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August 17

1988 Wednesday - 62° at 7AM - Clear - pleasant morning - Hot & humid in afternoon again. To Brookfield Center to deliver the pictures from home to Christine Sothing for her wedding - to Blue Colony Diner Newtown for lunch - home for banana & nap. Threw out tomato plant grown in pot at fence line - white fly - used soil to fill hole around tree well at fence & watered perennial garden - garden room - and big rhododendron over piper as it was wilting -

1989 - Thursday - 66° at 6AM - Partly cloudy - beautiful morning - increasing humidity in PM but a lovely evening. To mass. To reclamation - left bedspread at laundry for washing - to CVC Pharmacy left prescription for Quinine tablets - Youngs for bird food and bought leaf/dirt blower - Stop & Shop - Wes repaved paths washed out during storms... I deadheaded - picked tomatoes and blueberries. Picked up Roses & to Jane Jessup's for Billie's 92nd birthday party. everyone had a poem in her praise - fun

1990 - Friday - 64° at 6AM - Foggy - hot & humid day. Wes has a stomach upset. To mass. Shopped at Stop & Shop. Worked in shade - Wes feeling a little better. raked cliff path. I planted lettuce seeds in raised bed and at side of Solar. To Jane Jessup's at 6:30, picking up Helen Rose, for Billie Newell's 93rd Birthday Party. Cool on Jane's porch.

1991 - Saturday - 68° at 7AM - Muggy - hot. very humid - breeze in afternoon.
Did a wash. Wes to bank to get cash to pay for topsoil delivery Monday - Marcus for milk & bacon, Made BLT sandwiches for lunch. Picked beans one zucchini and lots of cherry tomatoes. Watered upper rhododendrons need those on well  triangle. To Jane Jessup's at 6:30 - birthday party for Billie Newell's 94th birthday - wonderful evening

1992 - Monday - 60° at 7AM - Dense fog. More rain predicted - off and on all day - light
Did crossword - did wash. To Otto Gust to inquire about iron bench for garden room - much too expensive for us. 
To S&S for bananas and corn (corn very delicious)
to bank. Marcus and the Mall - took old Banjo clock to Ted's clock - looked for slippers for Wes - none - to CVS to compare Metamucil prices - CVS much better - to Williams-Sonoma for ginger - rubber scraper - polish. Mended Wes underpants. Picked our "crops" - couple zucchini too big            

August 18
1988 - Thursday - 66° at 6AM - Sun not over the hill yet but going to be fair - 3/10 inch rain from last evening's thunderstorm. A very pleasant sunny breezy day - wonderful things. To Mars.
Wes dug hole at Judson line for future move of best big Hemlock on West Knoll. We transplanted all the little evergreens from old to new holding bed - waters them well. Watered Rhododendron gardens - broke Deal - a Rain sprinkler - waters only straight. To Castles at 6:30 for dinner - home at 11.

1989. Friday - 59° at 6AM -. Partly cloudy - good morning. increasing cloudiness in afternoon. To Mass. To town to pick up bedspread, 3 foot plastic fencing and order 4 foot at Young's - plastic drain pipe from Ridgefield Supply - bottle of wine for Tenpanelli's.
I cut grass. Wes worked on making a drain northeast corner of deck - Red stones of course - Picked up Rosses and to Tenpanelli's [[?]] for dinner at 6:30 - Pleasant evening - home at 11pm. 

1990 - Saturday - 70° at 7AM - Hazy - warm and very humid.
Cut grass. Wes set stone for a path to Patridgeberry 
on North Slope. Transplanted Japanese Painted Fern from Wildgarden Path to various spots on North side. Trimmed - fed birds
To 5 o'clock Mass. Wes cooked chicken kabobs - very good.

1991 - Sunday. 70° at 7AM - Slept until 6:30 had to hurry to set up breakfast. To 8 o'clock Mass. Warm humid, day, looked like rain, but none until night. Hurricane Bob hit North Carolina coast. 
Planted the Kerria Picta purchased on Long Island 8/5 in shrub border - moved Christmas fern from Piper rock to compost path. Picked up Helen Ross and went to her new house on Rocky Hill Road - lots of storage space!
Walked about our grounds, planning moves.

1992 - Tuesday - 65° at 6AM - Light rain -
To Mass. Rained out of work at Ballard Garden. 
Indoor work until afternoon when it cleared enough to go outside.