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May 7

1988 - Saturday - 58° at 7 AM - Sunny - ground looks nice + wet - Beautiful warm day - first time worked without sweaters. Wes moved small Hemlock from Knoll to (Judson line) behind woodpile - couldnt put Azalea Schlippenbachi in its place account ledge so put that in front of big stone at well garden. I planted the shooting stars along path to Bottom garden - put lettuce in raised bed - To Nancy Carroll Draper's at 5 for Derby Race - Wes won for Winning Color, filly - a profit of 48.00 after cost of chances!

1989 - Sunday - 52° at 6:30 - Fair - breezy - colder in late afternoon. To 8 o'clock Mass - lots of noisy children. Worked outdoors all day. Wes spread leaf mulch on Knoll - I cut off Christmas fern leaves - picked up leaves on North slope and area above well. Found a couple flat stones - Wes put one in walking space to North grass. Raccoon stole suet at four o'clock - he came back again at six - luckily didnt take cage but emptied it

1990 - Monday - 46° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - had left young plants out overnight - they seem okay, off and on cool day - shower at 5 pm - light. To Mass. Wes moved leaf chipper down to lower level of wildgarden - chipped the leaves over the lily-of-the valley. Later moved dirt from the well house to holding bed area + brought down stones. I cut the grass - cleaned leaves from north big rock area. picked up house McKeen + went to Gilbertie's to buy herbs for September Litchfield Show, 

1991 - Tuesday - 50° at 6 AM - Fair - good day. 2.3 inches rain yesterday - glad of it. Loaded car and to Ballard Garden at 8 AM - put the gnomon back on its pedestal - put wire cage around it. I worked at Garden - Wes went to Stop & Shop - gas for car - stain for well structure - came back for me at 9:30. Eileen came up with Agapanthus for Gizella. I cut grass - Wes cut holding bed area. Put some leaf chips on well area - moved Hydrastis into woods. 

1992 - Thursday. 36° at 6 AM. Foggy - became a beautiful day but cold and windy. To Mass. Muriel Pedersen picked me up and we went to Litchfield Flower show and House Tour - six interesting houses - best a coach house off South Street - lunch in Fire House - home at four. Wes continued cleanup of leaves on North Slope. He went to Youngs for birdfood and 5-10-5. Carolina Rhododendrons in full bloom - Schlippenbachi coming out.

May 8

1988 - Sunday - 48° at 6 AM - Fair - windy To 8 o'clock Mass - to Marcus for milk afterwards - loaded with motorcycles - Worked outdoors all day. Wes finished stripping sod along road above Mailbox - covered area with wood chips. I widened circles around white pines - deadheaded daffodils - a lot of them. Carolina Rhododendrons in full bloom - beautiful - noticed deer track - ate buds from one Azalea Bakeri and Hosta at shade garden - Darn

1989 - Monday - 40° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Fresh squirrel gets into feeder & is hard to chase. To Mass. Few sprinkles - then cleared - cold - needed down jackets to work. 
Trimmed Juniper below mailbox - bought plastic fencing at Youngs - bananas (69¢/lb) & groceries at Stop & Shop. Wes moved fence posts on South side about 8 feet to South - straightened present wire - didn't get to adding new stuff (wire) at days end - I made cookies and muffins - cut grass at higher setting.

1990 - Tuesday - 48° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - cleared to a sunny and cool day. To Mass. I worked at Ballard Garden in morning - stopping for milk and a few groceries enroute home. Wes cut down three trees at holding bed area - will give more sun on beds. I cleaned up more leaves at well area - edged day lily bed and started covering that ground with leaf chips Wes also had run the chipper for an hour in wildgarden. Saw Rose Breasted Grosbeak on feeder. 

1991 - Wednesday - 49° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful day. I went to Joan Minot’s - met Edith Meffley & Heidi Riggs - worked on garden for Hartford Show - not much progress. Took wire from around sundial at Ballard - home for lunch. Wes had stained "Well Edifice" - looks great - Afternoon transplanted Fevertree - put potted plants recently purchased in garden. Wes cleaned out compost bed - used it mostly in shade garden & filled big W77 pots for planting

1992 - Friday. 46° at 6:30. Misting - Cold - grey 
To Mass. No NY Times - Westchester distributor strike - A big disappointment not to have the crossword. I worked at Ballard Garden Mart 10 to 12, selling perennials - light rain when I left. Wes had continued cleanup of leaves north end - there are a lot of them I was able to cut the grass mid afternoon - needed it. Put fertilizer on the lines - lettuce and onions. Dug up Carolina Rhododendron and put it in 6" pot for Zone II Show in June. It was the last of the cutting made in June 1990.