes of "My Cousin Rachel" when electricity went off at 9:17 - to bed

1986 - Sunday - 14° at 6:15 - Clear & cold.  Beautiful winter day - cold and breezy - not outdoor working weather - snow not melting - ice on Solar Roof.
To 8 o'clock Mass - Read papers - early lunch & nap.  To Aldrich Museum - opened their new wing - good looking building - only one painting we liked.  Picked up Billie Newell and on to Rosses' cocktail party - open house - just after 4 pm - home at 6:15.
Saw "Paradise Postponed" at 9 pm - can't figure it out yet.

1987 - Monday - 30° at 7 AM - Fair.  Sun 7:11-4:28.  Cloudy in afternoon.  We did crossword at breakfast time and the plumber came to put cut off valve in bathroom!  Bed not made - I wasn't dressed!  Nice plumber - said he'd buy Wes' Homelite saw.  I went to Bank & Waldbaums.  Wes cleared dell area below wall - raking leaves across path.  I mailed all Christmas cards at Backus P.O.  We put away leaf chipper - covered cuttings in coldframe with plastic.
Waited for delivery of fence boards from Stevenson but never came.