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September 12

1988- Monday- 50° at 6 am- Fog rising from pond. Beautiful day. To Mass. Wes finished the Belgian Block edging at Triangle Garden- found a big edging stone at the last part. I transplanted the Gaultheria procumbens from there to join others on upper walk.I moved plants from shade garden - pink bleeding heart to cliff hemlock tree - dug out 2 blue Siberian Iris (take to Ballard and put in their place the white Siberian Iris from perennial garden - dug out Lambs Ears (compost) and spread the speed all on perennial garden edge.

1989 - Tuesday - 64° at 6AM - No rain overnight unfortunately but not as humid - mostly cloudy - more humid in afternoon - humid again - To Mass. I worked at Ballard in morning (took goodies.) Wes rolled lawn again, then worked on east side of north slope - loads of stones. Lunch & long nap. I dug up Uchida lilies and put them in forward position - dug out violets from wood/cubed path. Had difficulty with crossword but finally finished it.

1990 - Wednesday - 68° at 7AM - Good to sleep-in. Very foggy & mostly fair muggy day - To record the Red Bellied is back at the feeder occasionally  - seems more timid. To Stop & Shop - found suet luckily.
  Walked around place - Wes cut out sod along back side of driveway - balancing the other end. I watered all the upper rhododendron - pecked tomatoes - cut south grass - watered garden room.

1991 - Thursday - 50° at 6AM - clear beautiful day. To Mass. West went for a haircut - gasoline for can and car, blade for razar.
  We transplanted the Baptisia from well area to North fence garden - moved astilbe and Hosta there. Brought in compost and moved "Tom Thumb" Coton - easter to new wall garden - also put in there Muriel's two small "mellon" Cotoneaster.

1992 - Saturday - 52° at 7AM - Beautiful day - cool and sunny.
  Transplanted 6 (Rhododendron, Azalea, Laurel) plants from top holding bed to various spots on east slope & on northwest walk - weeded a lot as we went. Also transplanted big Solomon Seal from Joe's garden to base of oak west of compost bed - in process got out lots of stones naturally. Moved Ilex off deck to cliff walk. Wes started renovating stepping stones off north grass to well area. Called for reservation at Fort Ticonderoga. 

September 13

1988 - Tuesday - 60° at 6AM - Raining - water not coming in (yet) under solar window. Hope Wes' caulkang [[(?)]] is working - only couple drops from another spot. Hurray!
  No work at Ballard Garden account rain but took Succulents to greenhouse to work on for Darren show. Gave pieces of [[(?)]] and all Coreopsis Goldfink to girls. Home for lunch. We went to New lanaan [[(?)]] - bought blue silk dress at Whitney shop for Oct 8th. Home to deadhead - pull out some annuals - cut back some perennials

1989 - Wednesday - 60° at 7:15 - Slept late - good as both had big cramps in night. Beautiful morning - Wes moved rotting logs from South end. I put sprinkler on Garden Room and Nood Knoll. Worked car. Left at 11:15 for Candlewood Inn - right on the lake - for Texaco Reberees luncheon - a barbecue - followed by an hour's ride on the lake. - beautiful sights - enjoyed it. Home for long nap - Walk around - Very dry.

1990 - Thursday - 68° at 6AM - Dark - becomes mostly sunny and warm - humid. To Mass.
  I went with garden club to Pepsico - Garden and at club gave bench[[(?)]] on grounds. Home at 3:30.
  Wes had brought 33 loads of topsoil down form pile at [[(?)]] end of property to low spot on lawn between septic tank/rhododendron garden/hemlock area. Needs about seven wheelbarrow loads more.
  I edged and trimmed edges of area behind rhodo garden

1991 - Friday - 49° at 6AM - Mornings dark now. Cold Became beautiful day - increasingly warm & humid
  To Mass. West worked on north end. I did a wash - cleaned the kitchen floor etc. Transplanted the Amsonia to Joe's Fence, after moving the Bleeding Heart (fell to pieces) and Astilbe. Cut the grass. Wes rolled it. Have never had such mole [[(?)]].
  Andy Vill phoned during evening. Will [[(?)]] come Monday. 

1992 - Sunday - 47° at 6AM. Fog rising over pond - cool beautiful day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Phones all sisters. Kelly coming to Carolyn's on 19th - going to new Mexico 21st - Joan & Bit feeling better - Louise McKeon came to look at Clethra - she is considering buying a dozen. I went to the mall for a haircut. We cooked lambchops at noon. To Wilbon Congregational Church for concert of Verdery-Schmidt concert- guitar & flute (Benjamin [[(?)]] We left at intermission - good concert but uncomfortable seats & we were tired