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April 29 

1988 - Friday - 41° at 6 AM - Cloudy - To Mass Prepared for Keeler Tavern Trip - Eileen came up at 2:30 after dropping off dogs at Silver Lake Kennel
To McKeon's at 5 o'clock for bus - left about 5:30 & 32 people on trip - down N. J. Turnpike to Brandywine River Hotel Chadds Ford - box supper enroute - rain and traffic so about an hour late arriving - 10:30 - nice hotel - new - Good room.

1989 - Saturday - 47° at 6:30. Cloudy - We hope it rains - lightly at 3:45 - not the heavy we hoped for.
I bought a pair of Casual shoes at G Fox - sale on & lots of people at 8:30. Wes took frog leaf to New England Craftsmen - Mr Gust - to have a leg welded on - we returned before noon for it, shopping at bank & Marcus. Wes filled Frog Pool with water but couldn't start the pump - left word at Howard Castles. I transplanted the Heart & Heather to front of wall garden. Made David's cookies. TV off for evening mystery until Wes pushed electric breaker.

1990 - Sunday - 52° at 6 AM. Cloudy - damp - breezy. Raccoon had dug up new soil under bird feeder.
To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector. Worked around grounds all day - cut grass - moved 2 Christmas pines from back of shade garden to places on North Slope, taking out Japanese Painted fern - reversing ferns. Put leaf chips on rhododendron garden - Wes edged garden room paths He sunk bluestone under open  bottom feeder
Phoned girls - Bet has back trouble - Pat Avis will visit Joan in June

1991 - Monday - 48° at 6 AM. Cloudy - Dogwoods coming out beautifully. Shad bushes are in bloom - all flowering trees and bushes beautiful this year. I went to Heidi Riggs to work with her and Joan Minot on garden [[cubey?]] for Hartford show - shopped at Youngs for pine bark mulch for garden room paths - took Eileen's brass oil lamp to Jeanne Temponelli's for Keeler Tavern donation - home for lunch Wes had cleaned up under south hemlock - we shopped for grocerie and gasoline - $1.42/gal. Put [[Lofelia?]] Safiliteda (GCA plant exchange) in wild garden Dolls eyes coming up.

1992 - Wednesday - 40° at 6:30. Fair Sun 5:56 - 4:50 Mostly sunny day. Did crossword. I made muffins early as there were none for a snack. To S+S - gasoline - Marcus. Picked out more leaves from shrubs on Wood Knoll - Well/shed path Loads of them. Sad to see the laurel so eaten by deer. Expected Window Washer at 3 pm. When didn't come at 5 pm - closed gate - he came there - after + we saw the truck going up Sophia. Telephoned would come next Wednesday.

April 30

1988 - Saturday. at Chadds Ford - Brandywine River Hotel - complimentary breakfast - bus to Winterthur Beautiful day - if a bit windy - took Two Century Tour - there train and guide through grounds - then the guided Port Royal tour in Mansion -  long lines caused delay of over hour - rushed through rooms - sparled enjoyment. Back to Hotel - cocktail in Rosses room - dinner at Chadds Ford Inn - very good. saw "mystery" at 9 pm on TV.

1989 - Sunday. 46° at 6:30. Cloudy. fog in hill. cleared mid-morning to a sunny warm day - not the hoped - for rain - only about quarter inch last night. To 8 o'clock Mass. cleaned house - got dinner ready and table set. Out only to to plant Wilson Rhododendron cutting in new Rhododendron/Laurel Nursery, and to fix birdfeeder on wire to try to foil an amazing  + clever squirrel. Rosses here at 5 - walked about a bit - dinner they left at 9:30. We cleared table but left dishes for tomorrow.

1990 - Monday. 48° at 6 AM - Raining until 1 PM - 4/10 IN. Prepared for Alex Ross' visit here - Wes picked him up at 11:45 - we had lunch - we all had a good nap - went to Pharmacy for Wes' eye drops - Marcus - just too late for the bank - took Alex home at 4:45. Walked about our place to see the wild flowers and go over work to be done before Wednesday.

1991 - Tuesday - 49° at 6 AM. Light rain off and on all day - .35 by days end. To Mass. To Ballard - was to work in garden but instead worked in Greenhouse Home at noon. After lunch and nap to Claire's Nursery Patterson NY - we were amazed at all buildings and growth along Route 22. Lots of plants at claire's - bought White Heuchera - Artemisia Powis Castle - 2 Azalea Vasei Alba, Cimicifuga Japanese (smaller than racemosa) Home to walk about planting grounds. 

1992 - Thursday - 36° at 6 AM. Fair until afternoon when it clouded over. To Mass - I worked at Ballard Garden with Muriel - put on fertilizer - broke up Autumn Joy and replanted it in front garden - tied up new Climbing Hydrangea (with stakes) to stone wall. Bought pots at Woolworth's - later broke up Spathyfellum [[Spathiphyllum]] also replanted piece of Agapanthus. Plumber came in morning to repair pipe leaking under sink and the hydrant at North side of house. Cut lawn. Wes Took all compost from 3rd bin to top planting boxes. Moved out the vibiernum [[viburnum]] - evergreen barbary [[barberry]] - white Forsythia to shrub border. Gave one Carolina Rhododendron to Vargas