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February 15

1988 - Monday - 28° at 6:30- Fair- Official holiday for Presidents, Sun 6:51-5:30. Not a bad morning but clouded up at noon and rain in evening  - temperature just over 40°. To Carolyn & Pete's - Barbara visiting there - admired the cupboard and deacon's bench which came up from Eileen's last week - gasoline - Stop & Shop - Wes picked up repaired watch at Addessi - I went to Prudential-Bache on 1099's- Lunch - nap- to movie "Shoot to Kill" Sidney Poitier & Tom Berenger- violent but  beautiful scenery

1989- Wednesday- 40° at 7 AM - Raining. Sun (we won't see it) 650-531. Light rain most of day- it is needed. 
To Stop & Shop for Gerber's Baby Food for Bleckwehl's dogs - looked in on them. Home to pick up mail - make out checks for stock (NE Utilities & Dreyfus Premier)- to Prudential Bache to pay for stock - bank - Marcies. Home for lunch & nap- hobbies in afternoon. 
Had mailed doctor bill forms to Metropolitan.

1990- Thursday- 33° at 6 AM- Dark - drizzle. Sun - won't see it - 6:50-5:30. Miserable day - drizzle just at freezing point. So Solar roof all iced over. To Mass. Did crossword. I worked at Ballard Greenhouse in morning - met Muriel Pedersen there. The Lobelia Illumination seeds there not up- (ours are showing) their Snapdragon seeds up a bit - ours are over an inch. Home for lunch - Wes had worked in shop - more hobbies in afternoon.

1991- Friday- 33° at 6 AM. Cloudy - snow flurry- Sun 650-530. To Mass. House chores. Wes went to Ace to order a drill - milk from Marcies and bank enroute home. We walked to end of Scodon as Ned Mountain Road rutted with snow. Snow flurries in afternoon. I ironed tablecloth, napkins etc. Planted wildflower seeds received from Garden in Woods put them under lights. Hobbies in afternoon

1992 - Saturday - 26° at 7 AM. Cloudy - Can't seem to have two good days in a row. Sun 651-530 Dreary day - not a walking day. To Stop & Shop and for gasoline ($1.48 gal) Wes went back to look for his gloves - found out they were in his shop. We went to bank - mail came early with checks - Monday will be a holiday. 
Hobbies in afternoon. Watched "Silverado" on channel 11. Discovered our phone wasn't working- no dialtone- when tried to call Eileen.

February 16

1988 - Thursday - 39° at 6 AM- Dark- Sent up heat & put on oatmeal and went back to bed. Cloudy early but not a bad day. I wrote Bit, Joan, Kelly, Jule Lane & Madolyn Dayne. Wes worked in shop. Took a walk up to Henley's - watching our steps on some icy spots. Did more tax work - went to bank. Bush won over Dole in New Hampshire primary to our disappointment. We chipped front walk free of ice.

1989 - Thursday - 38° at 6 AM - Cloudy. Sun 649-532 Partly cloudy- cleared late afternoon. Hobby time - took our two mile walk - lunch - nap. More hobbies - I finished the hem of the blue dress- wrote Kelly and Jule Lane.
Made David's Cookies

1990 - Friday - 34° at 6 AM- Misting - foggy - dark. Sun (none today) 6:49-5:29. To Mass. Trees all iced until temperature rose at 10 o'clock. Did crossword. To Mill Plain Stop & Shop - gasoline- to bank to deposit Kemper principal refund - to P.O. to mail check to Dreyfus investing the refund. Took a walk to Allen's corner. Lunch. Nap. Hobbies

1991 - Saturday - 13° at 7 AM- Sun coming up. 649 531 cold, sunny luckily, windy day. House chores. Walked a mile before lunch. Hobbies in afternoon. I finished shirt and pleated skirt- not sure I like the material - dull color. I made muffins 
Bit phoned in evening - her car at State College awaiting a part - she is feeling house bound.

1992 - Sunday - 45° at 6AM. Foggy - must have had a lot of rain overnight as snow is gone except where piled up. Sun 649-531. Fair morning - mild - cloudy afternoon. To 8 o'clock Mass. I was Lector. Phoned Snet Repair from church on our telephone - to Marcies for milk and to phone Eileen. $2.15 for 2 minutes! Bit phoned about 11 o'clock- I thought phone was repaired but lost call in middle of it. To McKeon's at 12:30 lunch followed by VCR of 600th anniversary Ecumenical Lutheran-Catholic Svc - St. Birgitta - Home at 4:15.