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July 30

1988 - Saturday. 70° at 6:30. To be HHH - it was - hottest day and very humid. Kept fan on overnight
Did a wash - Wes repaired the birdfeeder cable - deadheaded. To Eileen's at 11 - she gave us lunch & the VCR of Smiley-Tinker-Tailor which we forgot to watch last night - Went to Neilsen’s - closed - to Rosedale where bought 2 English Painted Ferns - a Tassel Fern and a Euonymus Kewensis (groundcover) Home for a nap - walk to North Slope to plan location of ferns - watered - dinner on deck.

1989 - Sunday - Minneapolis - Radisson Plaza Hotel - to 8 o'clock Mass at St. Olaf's - good singing with leader & organ - breakfast in Cafe - packed - left for airport at 10:45 - 12:55 Northwest flight - to Detroit - 4:05 NW flight to White Plains - arrived about on time 5:45 - car parked conveniently - no rain here - disappointing - stopped at Purdy's Deli for milk & macaroni & cheese - home at 7 - things dry but in good shape as Gizella had watered pots.

1990 - Monday - 69° at 8 AM - Overslept so breakfast after Mass. Part sun/part gloom. No rain. 
Wes had 9:30 appointment with Dr. James. Blood pressure 140/80. I defrosted refrigerator - did a wash. We shopped Stop & Shop. After lunch, cleaned house - made up guest bed for Joan & Hooker expected tomorrow.

1991 - Tuesday - 64° at 6 AM. Cloudy. Walked dogs. To Mass. Weather cleared - no rain as predicted, although we could use some. I worked at Ballard - Muriel - Dolly Wittman & Sandy Corcoran - we deadheaded everything. Home at noon. Wes had walked dogs. Took them home to Tarrytown in afternoon. Eileen feeling better but not driving a car yet. Tony Ongaro finished the stone wall above the wall garden. Now we have to plan the planting. We took down 3 dead trees beyond compost

1992 - Thursday - 64° at 6 AM. Foggy. Hazy. Off and on clouds and sun. Strange weather. Only 6/10 rain in gauge - it doesn't record correctly. To Mass. I worked at Ballard with Edith Meffley and Peggy Ryan - did lots of deadheading - home at 12 - Lucienne Hartcorn & daughter-in-law Diane with Wes - walked about with them for an hour - Whit repaired the dryer. After lunch we went to S&S - gasoline $1.52 - Marcus & Bank. Cut grass.

July 31

1988 - Sunday - 75° at 6:15 - Overcast - Rain at 9AM - light - 2/10 inch - stopped before noon. To 8 o'clock Mass. Made cookies during rain - ironed - Planted the ferns and euonymus bought at Rosedale yesterday. Cut grass after lunch - deadheaded - Wes repaired birdfeeder cable - put Saccrete under stone at Solar door - fill keeps leaching away. Not a bad evening cocktail and dinner on deck.

1989 - Monday - 64° at 7AM. Home from Minneapolis. Cloudy - drops of rain only - too bad.
Deadheaded - cut grass - to bank Marcus and Waldbaum - lunch - nap - Eileen came at 2pm with last bread from Alters - stayed only an hour - dogs looked beautiful - Wes had raked grass clippings - he worked atop big rock. I trimmed ribbon grass - cut it off as going brown - took Dahlias from pots & planted them where butterfly bush never came back. Slept well. Had phoned Gizella & Helen Ross in morning.

1990 - Tuesday. 62° at 6AM - Fog over pond. To Mass. I worked at Ballard Garden in the morning. Wes worked in Wild Garden Area. In afternoon cut grass and prepared for Joan & Hooker, here at five. Rain predicted but only drops here - the Holmdens came thru several showers.

1991 - Wednesday - 60° at 6:30 - Cloudy - only a few drops of rain - cleared - warm & humid. I went to bank and Marcus. Did a wash. Wes took down more small dead trees outside compost fence. Started spreading soil behind the new Ongaro wall. Ventris' finished the inside of front door (replaced dark moldings) and put on new upstairs windows. I cut south grass - swept dead leaves from north landing

1992 - Friday - 60° at 6AM - Cloudy - mist - humid - rain in evening. To Mass. Waited for Jimmy Redmond (Castle Electric) to repair Freddy's circuit breaker - never showed. Made cookies and cake in the mist. Out for about 2 hours after a nap. Picking up sticks - high wind - and deadheading. Phoned Joan - lump was malignant & she will have an operation within the next month. 
To Tracy's for a cocktail party at 5:15. Home 7:15 pm.