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September 30

1988 - Friday - 52° at 6:30 after breakfast. Dark cloudy morning - cleared to a beautiful warm fall day - lots of yellow leaves down - plants look tired.
Went shopping at Walbaum's - bank- wrote letters.
Wes worked on path to holding bed.  
I went to 2 pm service at St. Marks New Canaan for Susie Ahern's mother - drove with Charlotte Crosley. 
Watered Garden Room Rhododendron on return.

1989 - Saturday- 48° at 7 AM. Partly cloudy - cleared at sunset, but some sun during day.  
Changed to electric blanket - new one - also - fix up guest from for Eileen's visit - cleaned upstairs and livingroom. Wes worked on upper area, found ledge where hoped to move the tomato bed. I pulled out Cosmos, pulled up many stakes from perennials - cut grass - Gizella gave us Red Monarda.

1990 - Sunday - 60° at 6 AM. Dark. Foggy. Mostly cloudy - hoped for rain - none until a heavy short downpour at night - only one-tenth. 
To 8 o'clock Mass. To Bleckwehl's at 10:30 to visit them. Kelly and Barbara visiting for weekend - Chelsea Bleckwehl now walking. After lunch & nap Worked outdoors - took Spiral Jasmine apart, saving only 2 small pieces to start over. Wes worked on top. Moved forward a few perennials and watered them. 

1991 - Monday - 38° at 7 AM. Fair - beautiful cold fall day.  Wes took out solar fan. Took off all screens except kitchen slider and one bedroom we couldn't get off - wood probably swollen. Returned Tauk Tour booklets to Tempanelli's - to bank - bought liquor. Dug out Rose Bonica - will give to Muriel Pedersen - put Buddlea [[Buddleia]] in its place - watered some transplants. Made Mrs Field's Oatmeal-Choc. Chip cookies & Bran muffins 

1992 - Wednesday - 42° at 7 AM. Fair - chilly - good working day. Prepared window ledges for Vee Greiner & brother - here 9:30/11:30. Wes set a step on center walk to holding beds. We moved the Japanese variegated Solomon Seal to curve at west walk to top - will have to keep Leucothoe cut back. My right index finger very sore - interferes with a lot of things - this writing. Jim Redmond came in P.M. Freddy Frog pump working again. Washed bedroom curtains - ironed them - put on draperies. Have heat on night and morning.

October 1

1988 - Saturday - 58° at 7 AM. Foggy. Saw a deer on cliff off deck - chased her down opening in cliff where she joined another one and they ran north to Grouses end. 
Worked on fence over cliff all morning - raising - lowering with more wire - tying down. Wasn't until after lunch that we saw the deer had eaten hostas all over the grounds - white phlox - daylily blossoms - Wes strengthened fence behind shed. I watered rhododendron on north slope - Cardinal flowers - transplanted leatherleaf viburnum and daylilies and astilbe. Warm beautiful fall day.

1989 - Sunday - 47° at 6 AM -  Dark - Foggy. Oatmeal for breakfast. To 8 o'clock Mass. 
Wes had an earache. He finished moving old logs from Judson line. Eileen came up at at eleven with the dogs. She and I drove to Peekskill where took "Commander" cruise on Hudson 1 to 4 - beautiful scenes on the river bank - lots of boats - trains going. Home at 5 -  Eileen spent the night (RGC cruise)

1990 - Monday - 50° at 6 AM. After early cloudiness a mostly clear day - cool. To Mass. Renewed Wes' Timoptic prescription ($21.36 for a very small bottle). To Safe Deposit box to withdraw Yankee Energy certificate for sale by company - to Stop & Shop. Wes took down three trees, plus saplings, on upper northeast slope. I transplanted a few more perennials to forward positions. Dug out some to take to Ballard. Cut grass, including the new patch. Saw 2 flights of geese (lots) heading south.

1991 - Tuesday - 48° at 6 AM. Dark. Sun 6:52-6:39. Damp, mostly cloudy day. To Mass. I worked at Ballard Garden in morning. We stopped early account shower. Wes had set up new bird feeder - too tall for garden room steps. He turned over compost. After lunch we went to Mall, bought soap for Bit's birthday, sheet and cases for Joan & Hooker's Christmas - found good Warner Bra for me at Macy's. Milk at Marcus - home tired but getting chores done before trip.

1992 - Thursday - 38° at 6 AM. Beautiful cold day, needed sweaters to work. To Mass. Dug up Heuchera Balloon Flower & Siberian Iris to give to Gigi Adams & Liz Montanari - tall lilies to give to Kathleen Eason (found they were in wire basket!)  Moved Astilbe and Phylostegia Variegata back towards Joe's fence - Wes brought wheelbarrow loads of compost to fill holes. Wes continued spreading gravel on garden well path. I cut grass - so many mole runs it is hard to push mower. Cut down the Cimicifuga - all mildewed. Cut off Cardinal spent stems lots of them in wild garden. Perot decided to run for President - darn.