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September 28

1988 - Wednesday - 58° at 6:15 - Beautiful day, but dry. Did a wash - to Youngs for birdfood - Stop + Shop - Reclamation - gasoline - cleaners.
     After lunch, I cut grass. Moved Hosta Frances Williams to Garden Room - watered - cut Heather + Colbena to take to Greenhouse for propagating.
     Wes worked on cleaning holding-bed area - and changing location of path to it.

1989 - Thursday - 39° at 6 AM - Cloudy but became clear quickly to a beautiful fall day. To Mass.  
I worked at Ballard Garden in morning - went to Pinchbeck’s for 2 pots for the Myrtle Standards - and to Stop + Shop. Wes put edging stones along south side of path to holding beds. In afternoon he moved more logs from Judson line. I potted the Azaleas propagated - the Viscosum and Atlanticum made roots - have one Carolina Rhododendron with good roots - another very doubtful.

1990 - Friday - 52° - dark & foggy - became a beautiful day. Wes went to Mass - My face hurt. 
Worked around grounds all day - Wes finished a deep planting box (brought in soil, peat & cow manure) and we transplanted all the remaining Laurel, Azaleas Rhododendron from the planting box which will be dismantled - too shallow. Watered recent transplants. I broke up spider plant, kept one piece, brought down injured Myrtle standard from holding bed - cut it back severely. Phoned Joan - doing well. 

1991 - Saturday - 42° at 7 AM. Fair - cool day - Put all deck furniture into day loft. Shopped Stop & Shop. 
Transplanted most of geranium sanguineum to north holding bed area. Also put the [strikethrough] big [/strikethrough] large Myrtle Miss Jekyll up there. Dug out several big stones. Picked beans and tomatoes in case of frost - not many ripe tomatoes. 

1992 - Monday - 58° at 7 AM - Partly cloudy. Sun 6:49/6:44. Mostly cloudy and damp. Did crossword. Wes went for gravel at O&G - will deliver tomorrow.  I planted the Lobelia, Kerrea 'Picta' Variegated Weigela, & Viburnum cuttings made in July.
Cut all grass after lunch. Transplanted small Kalmia, Azaleas, etc from one raised bed to another - Wes put Sweet Peas into vacated one to raise level. Transplanted Day lilies in their bed to give room to Kerria
Moles doing great damage to lawn.

September 29

1988 - Thursday - 44° at 6:15 - clear - beautiful fall day. To Ballard Greenhouse to work on cold frame cleaning - Louise McKeon brought Jerry to dig up and split day lilies so I transferred to that work. Home at 12:30. Wes had dug fence holes at future gate entrance to old deer trail - also worked on new path to holding bed. I fit the second propagation box of Cardinal flowers into individual pots - some good roots. John Hartcorn here to look at leaf chipper - gave us smoked trout.

1989 - Friday - 52° at 6 AM - clear - beautiful fall day a little warmer - high near 70°.
I went to Bethel - Emily's for a basket of goodies for Kelly's birthday - Booklet for "Perennials" Ruth Clauson & "Irish Women" for Bit. Shopped Waldbaums.
Wes continued work clearing upper area - also moved more logs from South line. I pulled up tomato plants brought in Amaryllis - repotted three - will give three to Green House. Petey Cerf phoned - wants to give in honor of his Mother's birthday Oct 21st.

1990 - Saturday - 58° at 7 AM. Foggy - became a beautiful warm day. Very "Fall" looking - trees coloring leaved falling. To bank & Marcus. Worked outdoors - Wes found a location up top without ledge - had to take out tree root - for the 4th bed. I cut grass and watered azaleas near well. Cut back the injured myrtle standard and repotted it - Don't know whether it is worth saving. Started cutting down perennials

1991 - Sunday - 40° at 6 AM. Beautiful sunrise - no frost. To 8 o'clock Mass. 
Wes wrote out checks - contributions - bills
Read some of paper - to the Inn at 12:30 - guests of Billie Newell for luncheon. Helen Ross also.
Home at 3:30 - nap - Did crossword - Couldn't finish it - Light supper

1992 - Tuesday - 58° at 6 AM - Cool, fair, breezy day. To Mass. I worked at Ballard in morning. To Pinchbecks for Paperwhite Narcissus for Jean's birthday.
Gravel delivered from O&G and Wes spent day spreading it on road path to holding beds. I put some of gravel on Juniper we had moved to step garden
Falls planted "Krinkled White" Peony from Perennial Garden front to front of arborvitae