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August 7

1988-Sunday-74° at 6AM-Hazy-warm-rain shower at 6:30 pm-short but welcome-just when we was cooking lamb chops on grill- he worked under an umbrella. 2/10 inch rain.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Wrote out invitations for Oct. 8 celebrations. Dead headed. West continued digging hole for gate post on North line. I watered ferns etc on North Slope - moved Partridgeberry down from north line.

1989- Monday - 70° at 7AM - Foggy - Hot Dry wind became cooler - cloudy - light sprinkles in afternoon no good rain. No Mass. Father away. Wes dug a trench around Viburnum toenveaum along compost path - filled it with mixture of peat & soil. Watered it well covered with leaf chips. I did a work wash - phoned Dr. Espy's office for Medicare payment - Also Angie of W.P. personnel office - (Medicare error) Deadheaded - trimmed - was cutting grass when sprinkles interrupted

1990 Tuesday - 70° at 6Am  Raining - emptied a quart of water from Solar window leak - had 1.65 inches - almost 3 inches last couple days. To mass. Cancelled work at Ballard Took vacuum to Danbury Vacuum Mart for an estimate -  We had a haircut - to Ridgefield Supply to have propane gas tank filled - bought hooks to hang new vacuum attachments - home for a [[Marbeui?]] account rain - was able to deadhead after a nap. Moved a couple of wall garden plants. Planes & troops going into Saudi Arabia Heard Katydids in night

1991 - Wednesday - 60° at 7Am. Slept late - beautiful day - breezy - sunny but not too warm. Shopped for groceries. Wes cut couple more trees at compost area - continued there after lunch - looking better. I dug up ground I covered - put six in pots for possible Washington show in September. Dean of [[Shocky Faigers?]] came to give estimate on staining and painting - will call re starting date

1992 - Friday 56° at 6Am - Fair - beautiful day - warm sun but not bad in shade. To mass. Wes put leaf chips in roadside path (West Slope) I weeded northeast slope. I went to S&S for refill of Wes Blood Pressure & [[Cleology??] pills ($101.42!) Wonderful that we get some [[leack??]] Wes waited for Jim Redmond to repair Freddy Pump but he never come. I brought up leaf chips from dell to [[asbilebes?]] transplanted to hemlock near south grass - and also to perennial garden.

August 8

1988 - Monday - 65° at 6Am - Foggy - cooler night - good sleeping - to mass. I went to Eileen's - she had 11AM appointment with Dr. Burak - good report - come back 9/6. She gave me lunch. I reached home at 3pm, after a stop at [[Grustede's?]] in Somers - not good store. [[Wes?]] had weeded cliff path - trimmed trees over Cardinal flowers to give them more light - I cut one Cardinal flower for propagation - not sure the box cover is good - hope for success.

1989 - Tuesday - 54° at 6 AM - Some change in temperature Too bad not much of rain last night cool sunny day. Wes to mass after we propagated two cardinal flower stems. I went to Sandy Carcolan's to give her a Cardinal flower to propagate - then we worked at Ballard - it is in good shape. Home at noon. Wes had continued clearing atop big rock. (North) He watered tomatoes and other plants there. I finished cutting south grass - there watered individual perennials - the Paper garden - [[Foam??]] flowers on well/shed path.

1990 - Wednesday - 64° at 6:30- Sunny! Beautiful day - warm - increasingly humid in afternoon  Worked around place - Wes clearing northeast slope - He put hooks in the closet to hold vacuum hose I cut grass - very flat from rain south end. Moved couple plants on wall garden Wes moved myrtle from well area to patch above moss garden - covered farmer spot with leaf chips. which are almost used up now.

1991 - Thursday - 60° at 6AM. Fair. World is waiting to hear if Lebanon hostages will be released - one - all English journalist & John McCarthy - has message for UN. Worked around place - Wes cut down 3 trees above triangle garden - more outside compost area. I cut south & north grass - moved [[Tiarella?]] and Hepatica from garden room area where Wes will move out the wall. Painter said would come tomorrow.

1992 - Saturday - 58° at 7AM - Hazy - warm & humid. Wes worked at the north boxes -  cutting out sod between boxes and putting on wood chips. I deadheaded - cut north, south and cliff grass. Picked up Billie's birthday card from [[Trupanellie's?]] and delivered it to Joan Jessup before going to 5:30 mass. Phoned Bill  - she had fallen on her elbow and crushed a bone - in a sling - Neil & Glades Eileen there for the day.