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October 20

1988 - Thursday - 36° at 6:15 - Dark - Cold but good day. To Mass. Did a wash. Wes in shop. To Senior Citizens Luncheon at St. Elizabeth Seton at 12 noon - good dinner - long and monotonous fashion show - seniors the models - home at 2:45 for a nap - raked leaves on North grass - driveway and lower half of south grass. Los Angeles Dodgers won Series.

1989 - Friday - 50° at 6 AM. Raining - had a thunder storm at 5 AM - 2 3/4 inches rain at 7:30 AM -(including the inch yesterday) To Mass. I went to the Mall for a haircut - roads awash - some closed at the mall. We went to Brunetti - bank - ordered cake for next Friday at Mary Ellen's - Stop & Shop - cleaners - Liquor & Wine when home discovered red wine not included in package. Wes in shop - I cooked the pumpkin (never again) & made lamb stew. Took off bathroom radiator cover and sanded it. Dutch bulbs delivered.

1990 - Saturday - 38° at 7:30 - Really slept late - good Beautiful day, wind stopped.
Wes finished chipping the pile of leaves at shed - then blew leaves east of Garden Room and South Slope.
I did a wash - cut down Hostas in shade garden - cut off Lobelia Cardinalis - picked up a lot of sticks in that area - cut grass [[?]] along road and cut North grass - that in very poor condition - some animal digging many holes.

1991 - Sunday - 40° at 6:15. Beautiful fall day.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Took plants from Solar to upstairs and livingroom and sittingroom. Put tulip bulbs in eave off first storeroom.
I went to concert at Keeler Tavern at 3 PM - four cellos - good - home at five. Wes had raked leaves from front walk and path to wild garden.
Phoned sisters in morning - all fine.

1992 - Tuesday - 34° at 7 AM. Fair. Breakfast after Mass. Beautiful fall day. Worked outdoors - Wes using blower and raking and carrying leaves to end of fence. I cut down more perennials - started on the shade garden - too many plants.
Impatiens finally went in the frost.
Washed oldest Irish sweater and blue work sweater.

October 21

1988 - Friday - 34° at 6 AM - Cloudy. To Mass. 
I had 8:45 appointment with Dr. Barbara Joseph - passed - tests taken. Put deck chairs in crawlspace.
Wes dug more holes for gate at deer trail - put two landscape ties in for posts - look good.
Left at 2:30 for Tarrytown - to spend night with Eileen - started to rain as we left - heavy during evening.
Watched "Washington Week in Review"

1989 - Saturday - 40° at 7 AM - Partly cloudy - best morning in a week. Just over 2 1/2 inches in raingauge Sun came out - hurray. Partly sunny/cloudy but could work outdoors - cold wind. Raked leaves from front walk - garden room, south grass - path to dell - most wet - wind covered grass again with leaves, but we can see some green. Cut off some more perennials.
A man found alive in Oakland in the collapsed freeway following the earthquake Tuesday night.

1990 - Sunday - 38° at 6 AM - Beautiful day
To 8 o'clock Mass. Spent all morning trying to put plant light stand together - just before lunch Wes had the tool to hold the joints so we could fit the screw in - finished one shelf! Cut south grass after lunch. Wes put roller away in crawlspace. Put 2 more shelves of plant stand together. Picked up Helen Ross & on to Neligans for reception for daughter Deirdre married to Richard Mock - Home at 7:45.

1991 - Monday - 34° at 7:15 - Beautiful fall day - cold morning - temperature milder PM.
Put remaining pots in crawlspace - composted the geraniums - only tuberous begonia need to be stored. I went to Bruno Frauchiscini's funeral at St Mary's at 11 - home 12:30. Wes had blown & raked more leaves. I cut grass to remove leaves - also cut North top - pulled out tomato plants - frost killed - also impatiens - hidden in leaves.

1992 - Wednesday - 44° at 7:15. Cloudy - misty - no outdoor work at all today
Had a flu shot at Ballard Green - went to Cooke Travel - received information on using tickets Eileen & I have (from Denver trip), Caldor had no ink pad for our calculator - I wrote Texas Instruments for one.
Sent group picture taken Oct 10th to Bit & Carolyn.
Caught up on papers.