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October 16

1988 - Sunday - 47° at 6:45 - Dark - cloudy AM - Sunny in afternoon - milder. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Wes did desk work - took all morning. I put away summer clothes - took out heavy slacks. Watered rhododendron & azaleas above well. Cut down some Hostas along Compost path - watered plants around garden room and the three transplanted Hemlocks on Judson line.

1989 - Monday - 56° at 6 AM - Had rained overnight - not much, but a very damp, gloomy day until 3 PM when sun came out. To Mass. Did a wash - wrote Ginger Dienst. Wrote casserole recipe for Oct 27th party & sent it to Anne Trancochini. Wes took Honda to body shop - $275 to repair dent in right front door - will take it next Monday and rent car for three days. After sun came out, raked leaves, cleaned up Garden Room - front walk - lots of them. Vargas returned from trip to Pennsylvania.

1990 - Tuesday - 48° at 6 AM - Put heat on - my face better - now looks like I'm sunburned. Beautiful day - cool but sun warm. To Mass.
Jim Bruno raised the wood holding boxes North Top finished by 2 PM. Wes put some soil in two of them. Most of day he blew and raked leaves.
I shopped Stop & Shop - bought 2 canvas bags to carry groceries - mailed Joan's birthday present - Cut down Hay Scented Ferns at Piper - also Hosta there. Moved Echinacea in perennial garden.

1991 - Wednesday - 32° at 7:30 - cloudy. 3/4 inch rain from last evening. Cleared at noon to a beautiful afternoon. Worked on crossword - hard. I went to Inn at noon - met Helen Ross & Helen Lewis for lunch - on to John Jay Homestead for Garden Club meeting - puppet show - home at 4:50. Wes had worked in Hayloft sorting "Live Steam" magazines.

1992 - Friday - 56° at 7 AM. Fog & mist. To Mass. Cleared at 3 PM. Did crossword. To Ridgefield - Anessi Taylor [[tailor]] with my red material - he will make the short coat - picked up duplicates of prints to give Bit, Eileen & Carolyn - to Stop & Shop for bananas - vegetables. Home for lunch & nap. Was able to go outdoors and cut down hostas and ferns at Piper area. Lots of leaves coming down.

October 17

1988 - Monday 58° at 7 AM - Foggy - Interesting light with mostly yellow leaves and fog - sunny PM - quite mild - almost 70°.
To Columbia Presbyterian - Dr. Savetsky - Wes learned ligaments on jaw had been pulled - time will heal - wax not bad in ears - hamburger at Executive(?) Restaurant near Rosedale - good food, terrible service. Home at 2 pm - nap 
Watered big Rhododendron - newest White Pine - Spruce on West Bank. Wes cut out stump below juniper on front walk.

1989 - Tuesday - 63° at 6 AM - Didn't even have to put on the house heat. Rain, heavy at times, at 5 PM 1 1/2 IN. 
To Mass. To Stop & Shop - Genovese - Caldor for paint to redo bathroom radiator - picked up enlargements of Youngstown pictures - attended Endowment Committee meeting at Green House - to bank. After lunch & nap Wes worked in shop - I caught up on papers.
6.9 Earthquake hit California at 8:04 pm EDT - just as 3rd game of World Series was to start - awful pictures on TV channel 7 - Bay Bridge section collapsed - big fire

1990- Wednesday - 42° at 7 am - Fair - beautiful day. I went to a meeting at 9:15 in the Keeler Garden House on next June's Flower Show - home for lunch. Wes had started leaf chipper and did the big pile near shed - he continued in afternoon. I dug the peat we had in two of the new planting boxes on North Top. Cleaned up Daylily bed & put that material into a box. Planted Trevithian daffodils. Had a haircut at Mall.

1991 - Thursday - 48° at 6 AM - Dark - Rain most of day - one inch. To Mass. I went to Dr. James K Ahern - marks on thigh not Lyme disease - pain in right leg may be pinched nerve - exercises and prescription for Feldene - strong aspirin - cost $26.19 - shocking. Picked up hose guides - Garden Room stool. To Marcus and Stop and Shop.

1992 - Saturday - 48° at 7 AM. Fair - breezy. 
Wes started the leaf blower and blew the leaves on the south grass into piles - we took them to the wild garden. I cut the south grass before lunch - the north grass afterward, stopping to rake once. Wes worked (raked) viburnum path - I cleaned up along road. Lot more leaves to come down but glad to get started on them