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July 28

1988- Thursday - 40°at 6AM. Had rain overnight 3/10 inch = Cleared in morning enough to work at Ballard  Deadheaded there - home at 12.15 for lunch. Wes had gone to Mass - started clearing top knoll - lots of poison ivy - he continued in afternoon. I cut grass - deadheaded - dug out Lamb's Ears in front of rhododendron garden - all mildewed and not suitable there. Dug up Hostas from foot of oak start of path at triangle garden - eaten roots by some animal - put them on path close to shed.

1989. Friday - in Minneapolis for American Horticultural Society Meeting - Continental breakfast - then speakers Gordon Bailey (nursery man) Cold Hardy Plants - Neil Diboll (Prairie Restoration), Arnie Busso (Nursery) "Peonies" Julius Wade Kemper "Asiatic Lilies' - Wm Heard "Microclimates". Bus to Como Conservatory - lunch in tent - visited Conservatory & Jap. Garden - Bus to Univ. of Minnesota Trial Garden, and Oehme & Van Sweden garden - return to hotel- bus at 7pm to Minn. Art Institute - cocktail buffet - tour galleries - wonderful jade.

1990 - Saturday - 69° at 6:30. Dark gloomy day became increasingly fair & a beautiful evening 
Alex Ross' funeral Mass at 10. I was one of the Lectors - St Mary's Cemetery - to Helen Ross' for a short visit with family & friends. Home for lunch & nap. Then worked outdoors - Wes weeded myrtle bed at upper holding bed area - will move more myrtle there - I cut grass - we put on sprinklers and watered wood knoll & over septic tank/rhodo garden area - busy day.

1991 - Sunday 59° at 6AM. Beautiful morning, Walked dogs (Eileen in hospital) - To 8 o'clock Mass. Read a few papers - walked dogs. To the Arch at 11:30 - luncheon for McKeons, Mary Luke and Helen Ross. Very good. Home at 3. Nap - Phoned Eileen at Phelps - feeling better- probably will go home tomorrow. Phoned Joan to tell her. Had cocktail in garden room.

1992 - Tuesday - 60° at 6AM. Sun came over the hill at 6:23. To Mass.
Worked on replacing chicken wire in deer fence at shed area. Had the bottom half finished by noon. Wes raked paths in afternoon. I met Helen Ross for luncheon at Hay Day & went to Garden Club meeting at Patty Sticknoth's - young man spoke on Garden Design. 
Wes saw a deer on cliff outside fence!

July 29

1988 - Friday - 64° at 6AM - Fog - HHH - Terrible humidity. To Mass. Picked up Wes clothes at cleaner to Waldbaums to shop - bank & Marcus. Road work started on 9 W Highway - drains so far. Brought up 5 ferns from clearing holding bed area - I deadheaded - put Sluggit on Hostas and Benomyl on Coreopsis - Cocktail on deck - warm night.

1989 - Saturday - in Minneapolis. American Hort. Meeting - Continental breakfast. Talks by Elizabeth Schultz - Dr David Bates - Dr John [[?]] Mrs Ernesta Ballard (Philadelphia Fairmount Parks) Dr Richard Howard - Dr Russell Seibert - mostly on Liberty Hyde Bailey - lunch on our own in "700 Express" Dayton Basement - bus at 1:30 sightseeing trip Lake of the Isles - Lake Calhoun - Lake Harriet. - Rose and Rock Gardens - Walker Art Gallery and Sculpture Garden - return to hotel - Reception and Banquet at hotel for Award Winners. Met Mrs Miller of Conservatory Garden Central Park.

1990 - Sunday - 68° at 6AM. Dark- cleared off and unfortunately no rain. To 8 o'clock Mass. Worked outdoors all day. Watered transplanted Hosta and Astilbe Eileen gave us. Very dry. Wes weeded Wild Garden path. I deadheaded - brought leaf chips to Taxus and Triangle Garden.

1991 . Monday. 60° at 6:30AM. Cloudy. Walked dogs. Tony Ongaro didn't work. Eileen phoned she was home from hospital. We will return the dogs tomorrow. Raining in Terrytown but only few drops here - sun out in late afternoon. We shopped Stop & Shop - did desk work. Deadheaded. I made zucchini soup. Quiet day. Walking dogs several times. President Bush in Moscow for Summit meeting - signed arms treaty.

1992. Wednesday. Beautiful morning - heavy rain in thunderstorm in evening.
No breakfast for me. To Dr. Ahern's for 9:30 date physical - had Tetanus shot - TB exposure test - instructions on calcium etc. Wes drove me there & went for more wire for deer fence - shed area. We put the top section on by quitting time. To Silver Spring Club as guests of the McKeons for a party for Nancy Carrol Draper - 70th birthday end of August - 20 people 
Heavy rain enroute - Home at 10:45.