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July 12

1988 - Tuesday - 40° at 6:15 - Fog - light shower - 35/100 in gauge - hope it keeps up - lightly in AM - 
Thunderstorm after 9pm.
I worked at Ballard in the morning with Charlotte Crosly - other ladies away. Mr Tinker came to measure frame for espalier. Wes had brought to work area the sandy soil taken out by Tony Ongaro in making the wall behind shade garden. I prepared dinner for Pete Bleckwehl here at 6 pm - Carolyn in Las Vegas at a convention.

1989 - Wednesday - 62° at 6:30- good to sleep later.
Fair - clouded up in mid-morning - few drops rain in afternoon but no forecasted shower.
Moved ferns into north big rock cracks - Wes re-located a big flag stone there. Early shower & lunch, left at 12:20 for Eileen's. I drove her to Dr Everhard in Briarcliff (-surgeon) she was discharged - no restrictions, so she drove to Rosedale - I bought a shovel, Japanese anemone. Wes went to Dr Savetsky - had ears checked - a quick trip for him - we drove home - here at 5:40.

1990 - Thursday - 60° at 6:45 - Raining
Wes slept pretty well. He didn't go to Mass with me. 
Quiet day for Wes - bandage at nose/cheek keeping on - can't wear contacts so eyeglasses a nuisance - 
I went to bank & Post Office - mailed letter to Dr. Espy asking transfer of records to Dr Sandler. Office Manager for Dr Espy called to apologize for lost appointment.
I bought a waterpik and picnic box at CVS - later found my waterpic was working again. 

1991 - Friday - in Pittsfield Mass for AHS symposium. Breakfast in room - as diningroom being renovated! - Eileen's room as she has three chairs to our two. Symposium on restoring gardens began at 9 - gardens in California - Sieberling’s Garden in Akron - Eastman in Rochester - Winterthur - Naumkeag (meaning place of rest) Stockbridge (Robert Choate's home) visited there for a reception and walk around garden - beautiful views of farm pastures and mountains  - dinner in renovated dining room of Hilton - early to bed.

1992 - Sunday - 60° at 6AM - Partly cloudy - very light rain in afternoon. To 8 o'clock Mass. 
Phoned sisters - Joan has lump in breast  to surgeon next Wednesday. Made muffins - ironed.
Vargas picked us up at 2:45 - we took them to dinner at La Trattoria - West Redding Station - good
Home at 5:30.

July 13

1988 - Wednesday - 68° at 6:30 - Fair - very warm sun - afternoon very humid. 
Wes weeded cliff path - put leaf mulch on south side of well/shed path - looks great. 
I deadheaded & staked - to Gilded Lily - Lynne Rosenstahl - in Stamford - bought two day lily clumps one pink, one yellow streaked white - Nancy Callahan drove - picked up gloves from Dr Doty enroute home - planted daylilies - showered as very warm and sweaty. 

1989 Thursday - 58° at 6AM - Partly cloudy - cleared, unfortunately, to a beautiful late afternoon - no rain here. To Mass. I went to bank, Marcus, and for a haircut (short) We transplanted daylilies from "Yellow Perennial Garden" - exchanged them for red daylilies from road/fence area. Moved small Leucothoe from wall garden to top of big rock. Cut South grass. 
Watered upper Rhododendron, azaleas, and the compost path Viburnum.

1990 - Friday - 58° at 6:30. Cloudy. Over 2 inches in rain gauge - Sunny off and on - cool.
I went to Mass. Did a work wash - we finished the crossword. Deadheaded and staked plants knocked down in rain. To bank and Stop & Shop - 
Wes took the ride with me. 
Alex Ross was moved to Greenwich Woods Nursing Home.
A cat deposited moles at front and garage doors!

1991 - Saturday - early morning at Berkshire Hilton Pittsfield Mass. - breakfast at 7AM! left at 7:15 for home - good trip. Wes drove all the way - rain showers but very little here - mist most of day only .15 - too bad. 
Eileen left at 9:30 to pick up dogs - they were fine.
We unpacked - Wes took a nap - I tried the cross-word - did the deadheading - watered astilbes - hosta and the rhododendron near compost as all suffering from drought. 

1992 - Monday - 70° at 6AM. Cloudy - No thunder-storms as predicted. Start of Democratic Convention in NYC. Watched Ann Hendricks - Bill Bradley speak at night. 
Wes to Dr James at 9AM - good report - bought suet and bananas enroute home. I put leaf chips on the Impatiens. Wes & I put leaf chips on shade garden. 
Wes edged rhododendron garden - we moved big Hosta from south slope to path (west) into dell walk. 
Warm & humid day.