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September 16

1988 - Friday - 44° at 6 AM - Fair beautiful cool breezy day. I went with Louise McKeoon to Norwalk to enter Darien G.C. show - I put in The Ficus Horse - stopped at Ashley Andrews garden on Route 123 enroute home - here for lunch. Chimney cleaner had done the chimneys - will return to paint furnace chimney cover - Wes cut up wood & old dogwood in dell. I cut grass - did more transplanting - miniature rose - gypsophila - Heuchera.

1989 - Saturday - 58° at 7:30 - Slept late + well. Fair morning. Clouded up soon - rain (light) at 3:30.
Wes started work on replacing sections of deer fence at deer trail - hard job - cant get posts in. 
I did a wash - ironed - to bank for cash and Marcus for milk. Deadheaded cosmos before rain.
Worked on crossword - finished it. Had a fire in den - roared - when half closed damper. Smoke turned on the smoke alarms!

1990 - Sunday - 53° at 6AM - Hated to get out of bed. Fair. Mostly fair day - cool - needed sweaters 
To 8 o'clock Mass.  House chores. Studied Dutch Bulb book - late this year on getting in the order.
Did Saturday's crossword. Called sisters - settled on Oct 22-23-24 for family get together. Potted up Cardinal flowers propagated 28 plants. Saw some azaleas are ready for potting. Walked about upper (North) section admiring Wes' clearing work. 

1991-Monday. 66° at 7 AM. Foggy-muggy. To be very warm-of course we put electric blanket on bed yesterday. It was very hot and terribly humid NYC had 92° -  we had about 84. 
I worked at Ballard garden in morning. Wes started raising flagstones of path off the deck, bringing down soil to raise level.
I dug up the Malua[?] to give to honey Callahan tomorrow-moved daylily from perennial to day lily bed.

1992 - Wednesday, in Ticonderoga - Beautiful hazy very warm day. Rode to Fort - not yet opened by drive in grounds - very interesting-found McDonalds for breakfast. Walked Lachute River Gorge (falls+rock) forward Tom + May Hanley on [Tiega Pt?] after a few wrong passes - boat ride on Lake by Tom (Rogers Rock). talked about families - nice luncheon. To Sagamore in Bolton Landing - (very ultra & expensive but interesting and beautiful view of Lake George) dinner & bed. 

September 17
1988- Saturday - 48° at 6:30. Fog rising over pond - clouded up - mist and light rain later but no accumulation. Wes went to Ridgefield Supply for North Gate hardware - filled gas car. I did a wash and a little housekeeping. We washed car. Carol Stoddard brough a friend 'Rose' to look at garden. Drove to Lockwood. Matthews Mansion, Norwalk to pick up entries Darien show - won HM for Club's Succulents and Third for our horse. Picked up Billie & to McKeen's cocktail party at J! Home at 7:30.

1989-Sunday - 59° at 6 Am. Gloomy - foggy - rain during night. Wes has a bad night. To 8 o'clock Mass. House chores - wrote letters - paid contributions - reached Ginger Durst[?] on Cape - will meet for dinner Monday night - phoned Bob & Joan. 
   Afternoon. Cut grass. pretty wet with additional quarter inch last night  - deadheaded - Wes moved more logs behind garden room

1990 - Monday - 48° at 6 Am. Cold - partly cloudy and sunny - needed couple sweaters - windy. To Mass. To Greenhouse to pick up big pots to plant little trees we'll give to Garden Mart - Squash's to pick up tickets for Tailer[?] Tavern tickets House Tour Saturday - Grand Union for oatmeal - bank - recycling - liquor. 
   Wes worked on upper east bank - looking good- raked paths after heavy rain the other night - I transplanted the propagated azaleas & other plants - cut the grass - Made out the Dutch Bulb order finally. 

1991 - Tuesday - 74° at 6 AM. Hot muggy day. To Mass. Andy Vill aerated the grass - seeded and fertilized it. Grass clippings put on [?garden] compost. Wes went to liquor store. I baked cookies for garden club meeting. I was one of hostesses of Carol Stoddards - there at 1pm to 5:15 - air conditioned house, luckily. Talk by Ellen Hughes on shrubs. Wes finished raising walk front of deck - also straightened Belgian[?] Blocks at curve going to Piper.

1992 - Thursday - at Sagamore. Bolton Landing
Breakfast at hotel- checked out- drove home via Taconic Parkway - stopped at James Beard Park for lunch just in time to get involved with Senior Citizens of Dutchess County - reached home about 2:30 - mail and 2 NY Times in box! _ Eileen left for home - we went to bank, Marcus - S & S for bananas. Grass high - lots of mole runs.