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April 27

1988 - Wednesday - 44° at 6 AM - Fair day - nice temperature - terrible black flies To Mass. 
Wes went twice for horse manure from Jane Jessup's - put it on compost.
I watered plants - then we worked on deer fence over cliff toward South Side and at Judson side - awful patched up looking job but closed in Watered recent transplants - tired - early to bed despite Opera Areadne auf Naxos on Channel 13.

1989 - Thursday - 45° at 6 AM - Cloudy - became fair about 10:30 - the days have been like that recently.
To Mass. Alex Ross came to look at Pieris - he may get one. We took papers + bottles to Reclamation - shopped for liquor + groceries - home for lunch.
Put all seedlings on terrace in sun - a big job out + in. Wes worked on shed fence area. I broke up Aster Coreopsis, put some into pots for Garden Mart.
Had watered Carolina Rhododendron in morning - they are coming out.

1990 - Friday- 50° at 6 AM - Fair. Carolina Rhododendron out - beautiful. Very warm day. too warm. To Mass. One squirrel around back left where Wes put our trap. Put moss around Piper Pool and a black plastic sheet over its pump, Wes had to back wash to make a better flow. To Coggeshalls at 11:30 - Met Eileen at Rts 100 + 134 - to John _ Carols for a delicious lunch - Beth and Wolfgang Kautr there - to Tea Town Reservation for a wildflower walk - home at 5:30 - watered some things dried out in heat.

1991 - Saturday - 54° at 7 AM. Partly cloudy. The Carolina Rhododendrons have been out for over a week - even the two propagated ones. Busy day. Wes cleaned Piper Pool and put in the pump. I moved more narcissus - lifted a big fern from azalea garden rock and put it under overhang rock - moved one [[heathes?]] on Wood Knoll. Cut the grass. Took leaves from east side of north slope and put on Hollytone. Geese have been on the pond, making a lot of noise. Swept garden room and had first cocktail of the season there Phoned Sally at [[Baudelaire - she leave near NY, le Wednesday.?]]

1992 - Monday - 42° at 7 AM. Carolina Rhododendron not out yet - cold spring - no sun - Cloudy early but cleared to a good day. Did crossword. Wes removed wire and Ross netting from Birds [[next Spring?]] and Mugho Pine and cleaned up that side of the entrance. I put the [crossed out] Lobelia [/crossed out] Victoria + Snapdragon plants outside under the Limber Pine. Cleaned up more of Wood Knoll. Cut grass first time - had trouble starting Lawnboy - had to leave it in sun to warm up. Standard oil serviced the furnace. Noticed Marsh Marigolds growing with Buttercups outside fence in bog. 

April 28

1988 - Thursday - 51° at 7 AM. Raining, Thank God Thunderstorm in night - 65/100 in gauge at 7 AM. To Paris Hair Stylists to look at shades a portable for our Solar - liked them - to bank - Brunette - Stop + Shop + Youngs for birdfood - Lunch - nap - to Dr Yanity at 1:45 cleaning and xrays ($186.00 for both) I have to go back for a broken filling - cut South Grass - repaired South fence as deer had been in again - ate Hesta - Day blie and a lily! Rain again at night.

1989 - Friday - 38° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful day. To Mass. We made a bed in the well area for the 3 Rhododendron and 6 Laurel baby plants from Rocknall Nursery. I planted in a wire basket the three white Fuscia bought from White Flower Farm. I met Eileen at Rts 100/134 [crossed out] at 1:30 and we went to Teatown Reservation where Carol Coggeshall gave us a tour of the wild flower island - home at 5:15. Wes had cleaned all Frog Pool but unfortunately a leg of the leaf pond broke so he couldn't finish the job

1990 - Saturday - 66° at 6:30 - Fair - warm breezy day - over 80. Wes put the Frog Pool in operation. Took deck table and chairs from hayloft Cultivated bed off deck and put on leaf chips Young Mr. Ventres worked on the well [[edife ce?]] in the morning - glad to have him back - finished puting on shakes. Wes brought manure compost to fill hole under feeder. 

1991 - Sunday - 50° at 6 AM. No rain over night unfortunately. only cloudy today and cold. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes cleaned our leaves from Juniper and fir on Northwest slope. I cut off fern frongs opposite Piper Pool and also at triangle of deck - lots of leaves there also. Early lunch + nap. Eileen came up at 1:45 and She + I went to Tea - 25th Anniversary of Keeler Tavern - home at 4:30. Wes had cleaned up desk. 

1992 - Tuesday - 44° at 6 AM - cloudy - mostly fair with clouds and a few sprinkles in afternoon. To Mass. Did crossword. Wes called plumber to repair leak under kitchen sink. made date for 2 pm but never showed - Billie Newell picked me up + we went to lunch at Punkie Scott's - on to Christine Ludwig's for Garden Club Meeting - won first for Amaryllis white Dazzler - Helen gave me ride home - here at 5:20.