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February 23

1988. Tuesday – 39° at 6:30 – Fair morning – Cloudy PM – light rain after 2 PM – Sun 6:40 – 5:39.
I picked up Helen Ross and went to Garden Club Conservation meeting at Congregational Church Hall. – Won firsts for Muscari armeniacum and Sinningia Home for lunch: – nap. Wes worked in shop. I made chocolate cookies for him – I'm not eating any. Couldn't take a walk because of rains. Threw away a bowl of paperwhites. Ed Wright phoned in evening – will burn this Friday

1989. Thursday – 34° at 6 AM – Cloudy. Sun 6:39 – 5:40
Not a bad day after morning cloudiness – sunny & cold in afternoon: To Mass. Took our walk before lunch – 2 miles.
Hobbies in afternoon

1990. Friday - 58° at 6 AM - gloomy but mild. Sun (none) 6:39 - 5:40. To Mass. Did crossword - tricky Wes had 11 o'clock appointment to have growth on chest removed - stopped at greenhouse to return scissors - left papers at Reclamation. I read papers while in doctor's. Home for lunch. Hobbies in afternoon. I trimmed Myrtle standards out on terrace. Walked around picking up sticks - took some of salt hay from Cardinal flower plants and put glass cover over them in coldframe - plants look mildewed. 

1991. Saturday - 20° at 7AM. Clear. Sun 6:39-5:40. Noon deadline for Saddam Hussein to get out of Kuwait - no action. 
Took a walk in morning. 
Few house and plant chores - Hobbies.  Worked on crossword - also Sunday's

1992 - Sunday - 40° at 6 AM - Sun 640-5:39. Fair. To 8 o'clock Mass. Beautiful morning - a little  cloudy in late afternoon. Read papers. Wes in shop. Took a walk. Wes cooked lamb chops on the gas grill - we had a martini in the Solar at 80°. I cut out a white blouse - getting hard on the back.   

February 24

1988. Wednesday - 34° at 6AM - Partly cloudy.  Had 1/2 inch snow overnight - Sun 6:38-5:40 To Mass. Snow melted off road quickly - sanded.  
Stopped at McKeon's to look at Louise's tulips - Health Dept. for burning permit for Friday - reclamation with papers - left clothes at Salvation Army bin - queues at Stop & Shop - Liquor - home to take a 2 mile plus walk - lunch - nap. 
Went for haircut at Mall. Wes went to bank as they made an error & were due 10.00 - Home to work in shop - knit. 

1989 - Friday - 20° at 6AM - cloudy - Snow predicted Sun 6:37-5:41. To Mass.  Did crossword. I went to "Fair Hair Design" - Charlene - at Danbury Mall for a haircut - new place for me - short cut - to Marcus for milk and Fabric Tree for buttons and a skirt pattern. Horizons Food Patrick delivered salmon, chicken and shrimp.  Took our two mile walk in 24° but not too bad.  Lunch - nap - hobbies.  Predicted snow never arrived, although Ridgefield schools closed! in expectation of storm.

1990 - Saturday - 32° at 7 AM and snowing - back to winter - light snow - about 2 inches - cleared in afternoon - storm predicted for tonight. 
Raked and shoveled - snow melted on stones & terrace.  
Hobbied rest of day.  
Phoned Kelly in New Mexico - Bandelier Park -  Los Alamos - she is well - works as volunteer. 

1991 - Sunday - 18° at 6AM. Sun 6:38 - 5:41. Ground assault started early this morning in Persian Gulf area - not meeting much resistance as yet - taking a lot of prisoners. 
To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers - Wes wrote checks and balanced books. I worked on wool challis skirt - we worked on crossword. Wes cooked lamb chops at noon. To The Elms at 5:30 - Nancy Carroll Draper gave a cocktail party for everyone. 

1992 - Monday - 36° at 7 AM. Cloudy - Can't get two good days in a row. Sun 6:38-5:40. Did crossword - hard for a Monday. Wes to Dr. Sandler for field vision test - visit to Pinchbeck for an 8" bulb pan - stopped at Muriel Pedersen's to inquire about her Greenwich show entries. George Ventres & Son put up the Eagle Weathervane on the well house - looks great. Snow flurries started at noon - Kept up all afternoon but not much accumulation. I made Tavern Bars and Raisin Bran cookies.