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October 10

1988 - Monday - Beautiful day - Holiday celebration Columbus Day - Bit, Joan & Hooker with us.
To Mass. Leisurely breakfast. Hooker wanted to see Fare Tool Shop - Wes & he found it no longer in existence - We went to Mall - home for lunch & nap. To Harrisons for a walk through Pepsico - so beautiful - lawn statues and gardens. Home for dinner - Helen Ross' chicken casserole.

1989 - Tuesday - Home after trip to Holmdens - Eileen with us overnight. She left at 8:45 to pick up dogs - they did fine. I worked at Ballard., shopping Brunetti's - Stop & Shop - left film for developing. Wes worked on fence at Judson line - crushed his thumb between posts. After lunch, he continued there - I cut grass - dug out Impatiens in shade garden - frost got them - cut down some of perennials
Mostly sunny day - cold morning - milder in PM.

1990 - Wednesday - 66° at 7 AM. Fair - very warm during day.
To Stop & Shop - gasoline ($1.65 gal) - Marcus for milk. Put deck furniture in hay loft.
Raked grass on South side - cutting it as I went. West cut down Ironwood at mailbox - phoned Thompson to pick up brush. Siskiyou delivered order - put Rattlesnake Plaintain and Trillium grandiflorum in pots - will directly plant Anemone nemorosa in woods.

1991 - Thursday - 50° at 6:30 - Up at 6:07 and rushed breakfast. Re'90 - last gasoline we bought at $1.50/gal
Good day - mostly sunny - mild - sweater off in afternoon. Cut grass again - lowered mower.
To Mass. Plants delivered from Wayside (Hydrangea) and Andre Vutte (6 Dollseye) Planted there - Pecans also received from Sunnylands. - Chicken Kebobs from Patrick of Horizon. Wes cut down shrub fence Judson lane

1992 - Saturday - 60° at 7 AM. Foggy - cloudy - cleared mid-morning luckily. Preparations for visit from Eileen Bit and Gus here at 11:45 to 4:45 - Carolyn Pete & Chelsea came over at 2:30. Gus impressed us as a fine young man - hope his new employer succeeds as Gus must be an asset. Carolyn is having difficulty as her job at "Almost Family" - personnel and equipment. 
We straightened up house - Wes napped - caught up on papers and finished crossword!

October 11

1988 - Tuesday - 44° at 7 AM - Beautiful fall day - light frost. Bit left for Lock Haven about 8:15 - Hohmndens to Greenwich to visit Whittles about 8:30 - I went to Ballard Garden to work with crew - cutting down perennials - home at 12:15. - Wes had done all breakfast dishes! Lunch - nap (needed it) Pulled up Annuals and cut down some perennials. Bit reached home safely. Phoned Eileen.

1989 - Wednesday - 47° at 6 AM - Fog over pond - Fair sky - beautiful day - milder.
Took 8:48 train from Purdy's - Wes had 10:30 date with Dr Espy - good report - walked to Madison for bus to 83rd - to Met Museum for Velasquez show - beautiful. Bus downtown - Young couple gave us their seats! - lunch at Oyster Bar - 1:58 train to Purdy's - home about 3:30 - to Ridgefield to pick up Wes' prints of Youngstown trip and a few groceries.

1990 - Thursday - 60° at  - Light rain - barely measurable - off and on clouds after morning fog. To Mass. I picket up Muriel Pedersen and we drove to Poundridge Nursery to pick up two Clethra Dwarfs & planted them front of bench in Ballard Garden. Home at 11:30 - Wes continued work on Northeast slope hitting a big stone along path. He took the compost of #3 bed to top planting box. I planted Anemone Nemerosa along new path Northeast slope - Trillium grandeflorum at well azalea bed

1991 - Friday - 52° at 6:30 - Dark, gloomy day - needed lights on from noon on. To Mass.
Cut down a few more perennials. Wes went to hay loft to sort Live Steam magazines - has them from 52/54 then 66 to present. I wrote to Kelly and mailed Baronesse tulips to her from Post Office.
Thunderstorm at night - 3/4 inch rain
Senate Committee hearing - Judge Thomas vs. Prof. Anita Hill

1992 - Sunday - 50° at 6 AM cloudy - Light rain mid afternoon. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Lifted Dahlia bulbs - left them in garage to dry - "narrowed" the Lady's Mantle and put the pieces under the deck along the walk - Wes brought last of compost from #3 bin for planting and to fill holes in perennial garden - dressed deck area with leaf chips. Rain kept us in after lunch - cleaned up desk - read papers.
Watched debate - Bush/Clinton/Perot from St Louis 7/8:30 Perot had some sensible humorous comments - no one flubbed.