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October 18

1988 - Tuesday - 58° at 6:30 - cloudy - some mist, but no needed rain. 
Wes drove me to Ballard garden to work - he then shopped  Youngs & Stop & Shop - returned for me at 11:15 when rain drops started - only Charlotte Crosley worked at garden with me. Cut South grass in pm to clear leaves. Wes took out pool pumps. I cut back a few more Hostas - the ferns above the Piper.

1989 - Wednesday - 43° at 7 AM. Cloudy - loads of   leaves down - 3/4 inch now in gauge - Wes dumped it as more predicted. Severe damage from S.F earthquake - at least 270 people killed - most in collapsed roadway. 
Rearranged livingroom furniture to make more room for party on 27th. 
I had noon appointment with Dr. Joseph - good report - blood pressure 130/80 - weight 127. After lunch to Marcus for milk - Macy's for wine glasses - Wes in shop.

1990 - Thursday - 64° at  6 AM. Cloudy and very windy - rain started at 6 pm - thunderstorm in night. 
To Mass. Worked at Ballard cutting down everything - big crew. After we planted Rosemary ring for next June's [[strikethrough]] meeting [[/strikethrough]] show. Wes cleaned up leaves on road - around well - North slope. I cut grass on south. Cut down Hostas along compost path.

1991 - Friday - 50° at 6 AM. Fair beautiful day. didn't need sweaters in afternoon. To Mass. Father Medynski to have cataract operation next week. Wes to Dr. Monroe at 10 - nose okay. No sinus - headaches are arthritis - very little wax in ears. I wrote Bit - birthday cards to Joan & Madolyn Dayne - Dr Jacobs to request records for Dr. Ahern. Cut [[?]] - Wes raked ahead of mower - Put big pots in crawlspace. To Billie Newell's at 5 for cocktails - lots of deer on her property. Home at 7. Arab/Israel peace talks Oct 30.

1992 - Sunday - 36° at 6 AM. Dark & cold. To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector - to Marcus for milk following. Phoned Joan Bit & Mary. Wes worked on bank statement - out 26₵. I raked leaves on deck and at north end of house. Refilled bird feeder - the open bottom one - now being used frequently. Wes cooked lamb chops on grill - nice] nap. Out to cut off Hostas at well and step garden - raked leaves from paths near well. Not a bad afternoon - sun came out. Watched John Gielgud, Wendy Hiller, Patrick McGoohan - playing Sydney Cockerell "Laurentia McLachlan" & G B Shaw "Best of Friends"

October 19

1988 - Wednesday - 47° at 7 AM. Cloudy - cleared late afternoon - no rain. 
I picked up Helen & worked at Ballard Greenhouse - transplanting Lupines. Home for lunch. Wes had used Sacrete to put in two posts for fence at deer trail. He later put in 2 posts for a gate there - used planting box posts. Wes picked up repaired camera from Sturdevants while I shopped Waldbaums. I went to Mary Lukes at 4pm to plan party for Alex Ross on October 28.

1989 - Thursday - 43° at 6 AM - rain continues - colder - shut off living room and solar. To Mass. 
Polished brass - balance - candlesticks - gambrel lamps some silver. 
Cleaned the bird feeder - put another grommet on it to try to stop rain from entering. 
Washed bedroom curtains and put on draperies 
Wes had some time in shop. 
In afternoon, 1 inch rain in gauge but Wes didn't dump it.

1990 - Friday - 48° at 6 AM. High wind made it uncomfortable out in morning. To Mass. 
Wrote Mr Long - going to have an operation next week - wrote to S & D Industries on labels. To P.O. to make copy of bill from Lab on Wes' test in hospital July 11th - filled can with gasoline. Out after lunch - put salt hay under plants in cold frame - took those that didn't fit in there up to a holding bed - Wes brought couple loads soil to fill holding box - still needs more. I dug up dahlias.

1991 - Saturday - 48° at 7:20. Breakfast at 8 - Fair Good to sleep late. Beautiful day until late PM when looked like rain with a high wind - blew leaves back on cleared areas. Wes started up leaf blower - north of driveway to well. I packed up Dahlias - put them in crawlspace. Did a wash. Cut down Hostas in Garden Room area - raked there. Wes took car and can for gasoline.  $1.53/gal for super Hightest.

1992 - Monday 42° at 7  AM. Fog. Must have had some rain during night. Sun 7:12 - 6:09 off and on sprinkles. Cold. Did crossword - a wash. Took down Fuchsias - cut them back & hung them in crawlspace. To cleaners with Wes' slacks - bank - Stop & Shop - Picked up some leaves - Early supper as watched last Presidential Debate at 7.